Tuesday, February 27, 2007
our time is running out
i can see us holding hands,
walking on the beach our toes in the sand.(chuckles wrote on 27th feb)okay, chuckles really dont feel like blogging anymore! :((As will be out soon... and i wonder whether people are really freaking out... ms lee probably will be seeing my marks soon and from her expression that day, probably can guess what ive got... just dont want to disappoint her.
problem is,she has too high hopes on me!ok, i'll just accept whatever comes my way and naturally, it goes with the crying!
wells, stupid computer is screwed up again and my dad asked me to go find some friends that deals with comps... ARGH! i want my laptop!!! windowvista is so darn impressive! :D
teeeeepee was in the national lib today and i wanted to go pop a cheerful HI to him ((: that bugger is one of the nice guys i know :D hahh but was at home watching fullhouse today and missed out on meeting him! :( next time aye. and while watching tv
, i happily saw my sis's special spongebob balloon FLY OUT OF THE WINDOW! it floated away and i scramed to take my slippers and chased aft it until it floated behind the bungalows.. and i was like..
oh no, it's gone! *freaks* and then, got lost in bugis with
exmuggingbuddy today. all the dragging ard was fun in a way HAHA. dumbo (:
and i still owe
joyce and
joce presents!
and needs to go buy random stuffs... prob with j'e, marc, mal n serena tom.
dancin' @ 11:47 PM
therecanbemiracles (:
how great is our Godsing with me, how great is our Godand all will singhow greathow great is 0ur God ((:IM BACK!! yay. life is fun again! hahahas. wells what a fulfilling trip! joted down my thoughts and feelings but im just lazy to copy it down now. knowing that i went there to help the people there, i ended up learning so much more from them! ((:
it was such an eyeopener! cows and bulls that roams around the land when just nice, my station for stationgames was at that patch of land! with the cowdunk as well! and chickens and pigs running everywhere... but the qn is whether or not you see them running ard or on your table! HAHA.
we were at war with the kampong chicken
3days of pork and pigoil with supper everynight means a MAJOR DIET AND EXERCISE for me!
most importantly, i'll miss the hospitable people there (: their simple-mindedness and their willingness to share.. everytime is just less complicated there.
their strong faith and truthful prayers... my spiritual role models.
i witnessed His miracles, and His power.
God is great! :DD
friends, i promise to be back next yr! some of them even wanted to invite me to their houses! and they pulled me ard to take photos! where do you get that in spore! HAHA :D
missing all of you! ((:
im getting lazy to blog.
meeting je and tp tom. YAY ((:
dancin' @ 12:04 AM
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
time machine
i need to go faraway,
a few years back would be okay
i just need to unwind.
in about 3hours time, i would have to wake up... with me daddy and be on our way to the airport!! :D we're going on a mission trip to hainan, china!!! :)) guess me and lydia have been waiting for this day to come! to finally go hainan, like many of our church 'zhang bei's...
wahhh. i cant imagine the madness we'll have at night... lydia, me and bimbo yinjia. madness. HAHAHA.
wells, i guess most importantly, i pray that God will always be with us and help us touch the hearts of the people there! cause ultimately, it is God who will be the harvester, we're just the ones sowing the seeds (: and may we be great testimonies of God and that miracles can be seen there!! ((: grant us journey mercy as well, on the budget airline. and good weather and good terrain there! pray for the speaker, the movie screening, the games, the christian walk
friends, do pray for us alright? (:
chinese newyear is getting more and more routine... but im just glad that i at least get to meet and converse with the faraway relatives at least once a year (: and this yr, im 'cliqueing' with the aunties and uncles... which mean, girl, youre AGEING!
and a great time to catch up with friends,
it was awesome meeting up the NSboys, jared, graham and yang! guess apart from the training and shit, they gained alot of new experiences and fun. weird sergeants, the commands, the waterparades, the recruits, the singalong sessions, wandering ladies at night..you guys look the same!...... all the ns talking made me and lishan raise our eyebrows. and ofcourse, jared's brother leonard who's just so unpredictable and nice to have along (: takecare mate! and the other meetup with cornyyy, weixin and leslie for rounds of mahjong!! :D beginner's luck! it was fun fun fun ((: im just sorry i had to leave early. and ofcourse, exmuggingpartner which half-ps-ed me and chatted after his big win aye! why am i the only unlucky one that kana ahhhh. and to the churchyfers! (: for a funfilled tues playing munchins, bridge and gameoflife! to sebestian and tp for opening their houses to us monkeys! HORRAY for the laughter, jacking and catchingup!
new year pics and details out once im back! :D
needs to catch up with some sleep!
and As are not coming out this week!! i got notice from some of my mum's contacts...
but no matter when, IM SCARED.
God's will, God's will.
be back on monday!DONT MISS ME TOO MUCH! (:
dancin' @ 10:33 PM
Sunday, February 18, 2007
unforgivable sinner
the clock strikes 12!
HAPPY CHINIESE NEW YEAR TO ALL THE PEOPLE I LOVE! :DSMILE:)) and have a really prosper year ahead! and may all our dreams come true! ((:
vivek today cause he's out of camp! :D (vv, stay strong!) and
we had our longawaited meet up with ele at b&j! (: she and
dawn are like workaholics! anyways i had my scoopy interview there! and i really wanna work at b&j cause they're like the happy people place! and i am a happy person so keep my fingers crossed and HOPE i made it through!
(to people that knows what happened to chuckles before As)i was let in on sth. well, i wanted to know it anyway. so then, i decided to be brave and face it! after awhile, i got so annoyed, i closed it.
so now, chuckles is clear about what happened. and i need to shout it out:ive gotten over with it alr but i cant believe i even became emo about it! i feel so disgusted. it was like i was super heartbroken about the whole situation while that person just goes on to find someplace else where the grass is greener! studies probably screwed up my brain to a point when im so STUPID enough to even make stupid decisions.ele, thanks for listening to me and let me rant it all out n laugh at your comments. BOYS ARE STUPID, esp that type. and dont you worry
because i know im WAY MUCH better than that! once joce is back, we can plan our grand plan >:)
here's the SMILE for you darl ((:to that person: chuckles is nice but to you it might be an exception.
i just wish that i dont have to talk to you again. unforgivable sinner....i cant be bothered with it already! okay BACK to my day
i went to watch GHOSTRIDER with marc, serena, gareth, mal, keith! :)) mal didnt miss his thriller.
even though the show has all the soul-sucking, body-burning, ghost-flying, satan-related stuffs... me and serena thought it was DARN COOL! WOO! I LOVE GHOSTRIDER! he only kills the bad people! and
the young guy was cute (: when he grew up to be nicolas cage, we were like.. SIAN. but it was cool (:
pls watch.

his flame-on transformation was COOOOL.

this scene of both ghostriders from 2 generations made me and serena jumping on our seats! :))
then i went to meet
corn, willie and
aloy (: they were playing the tennis game that sherm taught me the last time! and willie accompanied me to do
some last min shopping! thanks girlfriend, you best! (: youre such a shopper! he helped me find jewellery. and made me feel like i have good taste cause he just agrees with all that i choose!
chuckles bought....
bodyshop liq eyeliner,
urs black heels,
forever21 red heart earstuds <3
HAPPPPPYYY (:on fri, i went back to cj for cny! for the performance! with
hun, kevin and
markp... and when i met them in the canteen.... first thing i said...
"kevin! you look beng man.." lols. but that bugger looks quite funky now. lols and i guess cny performance was alright! ODAC SANG THE SAME SONG AGAIN! making us laugh our heads off! and we had a look at the typical cj things... retarded games that classes place
"that's class spirit! --hun" and how bad audience we can be! :D making random noises and stuff. and
i met the cj dancers!! HUGGS TO ALL! (: and i had to tost 'yu sheng' with them.
and you can imagine alr... 15girls, 5guys and one small plate of food...
1,2,3...*SCREAMS*as the girls frantically throw the 'yu sheng' everywhere with their chopsticks WHILE screaming... soon the boys stood on the benches and started making 'yu sheng' free fall from 1m above the table.chuckles runs away from the chaos with bits of vegetables on her arms.then we made a dash to meet
tocks in suntec! with eyeliner on, she's STILL the sweet girl i know (: and it was great meeting you sweets (:
we walked ard and saw really really cool movie figurines ((:
and we had a mindless argument whether ponies are babyhorses or a breed on its own!!and they concluded: ponies another breed la, just like elena's another human breed. she's a baby human. and when me and tocks were talking... they said.. dont they look like a foal talking to a pony! the sentence i remembered...
elena, i dont think we can leave you on the table, since they say pls dont leave your possessions behind!before i go, note to self:dont ever fall back and TRY to be happy cause you ARE alr happy!dont go back to listening to happythoughts songs cause im way over it (: to those that stood by me: we need to talk. i need to boost my morale again! quickquick.
i cant believe
that i can be so blind
it like you were floating,
while i was falling and i didnt mind!
dancin' @ 12:30 AM
Thursday, February 15, 2007
thats what friends are for

okay it's been a long day at home :D
dad brought in a computer man and how the computer's well again! HORAYY!
so anyways, i was busy with tons of stuff today and finally came here to blog (in detail) about my
awesome awesome vday yesterday!okay, my day started out at
6.30am!! yanked myself out of bed...
because i had to accomplish my secret vday mission: BAKE CAKE for my friends whom im meeting at night! but i had to leave the house for a oneday job at yishun by 10... SO IT WAS A RUSH!with red eyes... i went to coldstorage to buy bettycrocker's cakemix! :) and by the time i was back... i was well ahead of time! :D so mixed everything and placed it into the oven of happiness!! :)) hahahaha.
i bake it with love okay (: so everything seems to be fine...
UNTIL THE CAKE STARTED CRACKING! FREEEEAK! so then, took out the cake and tried it... first impression to me, the cake was too dry, and tasted like its overcooked!
AH DREADS :((so then
PLAN B: go get hershey's syrup to make the cake abit sweeter and moist. but i could get syrup anywhere.PLAN C: i grabbed a bar of cadbury's chocs and melted the choc over a wok of steaming water!! and
i messed up the kitchen real bad! and then, the cluminess of my first cooking attempt started to show... as water started mixing with the choc and i was fumbly with the wok here and there! OH SHEESH.
and by the time i ended......
10.40AM! DIE DIE DIE.cabbed down to yishun and
i got my first blow in my money pocket!! oh wells, met
hafiz and
thad there! and then i met a guy called
bryan! and he was jes's boyfriend! OKAY IM SLOW! and with them, the more im convinced taht i myself am a bimbo! oh my goodness.
elena, STOP BEING STUPID. hhahha. and
i proved to them tt day that i have zero sense of direction and hundred percent absent-minded! oh wells, we were there to facilitate some amazing race event for the airforce team.. no cute guys :( wells, it went on well with old people running to pick envelop from me at my station!
and the walkytalky thing was real fun :D yayy! but then i didnt talk much crap into it. it's like better than handphones! hahaa. so at the end of the day,
we cleared up and got our 50bucks! but 20 to cab, 10 to thad... 20 left! :((( oh and tt
bryan ah! he was DAMN FAST at bullying me okay! hit head, shake chair, jackjack! you're one of them evilboys! *gasp*
i worked with them (:
and then rushed down to dhobygaut.... to meet
hun! oh wells, jon wasnt there to spend vday with him man. so anyways, IM SO SORRY for making him wait for ages... but then, we went to ben and jerrys to meet
ele! and
dawn was there! and i stopped hun from being vulgar! come on..
it's vday! GOOD DAY and FILLED WITH LOOOOOOVE (:spread the love ya! (:and
hun thinks he's super tall, cause he kept on kicking my bag containing the cake filled with love! youre kicking the love away!! stupid boy. and wells, pls believe in love and valentine's promise.

feel the loooove (:

ele's lost weight! youre super skinny sweets. and you know whos the staker.

none other than the boy that will believe in love one day!
then i realised that my
church friends are alr in
glasshouse! we actually gotten ourselves seats in there! cause the crowd outside the glasshouse was like majorly huge. i guess there were no single tables but many group tables! HAHA. and first thing i got there... I GOT JACKED BY THEM. and lydia and anna told me to check out some guy but nahhh. and
charloette and
suejean were there too! lovelove (: when i got back, they say i act popular and randomly go to tables to say hi! HOEI.
times with this bunch of whacky people is just MAD. we had super much fun laughing, cam-whoring, taking candid shots and stuff. and made super alot of noise! we were super extra there!! lols.so maybe the pictures will say more about our night there! (:
hook a steamy affair (:
suejean! i see her everywhere!

pics of them trying out my cake that was bake with alot of tenderloving care!
every mouthful is filled with love and hearts frm the maker! *mmmm* well,
anna LOVED it (:
but look at gareth and jiaen's face! super retarded! HAHA. and when eng
yeow came... he tried it too! and he ate it occassionally somemore cause it was placed next to him. So much that he couldnt eat the desert!
first attempt in cooking: SUCCESS! :D
hmm.. why are they looking at us like that!

cause of us! :D hahahas. our famous cute shots!
even if they tried to tilt the cam away, and try to make the cam start vibrating from the shot... or however they told us that the cam will spoil, we still took the shot! i think theyre used to it alr! (: so many years already!

shortfarts. ahah.

sweeet (:

gareth was like waiting for the cam to shoot him! super hilarious! wells when the cam came to him... it seems like the pose became sth normal that he always do (:


and the
one-and-ONLY pose that yeow always do! when the cam faces him... he automatically does that! and it's his face that makes it all funny! ((: youre such a comedian!

yeow looked like he found a fish in his cup! HAHA. i think he was just shocked cause we kopped his food! and
eugene's way of kopping food was hilarious. he kope from yeow.. then replace it with his own. whats the point? :D

a pic where i looked super ugly! it started cause elena tried to koped yeow's food!! hahah ultra funny. man we were so high! and for taht pic
, yeow's OILY knife went on my face more than one! AHHH.

i still kope :D
let there be love SHARED among us (:
we all know that anna does crazy things when she gets high!
well, kissing me and lydia was just uncalled for!! HAHA. she was crazy but it was fun (:

what shot is this? and gareth really likes the cam!


do you see the similarity between the gays?
that's the dont-ever-steal-my-food-or-i'll-steal-yours stare!

upside down ah!

eugene trying out the yeow pose! haha. GENE WAS MAD THAT DAY! haha or maybe just being himself!
well, kinda miss all the retarded and whacky times we had when we were sec2! so let's do this more often k :D

mimicking lydia's famous pose! it just looks gross!

candid shots with smiles on our faces all the time! :D actually lydia has tons of candit shots! but SHE DELETE!

ah! what will i do without my sisters (: just that
serena wasnt with us! she was obviously busy that night (:

and ofcourse sharing of food! LOL.

and alot of fun and happiness!
no wonder people gasp when we said we saw someone with a mouth bigger than gareth's. but
anna... youre sweet (:

lydia and gene.

keith keeping his cool when we all got high!

well it was FUN (: and we had the lovepotion drink! and
i said that you'll fall in love with the first person you see after taking a sip and eugene IMMEDIATELY covered his face! so i sipped and
glanced and lydia... and lydia went NOOOOOOO! LYDIA! lols. and we were picturing gareth falling for engyeow from the other side... as he streches across the table and smashing all the food away! haha. okay,
gou high.

engyeow is STILL doing that pose!

gareth trying to look nice and romantic? fail la! lols.

thats what friends are for (:

even though we knew each other for close to 10years, we never had a vday together!
but little did we know that we were meant to be ideal dates for each other all this while! hahaha. it was awesome! even though we bombed our wallets in the end, it was worthit! haha so much for
joking about yeow giving 10bucks to the beggar and ownself taking 9.90 change back! thank God for
lydia, anna, gene, yeow, gar, keith and
then i sat a bus back with engyeow and we had a nice going-home talk while dozing off! hahahas. laughter, peace and joy (: and i took a super long time to go meet some mg friends for a little supper!! (:
went holland veeeee! to meet andris and kahyoke! we had alot of catching up to do and they tried my cakeycake! (: and we took a few shots! and they even gave me a new idea on what to do and making myself a small lil 'business'. i'll be working on it! :D

it just seems like we just ended our Os aye (: and we looked really different a year ago!

ehhhh ((:
chuckle's little box of happiness is done! and distributed! ((:i guess vday can still be enjoyed with friends that you really wanna give your love to (: and man it was awesome having that feeling of loving them!! ((:
dancin' @ 5:02 PM
<3 elle-ooh-vee-yee
chuckles writes for 14thfeb (: ...TODAY IS VDAY!!!
A day filled with loooove! when there’s so much good around!
when you can imagine floating hearts everywhere, and lovers extending their love to others ard, making them feel all warm and fizzy inside as well (:
when you have every reason to just spread the love to everyone you care abt.when there’s no vulgarities or ugly words,
but just a lot of love ((:
Elena just came back, DIE TIRED, from an exciting day!
vday started when I woke up at 6.30am!! picturing floating hearts everywhere! AWWW. and was halfasleep with red, sleep-deprived eyes. but nonetheless, went to coldstorage wee hours of vday morning to buy CAKEMIX! :D
yeow inspired me to do sth special this year and
chuckles decided to bake for the first time, to go down to the baking pen and bake a choc cake! wooo (: he ate the most cake in the end without eating the fishandco fudgecake :D
vday2007 was… unforgettable, unpredictable… filled with screweups tt unfolds nicely (: messups and a lot of retarded rubbish (filled with love ofcourse)
and I would like to thanks the sweethearts that made my vday so wonderful (:
to jocelyn (grandma’s maid): for assisting me in my baking if not an oven would have just DIED in the hands of elena. to hafiz and thad:
for the one-day work during vday! ((: so that my afternoon was not boring (: you guys kept my mood up with all the jacking…. valentine’s day dude! retarded. to bryan: yay! ive gotten to know you and im slow knowing tt youre actually JES’ BOYFRIEND! cool. and boy youre fast at jacking me!! BLEHH. *knocks your head* to hun: bcudebuddy! my apologies for taking FOREVER to arrive! but a 20min pre-dinner meet up was good good (: and now, I had to stop all the evildoing and jacking cause today’s just a GOOD DAY (: spread the love and chocs!. n please believe in love. to ele and dawn: it’s great to meet you darlings at ben and jerry’s! and for bringing a lot of love to me (: and your smiles (: to lydia, anna, yeow, gareth, eugene, jiaen, keith: my sweets, it’s hard to describe the amt of fun and laughter we had in the glasshouse! as we had the time of our lives, laughing our hearts out! and letting our 4tables stick out like a sore thumb amongst the numerous individual tables around! and for LOVING my specially made cake! ((:
singles club, with 10plus years of friendship.. sweet peas! LOVE ((: to andris and ky: thanks for the short meeting for super! there’s no better way to end off my nice love-filled day (: and for finishing my cake! and that new business idea is SO COOL. I’ll work on it. yay, MG forever :D to my dearest choc fudge cake (I called it mrfudgey): thanks for bringing the love I put in making YOU, and spreading it to my sweethearts (:our precious vday07 photos and details will be uploaded on the blog tom as im free from working!
singles can still enjoy vday!but still, nothing beats the real essence of vday in spending it with the person of your dreams (:
oh wells. memories will be memories!
sadly, my post on my HILARIOUS driving lesson has been deleted from the screwedup computer! :( so i'll add that in tom as well (:
tired alr from all the love, hugs and kisses.
a sweet, heartey night (:
lovelovelove <3
dancin' @ 1:19 AM