Sunday, May 27, 2007
;;just watched
pirates with
tash, graham, yang (:do you savvy it? -well, kindathe problem is everything is just so convoluted like what tash said.
unless you remember what happened in 1 and 2, you'll probably be lost in all the words with that british accent.
well, i'm just sad tt she must stay in that forsaken island, wait for him for 10years just to see him for 1day. WHAT LOVE. and
lots of laughs ((: like that random korean female pirate
(looks like padme from starwars) that only gives obnoxious AHHs in the whole show.
and awesome music (:
still, i love captain jacksparrow ((:"Thank goodness for that because if I wasn't, this'd probably never work"Barbossa: There's not been a gathering like this in our lifetime.Jack sparrow: And I owe them all money.tomorrow,
FINALLY, to watch spidey with lydia, gar, yeowi hate army. it makes my friends deprived, in a way, making me deprived as well.
dancin' @ 1:27 AM
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
dancing in the moonlight
movie last watched: NEXT (: yet to watch: spidy3 (grrrr), pirates, shrek, f4, transformerslast birthday: SERENA'S (: great day yesterday.last exciting thing: i bumped into caleb (sajc) when he was booking out. YAY[recent problem]
im just so darn confused about where im headed to.
days just slip by,and i continue to drag my confirmation of acceptance that takes just 1SEC to confirm"click ok"nus vs ntunus has such an exciting and vibrant campus! (:but i guess i'll end up trying to convince myself to head for ntu, ULTIMATELY, because i feel so much more excited for the course there!
and so far, it gets more exciting when i hear more and more people going NTU (:like, small jan, mel, nessie, ME.(potentially)xin, hun, jonnyand hopefully, the list goes on.... (:i finally found the orientation week for ntu! (:
Goal for next 4years: find ways to make my uni life enriching and exciting.and another thing im confused about is probably the uncertainty in the course. i havent found any reassurance to succeed in that art school yet, thinking that it's still rather new! then, i heard all my experienced and good-in-art friends heading for overseas universities of the arts....
what's worst, when i browsed their websites, i found that St Martins, College of Arts in London has Hons Degree in Theatre Design, where it's just hardcore designing there, and you just focus on that! just what i wantbetter than being uncertain in spore! :(
well, blame myself for not researching so much, and being so fickle abt my future.
Maybe a Masters there would be good.
GOD, personally, i feel that it's your plan that i stay in spore and study.and that You want me to be in design, but pls give me that reassurance,and pls be thou my vision (:you, if only we could live twice.
dancin' @ 11:44 PM
Saturday, May 19, 2007
at the crossroads

first time ive seen my mum so high on the phone as she peered into my third letter.
God has been really gracious to me and have given me more that what i wanted, hoped for, dreamt of.ADM
LKCSBall those acronyms.
and again, im back to square1..
#1 has always been a goal in my life, to venture into my passion, my innermost interest, and finally settle down in my personal haven where i can design whatever i want, whatever i feel. then, there's #2 my childhood dream to walk into my dream uni, be part of their vibrant campus, and to do what ive always wanted to do: to try out something unexpected and new like theatre studies. and that reminds of my #3, it is just as new to me, just as exciting and challenging. but more than anythg, i find it difficult to walk away from a rare, great opportunity like studying in that sch of this is what it means to keep your options open
REALLY OPEN.i didnt expect it to be so difficult to say NO, i dont what to be there.and i could not find another moment,
to give thanks to God.forever i dont mind smuggling pasta into the movies girl (: so exciting!
graham, ppl- MISS YA.
jared- i promise that we all will meet up real soon! i will kill if i cant make it.
joce- there's just so much to talk about (:
Hbuddy- you're the noobest! HAHA.gareth, yeow- back huh botaks... long awaited spidey (:
lydiaaaa- maybe we should watch spidey without them.
and you, im driving by the place that i met you for the 97th time. well, ard there. that must be it huh, the feeling that we didnt want to go away long ago. but can i say we, or shall i say just me.
dancin' @ 11:48 PM
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
fei ni mo shu*
;.NO BABY PICS TODAY! hahahas. im just lazy!
today... the kids were just HYPERACTIVE! oh my goodness, with only me and
germaine in the montessori area, we were gonna go mad! suddenly it seemed like the kids multiplied and were walking everywhere.
breaktime = time when you wish the end-break bell would ring soon.FORTUNATELY, it was raining today and the kids just have to stay indoors. i was entertaining one set of toys and seconds later, all the kids crowds ard there.
was making 5steeringwheels,5 tierras,1snake for the kids.. AT THE SAME TIME!and seconds later,i had 1 tierra on my head,random snake coiling ard,STILL making steering wheels.and i really hoped the bell would ring soon!even when they were leaving, i had 2 waterbottles hanging from over my head from those boys.
WOW, what's gotten into them!anyways,
i went out with the pretty babes ytd night (: with
joce, jan, tocks, we wanted to watch a movie! but we were so fated to not watch 200pounds :(( oh wells, i guess
bridge to taribithia was REALLY random. and it would have been nice if we would have wonderfully "
opened our minds and let our eyes see"...
the whole movie was just an imagination of a absurd kingdom with people that look like birdcages... and harmless darklords, ugly birds.. WHY MUST THE GIRL DIE!.. and the bridge only came out in the end!but we did catch up alot! and being chuckles, i couldnt stop talking sometimes! it was awesome really (:
thank u'll for making my night!jan, send the photos quick ((:
hannah, i cant comment on your blog ya.
非你莫属-- it had to be you
maybe just one random cute boy (:
dancin' @ 12:22 AM
Sunday, May 13, 2007
cant stop thinkin of you.

i'm falling into
memories of you,
the things we used to do,
follow me there,
a beautiful somewhere,
a place that i can share with youuuu (:
a line from my great gender book:
in a guy's heaven, they will have 3 remote controls and toilet seats flipped up.
i just watched some random hongkong movie...
loveydovey movies that makes you all warm and fuzzy inside ((:
and it says that
the person to marry,
should be the one you cannot live without.
i find it quite true.
wells ANYWAY, today's mom's day! and i gave my mom a special gift: a good haircut ((: and man, she loved it! esp when we all realised that she really needed one(: yay. i guess it's when youre just free frm studies and stuff, when you start thinking about events like mother's day and try to make it seem more worthwhile ((: a good thing (:
saturday was just as amusing. met up with famous latecoming king, gareth yeo yongtai, and i had to wait for him at vivo's watson.
gareth: you're there? okay im here! JUST DONT MOVE.
(i think it was the longest time ive spent in watson, trying to look interested at all the random stuffs they have there! well to kill time, i picked up the nicest wrapped mantos tube which he wanted and turned out that it was just one of his moves to keep me occupied -.-" )
nice try to make me pay for lunch... and cousin keithy was there too! (: laughs, the gettinglost and looking blur gene really runs in the family....
well, everyone in church seemed really excited to see gareth in army costume. lol. truth is, is he really macho? or is it relative?
yf population: 49 (REJOICE!)
went to hospital again and i held my grandpa's hands again. seems like the amount of time spent holding his hands this week was the longest in 18years. dont know, just seems like it was the bestest hands to hold. great, he's smiling and eating again ((:
then, went icu to see my grandaunt. she cant talk, but i know she could hear us, and see us... so me and my mum prayed for her, telling her to be STRONG, and not give up this battle. and then, we saw her tearing. i wanted to be there for her, to show her God's love for her. i think it hurts to be so touched to tears, and not be able to express her feelings at all. it must have hurts alot all this while :(
keep on praying.
how this felt oneyear sixmonths ago i know,
i cannot forget.
dancin' @ 11:05 PM
Friday, May 11, 2007
emotional flactuations
keep on praying, and trusting.
random happy events ((:the kinder kids are always making me giggle.1. i fixed a boy's waterbottle for him and
he kissed my hands with his mouth full of mashed potato.2. then, i was attacked by a boy (aka kissing monster)
3. this is how they compare numbers:
i got 600plus infinity plus 31!4. i have became a kid's teacher-mummy in school.
5. the kids think that im married and pregnant. GAHH.ohhhh. and
mrhandsome's back from fieldcamp! how exciting. and
still proclaiming that he's handsome botak. LOL. and i'll give you a spin before you pass... trust me.
congrats to brendanmok for making into smu buz (: brendan, the businessman (:
my bro bought 2cupcakes for mother'sday, just that they were not all for mum, but one for actually kept for himself, even if it's supposed to be for mothers. HAHA, lil bro ((:but then, i had to pull down my mood..because dad cried today.
well, i guess he showed me how he treasured his dad aka, grandpa.
grandpa's gotten a fever, and cant walk yet, and soon to be transferred to do some psychotherapy. but it's his helpless, sorry look when you see him
:(even tho my
grandaunt made it thru the op, she cannot accept how her body has been demaged. and now,
she wants to go, as in go away for good. SHE WANTS. and it hurts to hear that, esp when she gestured it to her children. but it speaks of how much she hates hanging there
:((to know how ignorance can do to you.
chuckles stuffs herself with chocolates to make her feel better.God, their lives, In Your Hands.
dancin' @ 11:02 PM
where is he.
this feeling's like no other.
do i miss it?i had a weird dream of being tog with justin timberlake. (just someone with that name, not timberlake timberlake) HOW ODD, no comments. in the dream, i was successfully convincing myself that i needed no one else when i woke up! and, i know i didnt want to wake up when my alarm rang, and i tried to push myself back into the dream for another 10minutes.I'M GONNA FIND THAT MYSTERY TIMBERLAKE! >:)IT'S LATE.
another exhausting day with the killing heat.
my bad eating habits finally gave me gastric. and that's badd. wells, had a whole day of running ard to kindergarten, to drivingcentre, to tuition..
and im just glad that i saved 2kid's lives today before their killer midyears tomorrow. poor things, all so stressed.. purebio with tons to mug, and art, with tons to draw... :(anyways,GOOD NEWS! my grandaunt's op was a SUCCESS. she's resting now (: somehow, i knew it all along that God would have His amazing plan to save her, and lead her back to Him... to let her know Him more.
thanks to ALL who kept her in prayer! prayer works wonders (:uni update:for chuckles going NTU adm: 100% (nessie!:D )for chuckles going
NUS fass:
0%chuckles herself:
quite clueless.smu buz interview:
PENDING?? (i understand how you feel, sheryl)
joce! im SO up for it (: ask tocks! for you: i drafted sth there, tell me if you can see gonna
dancin' @ 1:08 AM
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
a reluctant smiley (:
..actually i dont really feel like blogging today.
simple prayer request:my grandaunt is undergoing an operation now to remove the tumour in her large intestines. (turns out it wasnt as simple as ulcers) success rate is 20%. really low. what a SHOCKER to think that she was fine ytd morning.
moral of the day: do not let bodypains go on for months without a scan to see whats going on inside.
and so they say,
and i believe,
THAT PRAYER WORKS WONDERS.PLS GOD!i'm just glad that grandpa's doing better than bad. unstable still but
he's hanging there (:present status:
1. Semi-depressed/Nervous/Blank
2. Unwilling to read my Olevels bio books for tuition. (it looks really discouraging)
3. thinking of ways to convince myself that my social life is still there.
joce, tocks: up for a day of korean movie and manymany talks? ((:an attempt to TRY to cheerup is to look at my uni status.NTU adm vs
NUS fasspeople for me going NTU: 100%
people for me going NUS: 0%
myself... i cant really decide.
and wheres the SMU buz interview outcome?comeon chuckles, CHEER gotta face the kinder kids tomorrow.
dancin' @ 11:21 PM
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
this day, we fight.
perhaps this is what spiritual warfare is....the different acts by satan, to challenge and to discourage you in your service for God.
in a dull mood
after a really exhausting
work.driving.tuition combo day
and again, i was nearly knocking off during driving.
but God gave me some verses of strength (:A PRAYER FOR THE EPHESIANSFor this reason, i kneel before the Father, from whom his whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name. I pray that out of His glorious riches He may strengthen you with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge -that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine,
according to the power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever, Amen.
--ephesians 3:14-21friends who are christians,pls pray for my
grandfather in hosp. now,
he just got a minor stroke and is discovered with some bloodclods in the brain. though not as serious, he looked really weak. pray that God will strengthen and give him peace.
and pls prayer for my
grandaunt who just got admitted as well,
for having (suspected) stomach ulcers that is giving her immense abnorminal pain. she looked terrible and in pain. pray that God will lift her out of her pain and hold her hand through this.
in all cause,
i'll continue to work hard for my missiontrip to buru!
this day, we FIGHT.i will not be moved
and i'll say of the Lord,
you are my shield, my strength
dancin' @ 11:26 PM
can you teach me to remember how to smile.
it's getting really hot these days!
ONE KIDS said...
miss elena, youre so hot!*entertains ownself and laughs stupidly*my life have been really hectic and really monotonous.
work/driving/3tuitions/tuition mugging/missiontrip prepthen end up wishing to crash home and just bum around aimlessly, finding ways to sustain my social life.esp when it's the exam period now.....
i just had 5hours of comes with the hardwork!
feel like im back in sch, as i was
mugging physics on the bus to teach my trip science student tonight.
I CANT BREATHE.the best thing is that i started DOZING OFF while driving last fri, started going off course and depending on my instructor to nudge my steeringwheel.. i was BRAKED to life again when i nearly crashed into a cab. LOL.
chuckles the reckless driver that accelerates crazily at smallroads, and follows the wheel when doing u-turns ((:wells,
for consolation,
I GET TO SEE THE KIDS EVERYDAY (:beams. little devils and angels. i was trying to stop a kid from calling me
mummy. awww (:
FINALLY, i get to catch up with my social life by meeting tocks, jon,hunnn and marianne on sunday (:
the power of caps. railway boys (: look mummy! NO HAIR!
be there for you darl (:buddy finally got the time. he looks different obviously! but still as senseless monkeyish and crappish. LOL. they're STILL THE SAME! army is supposed to change you! haha (: jon is still slackish and lazy as a cow. LOL.
anyways, even tho we couldnt find good movie timings... it's better just crapping at swensons and nearly talking till the cows come home.
yay, i love tocks cause we always have each other against them nsboys...
BOTH wearing caps, and looking like their iq dropped a few levels aft been thru some ns. me and tocks were like their mummies cause they looked so blur, deprived and away from civilisation. and hun convinced me that his suaning skills didnt deprove. but i'll have to agree that they've been saying really weird things! and we allowed them to share about their ns life.... (that's all they have) while trying to configure the
ns jargons:
soc, ippt, ooc, 11b, pti
and we continued talking about garnades when marianne came (: well, now we know some knowledge abt ns... and opening our eyes to the disparity of MASS in there.
and i think it'll be good,if girls can go for occassional one-month ns,with less-tough training, no fieldcamps, good diet plans.but dont think the govt is sane enough to propose that!
jon wants juicy cj bakua. you gossip queen.HAHAHA.

and what's awesome is that, i get to see sweet
HANNAH BABEHhh in our combined yf on sat in church. (: though she was LATE! lol. we need to catchup girl.
pics from meetup with xin, ann ((:
sweet indulgence at maxbrenner! (: sinful.
this is what THICK CHOC can do to you. make you really happy like ann or make you feel sick after a while.
but yay, we still had funnn!
dancin' @ 12:03 AM
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
unemoing emo
MAY DAEEE (:met up with shermany and alex today (: fun! and we thought of something incredible and smart in the small corner coffeeshop, al ahmin that will be BIG in 10years time. haaha. everything starts with a dream. sherman, dont be sian! and then i went for a time of sinful indulgence with ann and weixin (: i'm not going to have choc for another 10months.details n pics next time causeI FINALLY CAN SETTLE DOWN AND COMPLETE MY LONG-OVERDUED KINDERGARTEN REPORTS.chuckles writes on 30april.... and so,THEY ARE BACK (:hell unleashes its fury! lol.
even if they claimed that they are men already,
they are still the same.. just with less hair ((:
the soldiers of spore. bleh. LOLdarcy - the ndp bronze guygar - ex-convict that tries to be coolyeow - ex-convict/alienjonny - big-eared MONKEY
priscella, me, tash having fun (:sat morning.. planned to meet the 2 convicts.. and ENDED UP REALLY LATE! haha. however,
waking up at 5am everyday didnt help as they were still late, even though earlier than me!. a leopard that does change its spots. but the ns talks were hilarious! (:
gareth with that huge mouth eats slow, and yeow claims that he has the best bod in his platoon.after yf, we all went to eaaat (:
i love yf ((:and then we TRIED to play munchins in rafflescity. and yeow was like a monster unleashed, hungry like hell. gareth refuses to treat! hahh.
sunday!!im sure it was one really meaningful service and worship for our ns-men. and it's great that you can book out and go church (: they tried to convince people that they're alr men aft ns while trying to stop people from touching their botak heads that belongs to them only! guess who i met after church...
I MET HOTJONNY!! fooooo! with
tash in coffeebean (: and it was a great catchup session with our inspector Tan (: and he refuses to show us his hair! and told me all the whacky insane things about amazing muggingpartner, haha!
well, whats amazing is that, when me and jonny were going off...
as we walked pass CK, the gates were open! and i dragged him in... jonny has no excuse! and we saw our staff teacher and her kids ((: YAYY. and they saw his botakhead.
jonny, thank me for going chinatown so that you can go CK! jon has no artistic eye. and he didnt sponsor my trip!
take off that hat!
YAY JONNY!chinatown =
k-ster! and it was quite awesome! making all our whacky videos. and after my tuition, we met again, now with gareth tt ps-ed us during k-ster.
yeow the alien
lydia anna (:GOOD FOOD in bukit timahmarket + GREAT talks abt anything + 9999999 smiles and laughters - outcasting yeow who selfishly ordered his watermelon juice = SORE THROATHAHA.
but the fun just vanishes,
when i started attending more and more funerals
dancin' @ 1:09 AM