Friday, June 29, 2007
just so you know
I shouldn't love you but i want toI just can't turn awayI shouldn't see you but i can't moveI can't look awaythis blog is taking so long to load that i'll move really soon.anyway, i went back to the kindergarten today ((: to work, that is. decided that since ntu wants to squeeze all their camps in the last week of july, i should just go do sth useful for now, like working! i was so scared that the kids will forget me but they DIDNT!
ofcourse, they'll give me the "i think i know you but im just acting blur" blank face at first...but when i said..
"do you remember me? im miss elena!"
then one boy told me:
"i knew youre miss elena!!"
so all of them came rushing over to say HI (: and as usual, climb over you and stuff but
boy, i really missed them (: i had so much fun with them today. and yay, they gave me new nicknames,
eleni... elly... elison? the cute part is that they end up giggling (:
when i stepped into the classroom,
the spanish kid saw me and gasped with delight..."it's... it's... missssss.. eeee.. eleeanooorrr!"(((:so, realised that
my mg class is having a gathering at night and it's POTLUCK. oh dear... so i went to bake AGAIN. and it was screwed up AGAIN because i didnt grease the pen properly :(
i will hearby announce that im totally BAD at baking!maybe i'll try other means like frying, grilling, steaming...and my grandma went on criticising and distrusting instant mixes while she opened her cookbook and rendered her traditional way of making cakes using flour, sugar, eggs, etc.
4a4 04 (:class gathering at jill's was great! (: even tho it took eonz to get there, with a dog that can fatally bite you. but it was good catching up with them, since forever, as we carried out hilarious conversations... and talked about sec sch days, outragous teachers, hilarious incidents, ky's kazillion nicknames and guesses as to where's clemmie! heehee (:
a time to clear out who's going
nus ntu smu oxford ucla uwa uhk US, and to exchange information (otherwise, known as bitch) about former-jc ppl...
and a time to CLARIFY to dearest jac, that im not attached and i dont have a boyfriend and that guy at the busstop was a friend ((: hahahah.jill: come on people, eat all the crumbs!andrea *looks at untouched peach strudel*: well, that's a big crumb!and when jac marries, we strongly remind her to not have it POTLUCK. LOL.and fellow nus people are having fass camps now. (practically the whole world is going fass)...
elena: so ky, how's guys that are older by 2years like? different?ky: erm, not really... they're..elena: oh so they're still retarded, stupid and dumb? okay, GOODboth agreeing: ya, i think boys will always stay the same. HAHA(pics up soon! )sidenotes..ex-muggingpartner: oh where have you disappeared to? (:mr birdy, handsome: you wanna catchup soon?joceeee: darl, let's go out next week k. jonny: i miss your hotness!bcube buddy: be thankful for that sunday! (:the mg journey ((:
thelongestday in mg. wheeee!
founder's (aka prom) 04
O levels results day and we're still fooling ard in the library
smiles aft Os results?? lol.
finally, yay! graduation (:
??class reunion??
And i dont know how to be fine when i'm not
Cause i don't know how to make the feelings stop
dancin' @ 12:34 AM
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
walking in the rain
cj 2005bummer, i look skinnier than now. miss you two sistaaas (:i feel like wearing uncomforatble cj uniform again.weird thing to feel like doing, i miss SCHOOL!home is getting boring. well,
i managed to get my lazy ass out of the house and into the pool this morning! CLAPS FOR MTSELF! thought of exercising after
being unhealthy for 5plus months. i lost track to the no. of laps i swam but i love passing the threshold of fatigue and just get the adrenaline pumping to swim like 10 more laps! (:
and then,
it started raining.
and it's ALWAYS HAPPENING TO ME! gahhhhh.driving was such a bummer today. just because of some failed attempt to overtake and end up stopping awkwardly, some other crazyass instructor HORNED CONTINUOUSLY at me. at that moment, i just felt like walking out of the car.
instructor of car no.60,if i recognise your face again,i might just eat you up!! grrr.and on to uni matters... all the orientation camps CLASH, landing me in a difficult situation in choosing ONE camp out of the many camps which im dying to go.
faculty union sports cac faculty union sport faculty union sport cac faculty union sport cac faculty union sport cac faculty union sport cac faculty union sport cac faculty union sport cac faculty union sport cac faculty union sport cac faculty union sport cacmaybe (:but i grew up,
wishing on a star*
-----CAC CAPTAINs BALLon sunday, i went down to support my church friends in the annual captain's ball tournament! ((: we all nearly dead on the trip to sengkang! FARRR. and gareth couldnt sleep. HAHA. but then, when we reached, we made it for worship!
overall, i think we ROCKKK (:we're not super pro players, but i can see the teamwork in our play (: and the way we play the game..
unfortunately, some opponent came asking us whether the referee belongs to our church.. but truth is, no the referee was just handling the game fairly, the way it should be played, just seeing what's correct.. and we played it fair. that was probably one of the many excuses used to push the blame for not playing well, or not playing fairly. outragous contacts, worst is, THEY SCOLD THE REFEREE.
enough said,
dont want to end up bitching.seriously, the game gets TOO competitive and it just loses the essence of making it a game to bond churches.
but still, we did have some fun (: the team faced the game with determination and whenever the game ends and when we retreat to our corner, we started joking laughing as usual and just enjoy our fellowship (: it's this attachment with the players (: and that last game with ymm was great! that's the way caps should be played.
so thanks YMM1! and
LESLIE! haha. they played with a heart to just
play. and sengkang offered to join us for dinner, ofcourse, we asked for their recommendations for good food since that place was almost foreign to us! (:
and, i met buru people ive gotten to know! YAY. im most glad to meet my twin, sandar! pose girl (:in songen's words:
Love the TA christian spirit! (:elena's the ultimate TA upporter!long service award, 6years of endless screaming for you i have sorethroat but it was worth it (:SMILE FOR TA! (((:we're through to the quarters since the team emerged first! (:
dancin' @ 12:05 AM
Sunday, June 24, 2007
that a lifetime's not too long,to be as friends (:sudden emo thought:FRIENDS,a special bunch of people that chuckles treasures alot! was just looking through my past entries of jc life, and so on, and ive come to miss those whacky times we've all shared in school, the desperate attempts to study, the slacking in the canteen, nightstudy that can be rather ineffective, flinging of hairbands before it breaks into two,
all the jacking (: and i feel sad that all this have to end so soon... and now, we are all reduced to meeting up at most once a week, when we used to say hi everyday. and i feel even worst that i have already lost people that i used to be connected to. and i just hope that i wont lose those friendships that im clinging onto.. or let them fade away.
i guess this is just the sentimental side of me.
and i really treasure any catching up session... but sometimes, it's the timing that screws it up, and it makes me feel really bad. but if there are more in the future, i'll grab it and meet! ((:
moving on with life may be part of life itself,
but chuckles cant let friends come and go just like that..
she loves her friends,
and they are really important to her (:
may be sth a kid will say but it's trueeee!to my church friends, guys, thanks for being there yes, every week! and im really thankful for all you funky bunch (: even if im known as bimbo amongst you guys, thanks for taking my crap all these 5plus years. and yeow, now you realise how much you mean to me as a friend bahhh ((: loves!to the people reading this,believe me,youre already loved by me ((:
dancin' @ 12:54 AM
Friday, June 22, 2007
a photo
you treat me like a rose(leslie emoboy's nice flower, and elena's great perspective = pro shot!)i am confusedtom, i have to meet:
1) sajc first3months og20 at 4pm2) go celebrate bhb yeow's steamboat birthday after yf (6pm)3)go graham bdae party at 7.30pm4) buru team2 for chill-out!i cant replicate and go for all. and ofcourse, you cant satisfy everyone! satisfy one and dont disappoint the rest too much.
ARGH.this shall be the account of a ULTRA fun day with my dearest cuddly brother! ((:i decided that being such an OLD older sister, i should just bring my brother out one day and let him love me more as a sister (: so we went out! as in, just the two of us.
normally it takes at least 20minutes to yank that ball out of bed.. but on thurs, i told him.. "fuzz, we're going to science centre!" and
immediately, his eyes opened! it was AMAZING, rare event, has not happened before! (i call him
fuzzie out of no reason, btw)

first thing bought! orange juice! he insist that he's not drinking at that moment!(:
he was a good boy when we went out into the public, he agrees to hold my hand when i told him that some bad guy might catch him away!
well, i must treasure times like this, before he starts having the cool attitude and start realising that his da jie is no longer so cool but lame. haha. the bus drivers seem to love him whenever he boards! wells, he was really excited himself, boarding buses, taking mrt, boarding bus again. and it was REALLY TOUGH to try to help him up the railings when he wants to sit there (:

waiting for the trainnnn (: bro and i (:

this is it! (:and amazingly, with the correct buses,
we didnt get lost! and made it (: yay! and fast enough to book the 1pm slot for the
dinosaur omnimax movie! excitedddd. and there was a small dinosaur exhibition! with cool cool prehistoric exhibits and one great dinosaur fossil called stan (: my bro was hyped and running about! and there was one crazy exciting simulator (:

us and stan!

the velociraptor that can run up to 60km/hr and my bro that can, well, run
rather fast.

note: my bro is not part of the exhibit (:

fuzzie, a dinosuar above you! (:

scared in the simulator! (aunty said that he will call his jiejie if he's scared! least she didnt call me mummy! freak! hah)
love you fuzzz (:and soon,
we became kaisu and started queuing for the show like 20minutes before, n he was the kiasu one! and then, a bunch of school kids came swaming in and i was really glad that we were kaisu! and when we barged in, we took like the best seats we could find! and
WOW, i love the omnitheatre cause the screen is like so freaking HUGE! and the dino show was rather awesome (:

he was shocked by the wideness of the screen!

and so was i? (:

he will learn how to cam-whore soon! (:
then, we went to my brother's fav eating place for lunch:
macs! fats and all... and he looked really satisfied with all the fries, nuggets and cheeseburger! HAHA. and i promised him sundae before we leave later. and then we dashed into the science centre after roaming around for toilets! haaa. the toilet part is scary cause he goes into the gents himself but startes calling for me once he's out which was quite a relief (:
in science centre, man, my bro went WILD! he seems to be really interested at the things that others were viewing! and pressed any botton he could find! the place changed like SO MUCH since the last time i came, a few kazillion years ago. lots of really cool stufff (:

the moray eel!

picture taken by someone short!
to think that they actually teach this to the kids! goodness! haaha, reminds me of my bio days but it was good to know all these so that i could at least explain to my brother about it. so in kid's terms, dna replication is... "
see dna? copy copy then you get 2 dna!" and then he goes WAHHH. and when i told him that i learnt all these in jc, he just gave me a look of respect and it felt good, to know that your brother looks up to you (:
"da jie, how do you know all this! what A to T?"im sure he learnt alot, he learnt about the DNA double helix,the nitrogeneous bases ATCG,and the dino fossil facts,how fossils form,how tornados form.
and had loads of fun! (:

feels good when he comes around to hold my hand to show my new things he saw! we didnt want to leave the place at all cause it's packed with so many interesting things, illusions, experiments, specimems, tornado, laser shows... but well, he started wanting to visit the gift shop so we finally left (:

still cant believe that mask cost 7BUCKS!

tired, on our way back homeee. (and my freak ugly double chin)
Thank God for him (:recent meet ups!!:
BURU TEAM2 at starbucks, ps for our movie and catchup night! ((:
and the t38 05/06 NS BOYSSS!! xin left after awhile :( but managed to catch the boys for a pic or two!
willie, was great seeing you guys, all you botaks unite! and for all the ns-sharing that i hear so often nowadays. haha. owe your guys one for dinnerrrr. and hopefully, the girls will be initiative enough to organise bbq soon k (:
dancin' @ 11:45 PM
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
keys to my heart*
.sometimes i wonder why diaries are made public when it's the place where people channel their personal thoughts. obviously, i have another revenue: the conventional diarybook.
for what is to be revealed,today
someone ah... actually managed to shoo
the xiaojie out of her house and out to claim my jeans! you're really something, to succeed in overcoming my laziness (: and after time wasted in getting temporary lost in vivo, wasted in getting some earrings from forever21 (it's SO tempting) and travelling,
buddy gotta admit that i was
rather fast ((:
oceans. nice cool, apart from all the slightly bombastic language. georgeclooney is really charming!
equationoceans +janice +buddy +talks +laughs +LOTSoffood +bashing +splashing +shopping +playingtoys +churchmates to go home with = a good day (:i gotta rush my ntu letters SOON
and yes,
是我最初和最后的天堂 (:
dancin' @ 12:14 AM
Monday, June 18, 2007
wo ke yi (:
llDear Miss Yeo,Welcome to NTU! Your course of study in INTERACTIVE MEDIA will commence on 6 August 2007.this letter is probably a template where they just fit your course correspondingly! but yes, i prayed and have decided to not put my good effort to waste and just hone my artistic skills (: university applications are just so complicated. there's the application, the portfolios, the video, the faculty test, the acceptance letter, the declaration part, the finances part, the medical form... TONS OF STUFF TO DO.
and i read through the whole admissions booklet! blehhh.
and FINALLY, i know when the orientations are! sad part is that apart from the faculty and hall camps, the FOC camps are all ard the same time! i wished i could just replicate and attend student's union, sports unlimited, cultural activities camps!
i feel excited, but scared, of facing a whole new phase of life, to face a whole new dimension with new faces everywhere. just hope that nothing will fade away now, like jc friends and stuff.
church camp just ended! ((: and it was AWESOME! it was good catching up times, as we chatted and giggled in our sleeping bags, knowing that we're being bad examples for the young ones! time flies and now, we are all the oldest, and the organisers! MASSDANCE owns! yay! hahaha and it feels good to dance, and share this happiness in dance to your friends! but it was super super fun to see people dance!
to dance till you fall to the ground laughing! grease lightning, indian dance, jj. i think gareth and yeow can compete for the funniest dance steps (: teepee was being really cooperative and enthu, and thanks for liking my dance!
it was a success!! me and
gareth were sweeping the floors again!
anna going crazy,
lydia's new move! and
yeow and the sweeping contengent!
goodtimesss (:pics soon! (including buru pics!)
and then, i went
joce's house!
JAREDKONG, YOU SLIMMED DOWN! goodness, now i really want to be in ns! hahas. it was great meeting joce, lishan,
pinks and catching up, laughing and giggling!
joce's friends says i look like some hot girl in sc. HAHAH (giggles)
and being really difficult against
YANGggg. seeing a skinnier
claudio, still looking the same: glamourous. retro
brendan! and staying 10minutes later just to say
happybirthday to
graham (:
hun buddy, when for oceanssss. and call people! LOL.
xinnieeee, wednesday? (:
and yes, im back to having you in my mind,
every moment, everyday.
dancin' @ 9:07 PM
Thursday, June 14, 2007
to have someone around
who wants to listen to elena's life story!hahaa. the holidays made me so lazy, my goodness. woke up as late as 12.30 today and that's my record so far! it's the dream. because i dreamt that i was in some posh club with some nice people and then, there was a
really BIG black sea monster in the river that turned into orange insects and BIG leeches that bites! grrr. didnt know that my brain has the capacity to imagine so much! (:
but YAY! met up with teamtwo today ((: and they made my night! rushed out of the house with jiaen's worship chords and ended up waiting for all them buggers to arrive. why must dhobygaut have 2control stations that confused me and ck (: wells! bro jiaen wanted to punch me for choosing PS, seeing the massive movie queue but it was leslieeee who came up with it. that dude had some stuff to do and was lateeee. HAIYO! lol. thank for rushing tho.
but it was fun and great.
SUANING, talking, crapping and creating such a mess everywhere (:
fantasticfour was gooooood, and i like it better than the first one! yay! it's good to watch it with people who can laugh alot! (: jessica alba's pretty but bit too mature.
f3: return of the silver surfer (FOR SURE!)then we chilled at starbucks when engying came along! it was really sweet of her to come, esp when she was flying off soon.
wonderful night and elena feels loved <3 and happy,even tho i get all the jacking! ((:AND I SAW GLEN AT PS TODAY! MAN, HE SLIMMED DOWN ALOT. i mean ALOT, and i cant emphasize more! no more triple chin! makes me want to join the army to slim down! but glen looked really really different but still sounded the same and as retarded (: heehee.
my brother has a crazy obsession with starwars that it's scary!TOMORROW,
meeting the
mg girls for shrekkkkk. yay! and then to church to be extra with the campcomm! teach them dance moves till they die >:) and stay overrr. oh yay! (:
chuckles OUT! (:
dancin' @ 1:54 AM
Monday, June 11, 2007
unecessary lovesong
the smile on your face,lets me know that you need methere a truth in your eyes,seeing you'll never leave methe touch of your handsays that you'll catch me wherever i fall.i think i will cry if my blog crashes one day and all my posts just disappears!
well right now,
my life is not as exciting as silly army boys, or juniors having a hell of a time facing their As. GRR.
im overly bored that i started playing warcraft AGAIN, trying to convince myself that this game is actually quite fun because ppl like jon is still playing it!
i play the lame campeigns. HAHAA.
omgosh omgosh omgosh omgosh!I PASSED PARALLEL PARKING TODAY!and i seriously think im quite a hazard on the road
i always pity my driving instructors ((:
pic of me and my sis in grandpa's bdae bash (:
monkeys in bishan. jon hun sean.
yay! i want to go out on wed and have a ball of a time k ((:
BURUUUU. 1k of pics is quite awesome for 5days (: posting them will take a century.
dancin' @ 9:27 PM
Sunday, June 10, 2007
dont start to cry
save tonight,
and fight the break of dawn.
im getting lazier by the day because today is by far the day that i SLEPT THE MOST! goodness (: hahaha in all my bus trips. not during service ofcourse. but class was chaotic today! all because of
malcolm the monkey! blehhh.
buru team2, i miss you guys!let's go back to the place we miss the most (:
emoboy and aunty (:and i did a good deed today. all for
hun buddy, bestfriend sean and pigpanzee jon... hun has to book in by 545 today!
GRRR. and there goes shrek3 AGAIN. hun and sean, two of you taking turns to ps me aye! anyways
, in order to not waste time, i sacrificed and WENT ALL THE WAY TO BISHAN to meet buddy today! so proud of myself! and as usual, i was as blur on the bus as the time when i went to find sherm in serangoon. but i made it! (:
was going to find jon,
when i saw sean lee and his mum! so i called.
sean: ello bestfriend! erms, where are you? are you standing next to a bald guy?el: erms, NO? haha. wait i see you.sean: wait i see hun, oh gosh, he's bringing a girl!el: HUN!i admit that i really wanted to meet up with them but as much as i want to, i hate all of them! LOL. reason being that
they are tall people,they only bully me,they are ego.and we have to go swensans AGAIN! hahas. they made me eat so much! and buddy realised how nice i was to him! abit slow aye you! im a nice buddy okay! and so, he was nice today (wells, less bad i mean, suaning and violence not counted because that's normal between us)
and we all miss JC :((
we all went to buddy's house in the end! and YAY! his dogs, clay and kim, love me!
not because im their kind, jon! hyperly cute. as buddy desperately tries to prepare his army stuffs, me and sean fooled ard with his army things! DOGTAG!
i actually dozed off when i was watching jon dota!kana owned dude (:grandpa was smiling today which is good! and i feel really guilty to be so caught up with things that i dont have time to even go visit him at st lukes and let him hold my hands.
JUNE GOAL: to make my bro feel lucky to have a sis like me (:
dancin' @ 11:10 PM
Friday, June 08, 2007
How great is Our God
it's been so long since ive last updated (:
beautiful sunset at the jetty (:just came back from a really SPECTACULAR mission trip to buru, indonesia with an amazing team of people. now that i understand that it was really God's plan that he just 'cha-pa-lang' put us together! 5days spent in that place has given all of us a chance to experience the tranquility of the seas, and the creations of God, His wonderful plan for the people
liwen justin tp xinan selene ck leslie jiaen elena = team2we will spread your love (:
waking up together,eating together,sleeping together,wash plates together,sweep floor together,thank aunty together,watch sunset together,play with the kids together,feel irritated by the kids together,do chicken dance together,level up in hokkien together,sweat together,sing together,go crazy together,TAUNT together,PRAY TOGETHER,SPREAD GOD'S WORDS TOGETHER (:and i have to give all the glory to God cuase He has been our pillar of support all these while. i also gotten to know new people, and become closer to my close friends. YAYness. and i already start to miss the kids there! they are just different, with that fire to learn.
i miss the cool breeze,
the scenic view of mountains and the sounds of the waves crashing into the sands and residing.
without any evidence of men's doings, and just God's creation!
i have
500+ pics to consolidate (:
TEAM2,no more, no less,just that perfect 10 (:(28may) anyways, that spidey3 was bit draggy but i think it was nice? (: the company was good! yeow, gar lydia! and man did we lose out in the food part cuase yeow and gareth have such a HUGE MOUTH. gareth thinks that we're not tt loser cause there are still people watching spidey but the thing is that it's HIMSELF that is loser, and not us! hahahahs.
1st june... LAST DAY in kindergarten before the june hols start! and i guess it's different cause you would want to live it as if your last. kids, miss elena misses all of you (:
3rd june... i owe a huge truckload of apologies to
hun buddy because i was super duper late but the thing is that for buddy, i cabbed down! and saw jon too! same as ever. 2tallies. there was some hiptop competition in fareast and we met janice there. buddy was commenting as if he knows dance super well. but he must admit that i have levelled up in my suaning.
i love buddy talks. how tight ((:sean, we didnt ps you. shrek3 this week ya.KO liaos (:
dancin' @ 11:36 PM