Wednesday, January 31, 2007
you and me win tog*
Do you hear me?
Baby ya gotta believe in the things that make you & me win together
Don't you throw in the towel
I'm keeping my promise to you
I got ya back now
love the song, the beat and the prettygirls :D i want to dance lyrical hiphop! :(( nessie, let's go Oschool on thursday!
it's getting late and THANK GOD for my dad's laptop! it saved my social life! so now, i can be on msn at work and at home! yayy social life resumed. and it proves how dependent i am on my comp.. oh sighs. late at night, imagining myself to be like santa's elf again preparing present! everyone's birthdays clump tog that even if you want to give presents, they always end up late :(
and everyones asking and telling me the SAME qn, the SAME thing. *pondering*
i miss school. and all the fun in it.
the aftersch madness
the canteen and ourhangout area now empty.
i miss all the muggingtimes, esp retarded with muggingpartner, throwingpens, koppingmusic, doingchem!
i miss the times in the lib with tocks, hun, jon, kev where we share music and take our mind off emostuffs, immersing our heads in work as far as we can!
i miss nightstudy
i miss joce who's still overseas. and im waiting for your replies always k! uve got mail!
i miss tocks and her so-over-bubbly self
i miss van and the way that always makes me feel like i have nth to be sad about, esp if its boys.
i miss ele and her smileyself downing herself with water all the time!
i miss pinks and how she always defend me from boys..
i even miss those evil boys that used to jack me endlessly :((
AH EMO EMO EMO. it all happens at night. -random- saw a petshop while going home ytd, and suddenly wanted a dog! it was my childhood dream to get one for myself! this forgotten desire is coming back! bcube buddy, im waiting for my birthdaypresent!
anyways, officework is getting bad. im made to do even the most mundane things now.. ARGh. one day i'll hear "elena, brew coffee!" im BORED. nobody talks alot there :(( but FRIDAY IS A FREEDOM DAY! no work! OH RIGHT! needs to do sth interesting that day! bcube, up for it? :D
wells, at least a vocal class with jasper was interesting! MENTOR shifu! ((:
When the chips are down
It seems like it's so hard for you to move ahead
Just know that I am by your side
There aint no ifs, buts, or maybes,
I'm gonna stay down and ride for you baby
dancin' @ 12:40 AM
Monday, January 29, 2007
make a wish*
OKAY! i have 30minutes left! haahas.
and 28th jan was a happy day yes?? LOL.
make a wish at 11.11! and top it out with extra birthday luck!
so anyways, yesterday was
sherman's birthday! and now is probably the only time when i can blog about it! :)) so anyways, i went down to crowded vivo today! what for? to buy present! and i strolled into
toys'r'us and i ended up GETTING LOST in the midst of all the toys! kids nowadays...... me getting lost there made me feel like i have a sad childhood deprived of all the toys! haha but i did found what i want in e end! yayyy. and that comes with alot of effort.....
so anyways, after that... BRAVED THE WINDS AND RAINS to town and to paragon to meet people for sherman's birthday! :))
it was muggingpartner's BIG DAY! :D we were at spageddis! (: and santos was like whining abt late people but when i was there, they havent ordered!! BLEH. hah. so wished sherman! and there was,
alex, son son, weekiat, qingxian and bings! and we waiting for one more person,
KEITHY! haha.
and everyone was like playing around with some kiddy picture and sherman tried to be pro at art! HAHA good try. but i know that sherman has extra immunity today so no jacking! lols. so anyways, i guess i understood why the waitress handed him the kiddypicture. HAHA. sherman and the ugly face! LOL.
oh and
qingxian looks like a sotong man!! :)
it's super rare to have a nice sherman around. haha. so then alex had to leave! :( but she made super good cookies!! :D and then i was stuck there with 5boys.. RETARDED BOYS. and keith says it's weird... wells. and they talked abt boy stuff.... like soccer and ns and shit! haha. wells it was nice to listen! heyyy, chuckles can be quiet too okay! :) and i do know soccer! about viduka and alan smith! HAHA.
but then quiet chuckles was just weird and hence the retarded sotong came over to entertain me cause he was feeling nice cause of birthday and shit! haha. and new try with trying to use my phone cam! haaah. but the REAL CAM WAS BETTER!
yayyy. photos! :))

cool sherman.

cool weekiat! that was son son's shades!! :)) and weekiat thinks the cam can suck his life away! :D

then there was the pretty birthday cake! and our quiet renditon of happybirthday in english and chinese but no phinoy lang! :(( and bings did a sweet move before he left for work.. SMASH SHERM'S FACE WITH CAKE CAKE CAKE! and it nearly killed him man! HAHA. but i guess he was touched right? :) at least he wasnt THAT MEAN on that day.. but i swear, sherman seriously thinks bullying elena is a way of life. HAHA..
he didnt take photo with the oldman on the stand! :(( or stand on a chair! LOUSY.haha
so let the pics take over the talking aye? (:

the "xingfu" feeling!


candid shot of cake cutting! hahahas. boys cutting cake is just weird!

sherman survived the cake!!

and he loved the present from the guys yes? (:

hahaha sweet! :))
we met
queen and her company in town!! YAYYY HUGS AND KISSES! i miss her so much! :( and we did alot of emo-talking yes? hahas. wells it's good that you feel the same way as me too. yupp and let's keep it a girls thing okay! and we adopted
son son to replace jess! cause jess is always missing! but let's meet up soon yes? *muack!*

loving you.
down by the bearded barley. swingswing..
shades that rightfully belongs to son son! :)

sherman likes this pic! haahas. ((:

and after walking in town... we walked SUPER FAR to ps and beyond when they went lanning! and i kinda tagged along since birthday boy said that i have to. wells, the last time i watch lannage was with gareth. *sigh?* wells! they didnt wanted to watch me play warcraft so i watched them play
BATTLEFIELD! and though it seems to them that i was bad.. it was fun to watch people get blown up and sherman getting blown up as well!! :)) hahaas i have no idea why im so amused by it!
and muggingpartner can be my bro's buddy man!! they can talk about cartoons till the cows come home man! :) hahas. cause i know nuts about jimmy neutron! HAHA. and then, they walked briskly to PS! :(( my poor legs! they walked super fast!! SIAN. and sherman was slow to take my advice to snap his hair!hahas.
at ps, we watched the guitar pro play his fav arcade game before heading off! and i was still stroding nicely next to son son to the red line! AH HOW BLIND! i needed to talk nel! and i nearly got lost sia. but then we met again to cam-whore! :))

muggingpartner!! once in a lifetime!

look no eyes!

act cute!

happy people! ((:
yayy! great day! and yes, make a wish! hahas. too bad
bcube buddy couldnt go! HE WAS ON COURSE! hahaahs.
okay im eating into my office time! till then, ceeyaaa!
will blog again when i get myself a good comp again!
if you wishupon a *star,makes no difference who you are.when you wish upon a *star,like dreamers do.
dancin' @ 1:33 PM
and you begin to wander why you came
my stupid computer is SCREWED UP! haha. it randomly shuts down when it wants to! so in the end... this is like my 4th time typing out the same entry.. IN MY OFFICE. cause this is the only other time when i can get my hands on a computer! anyways this was what i recorded in my conventional diary a few days back..
at 11.15pm on 27th of Jan:
chuckles wrote....
IN APPROXIMATELY 1HOURS TIME, the gates of hell will slowly creep open as a random retarded kraken emerges from the center of the earth and hell raises its fury to welcome the birth of their sotongking!!28th JAN = SHERMAN HO'S BIRTHDAY!hhaa. ex-muggingpartner! wahhh. 19yearsold already! xiao di di zhang da le!! wells, no matter how much "conflict" we have between each other. The no. of times you called me "fatty" and no matter how many times i have promised to kill you before you could see the next day's daylight... i have no regrets having a muggingpartner like youuu!wells, like ive said: youre an awesome teammate but a STRONG, and scary competitor! but thanks!! (ultimately) for all your moltivation and encouragement to press on! and i'll always rem the mighty PAVO! peacock prode! and if you were to take on judo again, i'll be waiting to watch a victorious match! :) well, thanks for the retarded muggingtimes, the ps-ing!, the pen-throwing and ipod-kopping and music-bobbing times!! and remember, diphenylmethanone! :))Step one you say we need to talk
He walks you say sit down it's just a talk
He smiles politely back at you
You stare politely right on through
*sherman bobs to the music*
Some sort of window to your right
As he goes left and you stay right...
3cheers for the chemical that smells like the rotten cheese smell of unclean feel! and cheers to chemistry for giving me an awesome muggingpartner! :))chuckles will not have a muggingpartner in design faculty for sure man :(OH AND WARCRAFT! many have warned me against playing it and have violently objected but this is what i have to say... the reason why i play is cause of PURE BOREDOM and im playing for HEALTHY ENTERTAINMENT! wells not really healthy.. but i'll just share my experience with the game the boys have grown addicted to and have sacrificed their grades for...... :D
one pic tt at least looks HUMAN enough(warcraft is tougher than AOE! :( )so then chuckles placed the cd in and finished the installation and when it was time, i clicked "play warcraft III" and it gave out a disturbing creepy deep sound. SCARY :S and when i finally picked up the courage to play... it showed this scenerio that all computer games will have at the start... it's just a scene/storyline that makes you feel, or TRY to make you see that youre not wasting your time playing this "big war".. but ultimately it's sstill wasting your time. then the scenerio played and IMMEDIATELY, chuckles turned down the volume, covered her ears and half closed her eyes!! MAN, im such a coward!! hahah and it was so embarrassing! so then it was showing some ugly gorilla fighting a man and then some comet showers came down and both of them died in a pool of blood with their chopped up limbs swimming in it. freaking sick and rather unpleasant!but i SURVIVED.but i did not survive the custom game! since nobody was gonna teach me how to play, i played the campeign match! where there were instructions on how to play... and at first, there was this really ugly gorilla for a hero.. and when i finally got a human hero, it was freaking WEAK! and could only upgrade to level5!!so then i'll have to question guys why they always like to chiong their heroes up from with a few small soldiers... when you get to build a WHOLE ARMY! :D so then, chuckles took her time to build the barracks. the workshop, the lumbercamps and slowly create her army (was playing nightelf, which was said to be quite bad) and when i was ready to chiong with my level1 ELF HERO that was blind... i was faced with a LEVEL8 SKELETON HERO!STUNNED. why are they so fast!"quit game"HAHA.and ultimately, i concluded that warcraft has ugly heroes :( and i felt super defeated and NOOB cause my army feels quite screwed up *sobs*and there was grandma and her twinsister's birthday! it was like a birthday party bash that was cool with oldies! can you believe it that i downed a strong wine, 19% red wine called port and i threw up!! *arhh* and cause of that, i missed out the chance to attend xiaoan's party! MACHO MONKEY! im so sorry that i wasnt there but i'll invite you for my birthday promise!! but pls give me tics for hoobostank concert that youre opening for!! :)) and i missed out the chance to meet the army boy JARED KONG!! SEXY without hair aye! and yes, missed out the hell that was coming with the booking out and a chance for him to make me shorter by another 6inches!! but must meet up soon!! cheena newyear! and i seriously miss you guys even if its pure torments when you all book out!and tog with joce, somehow the love between you two rubs off on the people around you.. making people like me feels good as well!and JON! you seemed really tired and sian but i guess the feeling's inevitable! and yayyy! chuckles is taller than your freaking NS HAIR! but wells i hoped you felt better after all the smileys ive sent! :) and just to heighten up your ego abit for ns, (just dont fly too much) i guess even if without jon's nice hair... i believe there's more to jon than just his hair but the emoself that he is :) DONT FLY NOW. mann. i really want to take photo of sheaved hair!!next book out! :Danyways, me and gareth endured 3hours of driving theory and we got jacked by the driving instructor! SEE, CANT BE LATE! all his fault! and i guess waiting for a cab in the rain was unforgettable! and getting mudding and feeling pathetic and without tissue paper! oh and he's tutioning my bro too!! :)anyways, i have to rush sherman's and xiaoan's present! and ofcouse, bcube buddy's present!! cant reveal here... in case he bypass this entry!!bcube buddy = HEINHUN! :))okay, tom's CHURCH DAY!another day with churchfriends that will last for another say, 20years?? :)chuckles ends here..
dancin' @ 12:47 PM
Friday, January 26, 2007
look how they shine for you*
chuckles is going to attempt to type her SHORTEST ENTRY everrr!
because i have approx 3mins left in the office before rushing over to stand by the registration counter for the teaching interviews.....
after my leave.. i've been doing 3FULL DAYS OF INTERVIEW! and after my leave, STILL no sign of seeing sherm in the building.. he and his friends are getting real tight so no time for chuckles! :(
me and the staff here are getting along well!! YAYYYS.
and I JUST PLAYED WARCRAFT!! man.. the heroes all look so ugly! and i shall share my hilarious battle against the undead! HAHAHAHA. im such a noob.
and yesterday was a cool funky night in O school as i dropped in for the lyrical hiphop class! turns out that daniel yeow was teaching instead! (his aura.. from winning overdrive !! the one with waderobson as judge!) amazing and scary!
but all the popping and dancing is making me ache when i laugh!! tummyyy.
time to go!
yayy for my short entry! ((:
dancin' @ 1:37 PM
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
fuel for thought
today, i took a leave off work! :))but for a good valid reason.... went to the docs yesterday and found out that i have signs of catching a
fever soon. so got some medicine and 1-day mc!! :D yayyy.
so today, went online and first thing i saw was this:

like wowww! it's been ages since i used my yahoo account.. i think i have even forgotten that it's supposed to be an email account, let alone to even check it out! so yes.. ALL DELETED. and it was a big mistake to join random yahoo groups.
because i recieved 3129480msges from the
so you think you can dance group! x)
what chuckles did today:watched documentary on ghangis khan! (for no reason, i swear)tries to solve hun's boredom at home. WE TIGHT, b-b buddies. (that's cheesy i swear)msged jonlauw reminding him on my forar expanses. studyhard!on special mission to finish bitch's present! :Dtries to bug
ex-muggingbuddy later tonight.
mum told me that i only treat my house as a sleeping quarter aka, im only home at night for sleep. and i realised that it's quite true.
this is like the FIRST TIME in centuries when im actually at home... on a weekday.. when it's STILL BRIGHT.. and blogging!! WOWW, such a rare moment. maybe i should just stop and savour this moment :P with night study, As and work now, i guess
today's just special ((:and TODAY is 23rd jan = XIAOAN'S BIRTHDAY! :D
the macho monkey.. xiaoan, it's been awesome knowing you. you have brought along much nonsense, chaos and randomshit into my life. yet, it's been a joy having you around, distracting me from the boredom of studying :)) your scaryneck.. and your quadruplets thing. and your big news about OPENING FOR HOOBASTANK!THE SEXIES OWNS ((((:and my grandma and grandaunt
(TWINS!) are having their bdae soon too! 27th jan!
my grandma and grandaunt! twins are cool (:
i must say that i miss school! :( not really the classes part.. but the times spent there with your amazing friends. i think, cj people are the greatest bunch of people that ive met! the
awesome morning gang outside the scc! fiz, wenxing.. edwin ahd his anti-morning yawns,
iggy and his unforgettable ipod! union with
jes and queen! 3-way kisses (:
my crazy class and the way we drive teachers crazy from the stench of our class!
the after-school canteen gang! where me and
joce argues about the lessfattening food before just eating everything! seeing
ele at her gym table! and
emo and evil boys coming back from bball with sweaty shirts and socks!
hun and gang that cant stop jacking, suaning at its max. indian smurfs...
markp and his emo songs.
jon and his f-words.
xiaoan's distraction.
jared trying to make me EVEN SHORTER. evil muggingpartner
sherman ho being a mighty buddy tt's forever zai at psing me! and ofcourse, chem!
diphenylmethanone!. tocks and her cute-ness ((:
pinks and her defences.
brendan and his covered ears! (:
van and her hugs from the perfectboyfriend height (:
vivek and gabriel reminding each other how screwed up they both are!
rushing back from town for nightstudy.. studying in the lib, while swearing at the librarian. at the canteen with our sticky uniforms, in the hall where we need to get our own tables and chairs. lib-studying in the hols, freezing our asses off. tocks, hun and emosongs + tonghua actions! (: claudio and his mee gorang. libing and her silly smiles. sherman's attempts to take my ipod away, while gaying with youwei.
i miss every single inch of times spent there! :(turns out that the place least expect myself to be in,became the same place that i cant leave behind.dont you guys drift away from me!
to the retarded boys that bullies me, frankly speaking, i cant imagine a life with all of you gone. no jacking, no retarded boohoos, and it'll be simply heaven left with all my dearest girlfriends (: but i'll miss the jackings, seriously. it's exciting in a, i dont mind the hell that comes with the booking-out alright! NS.. BLEHH :(im like listening to one of the
'dumping' songs that people used to send me... when they want to stop me from emo-ing.
thanks youve been fuel for thought,
now im more lonely then before,
but that's okay,
ive just already made another .... lovesong ((:
HAHA. im well over it man. girl, you know youre better than that. better than who i was in the past, stupidly falling in love. AND DONT YOU TRY TO GET BACK THE PAST AGAIN.
control girl, control.
okay, i guess by listening to more emosongs... you reach a point when youre totally immuned by it. and you dont get anymore feelings out of it already! yay! WOODENBLOCK THEORY --hun. yesyes, more emo songs that i can desensitize myself to!
wo hai sha sha hua zhe xing fu xian ((:
dancin' @ 11:27 AM
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Longer than there've been fishes in the ocean
Higher than any bird ever flew
Longer than there've been stars up in the heavens
I've been in love with you.
chuckles learnt a super super important lesson today!
chiong my wardrobe today... and ended up looking like a freaking kindergarten school teacher! hahahas. went to work in purple below-knee skirt that looks retarded on me! i didnt know that working ppl can wear skirts above knees! DANG! okay, no more long skirts!!! anyway, today was a super long and stressful day for me! full day of interviews! WAHOO! i guess im getting the hang of it already! all the letter keeping, verifying, signing, checking... a really nice superviser, angela taught me a much faster way of dealing with the documents! and i had the last 30mins free cause i completed all! :D yayyy. and the interviewers went in "expressway speed" today so i could end promptly at 6! :))) and OH MY TIAN, the parttime push-trolley guy said bye to me!
tomorrow: full-day interviews! *pangs*
ex-muggingpartner, workingparter: sorry i had to leave early! haha. seeing computers everyday is fun too! (: think positive yesyes?
so yayy! ending early means meeting dwayne early! YAY! chuckles met up with the constructionworker today! and that's DWAYNNNNEEE! (recalls when she sees him in school as she echoes his name loudly!) so then, dwayne saw me in disgusting work cum teacher clothes today! :( hahaha. he met me at tanjongpagar station and walked me there! if not, i'll get lost!... "right... hmm where's right?"
dwayne looks super DAO and beng and i'll be scared of him if i dont know him!!
so then, dwayne showed me the building tt he's working in... a building that was half-built.
elena: you mean you work there??
dwayne: yaaaa. you see the man there? yellow helmet? that was me just now!
elena: OH! construction worker! *pengs*
so then we went amara! and the rain stopped for me to walk by! (: and then... we chose the italian niceplace for dinner!! but then, i received a msg from eugene yeo!... "elena yeo.. i was behind you just now! AH EUGENE STALK ME! he lives nearby! (: so then... the lady waitress entertained us as if she knew dwayne really well! and then, realised that dwayne actually checked that place out already while waiting for me.. so then, she was REALLY REALLY FRIENDLY! (: and dwayne is such a gentleman! haahs. must say that k... cause maybe guys are always jacking me that when nice ones come along it seems like a great thing!
nice, chatty and retarded night!
awesome night = actcool dark constructionworker being gentlemen + cute nice lady waitress + nice music!
we played with their wine bottles on the ground and nearly got into trouble! played with his phone camera.. there's super bitter coffee, super sweet coffee and peppery coffee! choc that looked like coffee beans.. and the nice aunty is super cute and she talks in lightning like talking to herself! (: and thinks that we're young but ard 19-21! hahaha dwayne mimicks her. LOL.

wine bottles! (:
OLDIES can be nice too!! and i really wanted the songs.... so while the songs were playing...
elena: dwayne!! i want this song's title! can you ask the lady! pleaseeee.
dwayne: erm excuse me! what song are you playing now?
lady: ohh. cd called chamomile. *high pitch*
dwayne and elena: CARE MO MAO???
LOLOLOLOLOL. okay, cd to get: chamomile!
and we talked about everything under the sun and stars and being super random about everything! penguins... batman... LOL. we sat there for the longest time! sat through 2 rounds of the cd! 2 times of westlife song! we wanted to wait till they play the same song for the 3rd time.. but then we figured that they changed cd! -.-" but good enough ((: and dwayne plays the PIANO! GRADE8! PRO-NESS... i'll be your manager! and thanks for riding to clementi too dude (: and we chatted till he had to leave and not miss the 2nd mrt passing by back to outrampark (:
thanks for the night alright, knight in armour that goes cling clank clunk! ((:

constructionworker without helmet and boots (:
yayyy. no ugly pics of me!
NANANA, NANANA, hey hey,
dancin' @ 11:46 PM
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
work sucks, i know
and chuckles writes: IM SO DEAD TIRED FROM WORK TODAY!
markp's right! msn is like our social lifesaver now to all those office boys girls and dogs now! cause youre just cut away from everyone else in the day! SCARY. and
my sis is so attracted to msn now that she has a target in ac. HAHA. i want a laptop! :(
OKAY! news about
my evaluation ytd! i went to meet the
bigmouthmonster, gareth yeo! and this time.. we took the extra effort to be on time! he's ALWAYS the one late and i guess the bad habit has spread to me as well.. and when
2 late people meet up, they're REALLY LATE! the last time.. we just skipped our practise session cause we were 30mins late!TIME OF EVALUATION TEST: 6.55pmso then, i pestered him to leave his workplace at 5plus.. but he was sure that it takes only 30mins from chinatown to gombak and reach at 6.30. HE CLAIMS. so he left at 6 in the end.. but still, i ended up waiting for him AGAIN at jurongeast interchange..
by the time we reached gombak.. it was 6.45 already! and we had to brisk walk like stupid idiots all the way to the driving centre! gareth, if you were on time... then i wont have to walk like a retard on heels tt's trying to walk fast!time reached: 7.00pm and gareth was still rather pleased at his attempt to be early!so then, during the evaluation, he told me that he saw the question and he was like praying and going diediedie! LOL. but in the end... we both passed!! YAYYYY! for a mugger like me...
i scored the same mark as gareth! SHUCKS! 93%. couldnt jack him cause i'll jack myself and couldnt praise myself if not i'll end up praising him so he got the last laugh in the end! haahaha stupid boy. so then, we went to buy assessment books! ((: not for us ofcourse!
cause he's tuitioning my lil bro!!! hahaha. my mum's crazy but maybe she just wants to finance gareth with money.... LOL. and i tried presuading gareth to share the workload and pay with me! *whines* so then, it was super fun trying to find the right book! they all look the same! so we kinda start randomly taking books up! the chinese words are so small!!!!
and gareth nearly got hocked up by his boss! LOL.boss: gareth youre so cute i can pinch your cheeks!hahahahahahaahahahhahahaboss is blind. anyways,
TODAY chuckles accomplished something really really big! i
talked to the guy that sits next to me tt was somewhat unapproachable cause he was really quiet and not opening up at all! whats more, i talked to him in MORE THAN 2SENTENCES TODAY, compared to ytd! WAHOOOOO (: it was great cause we started talking bout sa, about As, about driving and stuff! although he's not the talkative sort, not the talk-to-girls-sort, but deep voice and act-cool jc sort! yay! opening up! ((:
and my collegues are getting along with me better today! it'll get better and better! but it's GREAT! makes office work less boring!
and they told me that im actually really loud. SIAN. i hear that everywhere!! and about office politics...*owww*today on the rejection list:
gabriel quan! haha he actually signed up for teaching! but got rejected cause of early enlistment. JACK.
and i have a bad bad sign of turning into a workaholic! i wanted to work during my free time! SCARY. im addicted to office work that totally sucks your social life away! but still, i had another interview session today! im becoming more experienced! YAY! and i could handle it much better now compared to the firstday! mad signing certs and shit. and the interviewers were really friendly people!! :D out of all the potential chinese and english teachers today....
ONLY 1 CUTE GUY with pretty eyes!! DAMMIT! but i was close to forgetting what i was saying to him! HAHAHA. finally
ex-muggingbuddy decided to not be dao.. but be nice, and remembered that he actually worked the same place as me! haha so met him when
i knocked off to admire his teeth! YAY! finally braceless aye! coooool. and he has really nice friendly friends in moe! coool.
by right, i can be like your so called working buddy now bah. LOL. and made him feel super guilty for asking me to go all the way to ps.. and wasted some bucks on faulty guitarfreaks machine! then, crashed another fighting game and ended up feeling shitty. but SMILE (: it really helps!! haha. and stop being fierce and intimidating! HAHA.
okay, guitarfreaks AGAIN! 10bucks for trying to pass through 1st song without being eliminated!okay, will be going for a china mission trip soon! (:
and it sure feel great walking back to
my old church building again...
with all the oldtime lights!
PHOTOS are still with daphne!so we can see less words.pixiee out*
dancin' @ 11:12 PM
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
summer sunshine*
chuckles is currently in the moe building, level 6 office, recruitment unit.. approximately the 3rd messy table from the left after walking through the entranceHAHA. was just reading the boring driving book when i realised that maybe this time is the only time when i can blog properly...
which is true!! sometimes, my entries are entered at freak hours of the night...
3AM ((: so anyways, its lunchtime now and the
potato salad was disgusting after awhile... THERE WAS LIKE MORE MAYO THAN POTATO! now i feel damn fat inside :(( hahahaas.anyways, on the 4thday of work... i think im getting used to this boring office job! (: *checks that no one's reading my entry now* im like the office girls that takes and does all the extra stuff that the other people are too busy to do. super EXTRA. but im helpful and i do with precision and efficiency! :D LOL. the
aunties (erms, xiao jie supervisors) are being really nice already..
they actually browse through blogs of hot girls and get envious! the people here chat on msn while working!! and this cute aunty gave me free coffee and told me her lifestory! :) HAHA. so it's pretty much interesting here.
and i get to see which applicants got rejected from teaching.. record it down on the comp and sympathize with them when they get their reject letter, even if i dont know who the HELL they are. but all of the rejects are someone similar in a way.. lower qualifications... wont say who.. but i cant pronounce their names... lol.
chuckles is gonna turn emo really soon!
ipod's like my fav friend now! hahas. wells the
temp staffs here are intimidating cause they look like their from a cult... but they're guys from sajc and acjc! maybe we'll open up after a week or so ya. hahaa.
anyway! met
alex, sherman, son son, qingxian and weekiat yesterday! and
yes, a stupid man DRAG me along if not he would have gotten lost while trying to go orchard from moe! HAHA. and i gave away my beloved gigantic huge nike bag for him! hah. and failing in his judo match in the arcade! karate like rocks! hahhaa.
i want guitar freaks one day! and spend 10bucks trying to pass the first level :)so then, all of us spent the night out... but the night was partly burnt on a
bad random movie! OMG. me and son son was still talking when we entered the cinema! partly cause the movie was boring and didnt even catch our focus! and son son slept during the show and woke up after the "gunshot" getting excited by it. haha and yes, people do watch movies alone! ((: i still cant believe i watched that!! movie is called hollywood dontknow what shit. haahaaha. maybe
the queen would have been better than
this random detective movie that kept the case unsolved and assumed at the end and has random muscular old man flexing their muscles out of no where or random lunatic shooting his wife down or a extra retarded brown man who's nameless!!btw,
i love you alex! boys can be so mean and evil sometimes but they always bully nice girls like youuuu. but you've got me (:
okay, i have to stop ranting about yesterday. but ultimately, it was great with a eight! okay i need to work!
even the slacking boy beside me is already working before lunchtime ends! AMAZING! hahas.and i pray that gareth and i can pass our evaluationtest tonight! or at least, give me a better grade than him AGAIN! LOL. seeya, monkey (:muggingpartner: i call the pillow, mr pillow tts red!! haha. sounds cute what.
okay gotta scram!
HELLO OFFICE WORK!and im like so into typing this that i dont know what shit chinese music im listening to now. i think it's Energy! LOL.
dancin' @ 1:33 PM
Sunday, January 14, 2007
F for FORAR!the idea of going work on monday sucks! LOL >.<i dont deny the fact that the people at moe are nice people and they do joke around and call me xiao mei mei.. but then, it's just weird and it'll be much better if i can just work with my friends. oh wells!
sherman was like bitching about his job too! LOL. but out there making money then staying at home right
gareth? (:
many many weird things have been happening:
1) me and gareth failed our evaluation test for driving! super sian. i scored higher than gareth okay! but it's cause we didnt practise, MUST PASS NEXT TIME ROUND! if not we'll be classified as malcolm, himbo. haa (:2) gareth got called from a modelling agency for interview.
they offered to take down our particulars when we were in orchard and apparantly they called him! LOL.3) yeow is the secretary of ms gan (scary music teacher!) it's really NO LINK.SO WEIRD! hahas.
and i can never forget the retarded things in
cj orientation!word of the day, word of the day, word of the day: incomeeg, my day was going fine when INCOME your face!word of the day, word of the day, word of the dayname of the day, name of the day, name of the day: louiseg, may i know where the LOUIS?name of the day, name of the day, name of the daywhen you and i collide!
man, ronald and cj gareth is like the ultimate duo!
and some random things i came up with to just fit into the code lang convo that edwin, iggy and markp had that day:
the gaint candy just crossed the great wall of china.the bear just touched down in jupitar!EDWIN, crack this! :Dand elena's most jacked sentence during orientation:
ARGH! *angry at evil boys and said* one day, i'll explode you!
elena's most sensible and awesome sentence:
maybe i should just shut up.
i think im stupid.
HAHA RETARDED!. hahas. and
13th jan = HUN'S BIRTHDAY!HEINHUN! THE KAMPONG BOY that only has monkey as friends! haaha and here's the birthday song that i made up just to apology for nearly missing his birthday:
happy birthday to you,
im shorter than you,
you're still 10apples taller,
so happy birthday to you!
elena is gona be nice and say that
chuckles' day is especially brighter today cause it was hun's birthday! no bad.. esp to one boy that always without fail, jack me endlessly! and one day, i'll train up and jack you back so you wait! lols. and i'll learn okay. and promise,
orientation in church was just as fun today! and yes, God shall always be our refuge and strength! and we should treasure the friends that we have in christ! cause He brings us together and such a relationship is like forever (:
the mass dance, seeing yeow bounce to the music, gareth keeping to the beat.. and free entertainment from cj dancing! the games, the water, the flour! and the dinner!im dead beat!
but before i leave, here are
PHOTOS! (:from ORIENTATION 07! daphne and gareth still has a bulk of photos so
forar pics are not here yet!

retarded :D
AKI! (:
invierno, penguino!

smiles yes (:

to confuse the ppl who are colourblinddd.

miss ya pigpanzee who is in camp now!
alvan in aki, lionel in inverno, justin in forar!
shawn aka jonathon! trust that you still have my army cap? ((:
jay threes! (: shamir's cap is on me! LOL. and edwin= small boy!

son son! (: i have big handss (:

guess who

oh it's
sherman! coming back to see forar!! LOL.
and all these makes me recall the time when it was MY TIME of orientation. when it was OUR league to shine! (:
orientation 06 was pure ownage man! IGNITE! (: and it was 100% amazing!

believe those where the sherman-ownage days?
d-r-a-c-o! A is meeee! hahahas.

my partners, stacey and son son!! (:
DRACO FACILS! (:and ofcourse, there's
orientation 02: OXYGEN! (: where the most
greatest facil item of the century was created and DOMINATED by us! wowww, our facil batch was alive and kicking ass!
LUPO! AH-awww!
queen! (: and the boys....
and here are pics from jared's party! jared... CHIONG!! us!

JOCE! (: oh darling, im missing you SO MUCH! pls takecare and come back quick quick!

chuckles and jared's brother, leonard!!


going HIGH!

and a little piece of brendan!! (:
dancin' @ 1:14 AM