a pic from the airport (: im a photographer i want to get into the christmas spirit this year (: make good nice presents for people. and feels all warm and loved inside to me, i want my christmas spent with my princecharming! maybe this year's one shall be shared with dear friends! :D
[status] getting endlessly jacked by retarded sotong sherman ho that's so uncool so unemo so unnice and so unsensitive! BLEH
FOLKS IM BACK! hahaha. as if i went for like a month. but yes, the tsunami didnt swipe me away so im back to terrorising everyone! :D hahaha. (pictures scenes of xiao'an sighing as jared bangs his head on the table and vivek prepares to jump) but i bet people are missing me! HAHA. anyways, it was a good trip for family-bonding. it's really rare to actually have a chance to spend a few days together without any handphones, tv and computers to pull us away from each other. hopefully, it would just stay that way. up at penang hill
i love them FOR LIFE (:
WELLS, it created beautiful memories. all capture in pictures and videos (: turned out that my mum was the one who misread the flight timings! so it wasnt the airport's fault. i guess the missing of our flight turned out to be a blessing! everything happens for a reason! (: we spent 6hours walking ard the airport realising tt they are so many things that we always foresee! so we burnt time walking and CAM-WHORING! and cause of that, we extended for another day there which gave us more time to tour the place! (: and we even had time to go church on sunday! YAYness!
SHOPPING WAS HEAVENLY!it was really shopping till dropping! i reached Vmax for shopping! as in maximum velocity that i can go! we walked through the nightmarket everynight and picked up 4big luggages worth of things! and pissed my brother for shopping excessively! (he screams when i walk into a new shop!) i walked till the point when i just want to be ignorance and surpass all shops knowing that i already hooked up anything that i liked!! but i guess the only way to stop me from shopping is to just take me away from it!because seems like i usually buy sth from the shop tt i step into.. OH WELLS, at least i did all the shopping that can last me a few months i think!
freaking out in butterfly park
cool shades (:
guess who i brought along! it accompanied me through As k!
we're meant to be sisters (:
i love singaporeairlines
me and my beloved.. BALLACK the horse. LOL
YOU light up my life, lil bro (:
other PHOTOS are uploaded in this album of mine! just click on the photos at the side! go seee (:
but i gained weight i think. all the food..... AH. 3days to prom and im gaining weight! BAD BAD BAD. going to dedicate the rest of my days to exercise! AH SHITTY. needs to lose weight FAST.
bought a book at the airport! went into the bookshop knowing that i need a self-help book. browse through all the guides to life, to business, to financial planning, communication with your teenage child. and bought one on guide to a good love life. MY TIAN.. it's either my mind's telling me that my lovelife is screwed up or i really wanted to read a book. if love is a game, here are the rules. it's interesting to see love for a professional's perspective. and i guess i learnt alot from it (:
aviod the pitfalls of letting hormones or inflatuation entice you to enter into or stay in a relationship with someone who is not going to be the right match for you.
love is an energy with inherant laws, and one of them is that love cannot be rushed.
the truer you are to yourself and your requirements, the happier you will be in a long run.
now this one's applicable! accepting mistakes from the past.. This is something each person must do for himself; no one can do this type of healing for another. it is a solo journey.
PLANS in a systematic fashion. class outing is pushed to after prom. tues: watch drama serials at home! night for going out for promdress-trying with ele and joce! wed: hopefully, casinoroyale. thurs: prom and postprom fri: recovering from postprom. and night at artscafe (:
prince charming, zai na li!
dancin' @ 11:11 PM
Friday, November 24, 2006
*last flight out
im like using one of the computer terminals in the airport now... hahaha too bored! guess wad... I MISSED MY FLIGHT! BLEH! :(( they told us that the flight is at 830... so we thought tt reaching the gates at 8 is okay. they closed the gate at 750 -.-" my goodness cheat our feelings! so we were late. so now im stuck to STONE in the airport for like 6HOURS. next flight is at 340! WTH! 1hour to stone. 3hours to listen to ipod. 1hour playing lame games with brother. blehblehbleh
oh wells, just rot my time away. and in a few hours, the lit people will be FREE from As! yayyyyy (: feeling all happy! anyways time is running out and i have 12minutes left before this comp logs off. haha. so then we decided to extend our trip to monday night since we lost some time today already. so prom-dress-trying is postponed to tues night!! joce and ele, come with me k! and edwin.... your misery would be extended! SORRY. casinoroyale on wed alright!! BOOKED! :D
hha okay! 10minutes left! im off!
everything happens for a reason. the plane's probably evil or sth x)
have fun partying all you people! :D chuckles missing all of you ((:
i love the hope, i see in your eyes
for you i would fly
at least i would try
for you i'll take the last flight out.
dancin' @ 9:15 AM
ms brightside loves HAPPYFEET :D
there's a danger in loving somebody too much and it's sad when you know it's your heart they cant touch there's a reason why people dont stay where they are maybe sometimes, love just ain't enough :((
i know this is kinda slow and people are alr bored of playing but ya! i threw my bio tys away!! :D yay. i just cant believe that ive sat through As. still feeling as stupid as ever.. i predict that i'll become really lost soon when i realised that i dont have to study anymore since my life previously was largely spent on studying! BLEH. and my table that was once filled and pilled with stacks of tys, notes and prelim papers is CLEARED for the 1st time in 2years of jc life!! it was so packed nearing prelims that i didnt even have space to study on it! now it's EMPTY! :D AHHHHH! it's 3 in the morning. slept at 3 yesterday. lack of sleep is spoiling my complexion. ytd, STUPID BIO info were just swimming in my head and stopping me from dreaming.. oh sigh. this time, it's because of rushing the designs for church camp! it's gonna ROCK! i can feel it :D anyways, i think only art can effectively keep me awake! (:
OH, shall type an entry abt the interesting convo with joce and ele abt boys and girls (: as we constantly stab gab since he was the only guy in sch then :D
so anyways, today was a nice day with my class as we shopped and walked alot just to get a prom dress for cariann!! and ive seen some really really nice tops and dresses! MS LOW'S (gp teacher) WEDDING IS COMING! and i think im gona get a nice dress for it! :) and wewatched HAPPYFEET! YAY! it was SUPER cute! a musical actually with alot of singing. fat penguins that tapdance turns me on :D
ANYWAYS, IM GOING PENANG IN 3HOURS TIME with my family! oh freaks. no time to sleep. and IN CASE, a tsunami were to hit penang... then please remember that chuckles would love whoever that's reading this entry ((: and all the best to all lit students for ya last paper! yayyy and finally we can all party and celebrate! :D
to-do RIGHTafter i get back: 1. go fetch and try out my prom dress!yay turquiose! (hopefully) with joce and ele! :D 2. classouting at sentosa beach! 3. go out with edwin and iggy to free eddie from his misery! AND YES, i booked casinoroyale for you. 4. settle all designs for church camp 5. drag mum out to shop for clothes :D
MY LIFE IS IN A MESS. AND IM NOT SURE WHETHER I'VE EVEN MOVED ON. arhh! im so screwed up. but im chuckles! and i look on the brightside! ((:
okay! 2hrs and 50minutes to sleep! and i'm gona miss all you people even if it's for the weekend only x)
dancin' @ 2:57 AM
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
i'll leave you with a smile *(:
if only we could live twice
a few more day and it's gona be OVER. i stayed at home to study bio today! :D not really productive after watching tv the whole day! so much tt im getting a big bad headache now :(( went to swimmm today :D swim all my emothoughts away! was all hyped up to swim 20laps but then the rain poured down 30mins later. grrrrrr.
probably be in sch tom... made a pac with youwei to continue coming to sch! hahas.wont pangseh gabriel too. (: and ele will be there i hope? oh yes, she has paper tomorrow! LIT SHAKESPEAREAN PPL! ALL THE VERY BEST! :D it's interesting as i recalled the school being so packed with people when sch just ended! everyone mad-booking for consultation.. the lib being so packed that people end up studying in the canteen. and now, the sch's practically EMPTY. and the lib becomes sad and cold.THE CONTRAST. oh wells!.
it's been a long long time since ive commented on a movie. shows how long since i last watched a show :( As just sucked all my life away! oh wells, rushed to orchard on time despite dropping off at the wrong busstop AGAIN! it always happens to me! dammit. (recalls the time when i ended up at the industrial estate when i was trying to get to hun's house) saw and xiaoan will never fail to be the usual meanboys.... SIGH. haha. i will always defend joce from xiaoan. even if it means getting shot by him too! BLEH. and saw's a midget with me! HAHAHAHAHA.
actually i find STEP UP nice! everybody, go watch! (: even if i dance, im not really particular and strict about the dancing in the show. i watched the movie for the movie, and not to pick up flaws in their dancing. i think the front dancey part was nice! i like the way the steps hit the counts of the music!:D esp the pointes. the steps were not REALLY technical but im not technical and classical myself so the dance still turns me on! (: i just think that it's crazy changing the whole routine to the original one when tyler arrived seconds before the performance! ofcourse, it's acting!
adrenaline-pumping. takes your breathe away sometimes. the moves (:
im just really intrigued by the dance chemistry going on in the show. i think when twodancers come together and just connect in a dance.. and complement each other perfectly.. when they dance, they'll just shine.. and they'll just soar. and their body language will portray their passion and joy on stage (: making their audience equally joyful, emotional and passionate in the end. sometimes, we concentrated so much on our studies that we tend to forget the little happiness we get from doing the things that we love. i dare not say that i have a passion for dance. but dance really gave me this happiness, this joy and this freedom that i cant get from anywhere else. every single step made in the studio. the feeling of dancing... the feeling of flying.. the feeling of bursting out.. reaching another energy level.. even the fatigue.. the feeling of feeling good on stage.. maybe the feeling i get from performing on stage is indescribable and only felt at that instance and nowhere else. being away from dance has caused me to lose that feeling of flying on stage :(( i need to dance SOON. argh. and im so buying takethelead and stepup soundtrack!! the violin thingy into the dance music is darn cool *:)) he's really good for a beginner. ofcourse, it's acting
he's cool (: channing tatum. actually, i find him quite cute x) he wasnt in the beginning... just tall. but slowly... he becomes hot.i think it's the dancing! hha. he has nice eyes. sexy lips and a freaking sizzling bod! HAHAHA
when a dream gets too real to you, and you feel like reaching for it, then work your way to it. dont ever stop until you knew youve tried your best. used to have dreams too, particular dreams that i dream of everynight. those that you HOPE will come true. but i know some of them will just stay as fairytales. whether i like it or not.
i think im getting addicting with to photo-editing and adding-text thing (:
ARGH. headache driving me nuts. sleeep. im such a pig <('(..)')> muggingpartner, can you still be my partner for another day till my bio's over pls!! :D
add ons to list! 8. a MUST-GO-OUT day with hannah. the sweetheart that im dying to go out with(: 9. a day out with mg friends (: it's been awhile.
dancin' @ 9:52 PM
Monday, November 20, 2006
sings like an angel
You know where you've send her
You should know where you are
You're trying to ease off
But you know you won't get far
And now she's up there
Sings like an angel
Unforgivable Sinner
sleepless nights is making me retarded.had justin timberlake's sexyback in my head while i tried to cramp all the bio info in this morning. was even being EMO abt how sperms die from acid secretions! there's sth wrong with me. lol.
bio paper3 has just ENDED! i still have one more paper and ppl are getting tired of playing already i have a bad feeling abt paper3. all the sexual repro that i banged on...... (erms yes) didnt come out! what happened to my oogenesis, spermatogenesis, fertilisation, mentrual cycle, hormonal control, maturation of plant gametes??! damn!instead, BORING aesexual repro and seed dormancy came out for essay -.-" got totally turned off by that! but im sure happy tt i dont have to STUDY sexual repro anymore! quite interesting still... haha. it's bad when you know tt you know too much. HUN! MOVIE MOVIE MOVIE treat treat treat! :D
i still feel that sperms are really really couragous as they face their hostile environment :D
IM TIRED. havent been getting much sleep. was awake till 4 on sat night! because was doing up a montage for publicity for church camp! :D yay. my church's CAMP IS COMING! (: and this years sounds really promising. time flies.. and before you know it, your batch of friends are actually the ones organising the whole freaking thing this year! :D it's gona KICK ASS :D so then, i did up the montage, felt tired on sunday.. but i HAD to study bio... so ultimately slept at 230 ytd night! and slept with prolactin and oxytocin ringing in my head. stupid bio.
ive been doing much thinking.. and it's time (: the time to just accept reality as it is.. leave the past with a smile and move on (: thanks friends for all the psychoing and encouragement. you guys dont know how much all the smiling and even suaning means to me! i think it's time for elena to get onto her two hobbit feets HERSELF. YES finally! by now, im pretty sure that i have no luck when it comes to love. but its okay. i dont really care anymore! :D i'll just love and be loved someday. i really wait for the day when i can listen to lovesongs without feeling sorry about myself. and know that love is just all ard and there's nothing to be sad abt (:
okay sth random, while i was in fareast that day. i checked out the grafitti wall and i found the mark me and gareth left months ago! gareth's proclaimation then was still there! while mine's GONE! :((( whyyyyyy. no point writing again... but it just brings back the past when me and gareth used to ace bio together! exboyfriend,you dont come to my blog but i'll proudly say that you have made YOUR mark in my life! (:your love was true (: i'll never forget the times and the moments. 'exboyfriend' is not a term for you because your caring nature has made us goodgoodfriends again. and this friendship i'll always treasure! and you'll remain as one person that i can freely bully and laugh at! (: cheesy boy :D
sometime, i really wonder how did i ever let you go....
okay! in awhile, will be in orchard watching STEPUP with joce xiaoan and sawww! oh yayy! it's either gonna satisfy my thirst to dance or make me even more desperate to start dancing again (: im just sad.. because muggingbuddy's gona do his disappearing act now that As are over. SIGH. you should just come along! but your rejection made us sad.. least for joce and me :(( oh wells.
accumulating things to do after As! (: 1. fly off to penang with family! 2. come back and go starbucks with joce and tocks to talk WITHOUT schoolwork! 3. go out with garethto buy prom things! (im gonna make you look HOT) 4. glue myself to the tv and watch all 11 korean and taiwanese dramas :) 5. take edwin out of his misery! casinoroyale? :D 6. for church camp, meet up with design comm. 7. consider designing art wall in orchard for daniel from church 8. help huihui paint a picture for her birthday :D
okay! 30minutes to change bathe and go out! BYE (:
dancin' @ 10:48 AM
Saturday, November 18, 2006
another lovesong*
this is what i do while doing chem mcqs! HAHA mugging partner cant scold me alr. but yes, distraction! and this is the most TRAGIC line of chinese words! :( lovesong -amiel (a song that vivek shared with me. that made me EMO. BLEHH. youre screwed man. but now im addicted to it :D hahas. it's bit vulgar.. but it's consoling in a way. )
the kickass first-liner that he likes: It's one thing to ask why we break up Have you ever Wondered why it is we fall in love Can you tell me Do you know what it is you're looking for What do we need Can you tell me why I care How is it that we heed That voice that says i want you there
YAY! CONGRATS TO THREEQUARTERS OF MY FRIENDS WHO JUST ENDED THEIR EXAMS YESTERDAY! PHYSICS,CHEM, GEOG! if anyone of you have thoughts of coming to sch to visit me in outside clothes! you can come since you have all the time in the world now! your presence WILL matter (: SEE, IM NICE! (: im just happy that i still have the lit and history students to stay by me, studying! haha :D
and to dearest hun, youre so nice huh! haha. thanks for offering to treat me to clubbing on sunday night and movie at 8 or 930am in the morning when you know i have biopaper from 8 to 930am! the fact that i cant make it is precisely why youre treating! YOU PRICKY BUGGER YOU. hun: why not?? just chiong your paper in 1hour. make tons of noise so that the examiner can chase you out and run down to meet me la! haha. i think even if i say meet at 930 also impossible cause examiners still must collect script. HAHA. and thanks jon for wearing short and berms to school today. BLEH. NON-CHEMer.
recently, the papers are getting rather demoralising.... first it was history. the first thing was that i saw brendan coming down.. and he shouted, MASS SLAUGHTER! oh man... learnt that china came out again this year after coming out for 3years. being forced to do 3essays out of 4 that are available is scary enough! what is their problem seriously, always testing the same freaking chapters. then it was lit. from what i heard was ALSO demoralising.for once, i was just thankful for being a sciencer! even if your papers are always in the morning. but chem was not much easier. rushed through the mcqs.. and finished ON THE DOT, coming out realising that i made many many mistakes. ARGH! then decided to be ignorant and not discuss at all because there's no point in discussing anymore! haha.
for those to think tt they screwed up, DONT GIVE UP. STAY STRONG. because elena knows tt you'll find your way through somehow! all of you are smart people! so just look forward :D
BIG NEWS! chuckles just jacked jaredkong! YESYESYES! haha me and joce were desperate to watch a movie! so we suggested stepup! then jared said it was gay and all.. and said he'll just go watch bond with the boys. and told us the time when they turned all shag watching 2movies consecutively! as in walk out and walk in immediately! with javier and wenxin. so we were discussing.... and xiaoan was just being irritating in his funny ways. ha. wenxin scared me by thinking that chem was halfanhour earlier! BLEH. why not stepup AND bond on monday? ((:
while trying to persuade jared to watch stepup... me: jared. STEP UP. jared: YES. step up today. not only today, step up on monday, everyday! me, joce and the rest just stoned: HUH? me: im taking about the movie! jared:WHAT? shit no?? that movie's gay! i thought you said stepup for the As! chuckles you tricked me. YESYESYES!
ANYWAYS, ytd was unofficially me and sherman's LAST DAY AS MUGGINGPARTNERS!sherman, i'm sad okay! :(( you emotionless freak. and as grateful as i was to him for all his pushing, i gave him something that made him red! YOU BLUSHED okay! hahaha i never embarrass you :D admit that what i gave was cute! anyone who wants to know can go ask him what it is. but here's a hint, S for superman and S for mighty shermanho!
before the exams, when i was being QUITE sentimental. freaking out before the last paper that we'll be fighting together. me: sherman!! this is the last paper that we're competing le! after this, no more comparing! AHH! no comparing! sherman! last paper. you're not sad meh? after this, no more studying for chem tog already! AH! SHIT IM DAMN SAD. sherm: ehh. it's just a paper. just go for it lor.
-.-" muggingpartner. he's always high at weird times. and obviously not then. never play along :( but now that chem's over, im just happy that it's over for you. and youve made chem bearable for me (: so THANKS. because i used to hate chem alot. i love diphenylmethanone! sherm would say: siao.
nothing beats going out and simply walking without any thoughts of exams! :) went to windowshop with xin, herneighbour and cariann after chem! I JUST NEED TO WALK AND LOOK AT STUFF! i had enough of books and notes and tys! but temptation took over and we bought for ourselves a top! AH. the satisfaction (: another offshoulder top for chuckles! OH YAY *SMILE.i chucked all the chem mcqs that ive been practising, ALL into the dustbin. nov june papers. nj hc ac papers. funny that they were the most important material you have before your exams, but becomes the most useless thing after that. i'll keep sherman's chem tys. im sentimental. BYE CHEMISTRY! (:
5more days to liberation from this dreaded education peeps who are with me, hang in there (: pics i took with vivek and gabriel at island creamery on the eve of chem and lit paper! ((: BLUR PICTURES are rather nice (: moments.
Thanks you've been fuel for thought Now i'm more lonely than before But thats okay i've just already made another f*cking love song
dancin' @ 8:51 AM
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
will i ever love again
and tonight i walk through an empty street with my shadow stretching in front of me when my lonely thoughts meet my lonely feet. and cold reminds me that i chosen this life.
[currently playing]get another boyfriend chuckles has found another song to add on the the collection of 'dumping and moving along' music list! YAY. the negativity towards love. HAHA. backstreet... check it out! :)))
Decided to get my ass out of the house and BACK to school today. away from distractions. wells, markp assumed that the sch belonged to the econs people today. bleh. still, sat and studied with tocks.bitchy hun doesnt fail to exhibit his socks to everyone! still dare to put them near me. HOW GROSS! (recalls the time when i smelt it. eee)
bumped into jaredkong! ive not seen you for awhile already, big one! :D hahas. he look pretty stressed up. wells, lil joce came to brighten up his day! :)) silly girl fell off her chair and gave xiaoan the opportunity to jack her. stupid boys.so then, i told them that i'll be flying off right after my bio paper on thurs! they were shocked at first but fast enough to seize the chance to jack me! chuckles:im flying off to penang on the day of ya last lit paper! jared: so when will you be back. chuckles: prob going for twodays and i'll be back! jared: means tt you wont be away FOR GOOD? DAMNN! xiaoan: why not you just left and come back on april14th! (day of enlistment) joce laughed. STUPID BOYS.
jared and joce were educating me about how earthquakes are formed from the shifting of the earth's plates when sherman came along thinking that he's real tight with jared.the question is whether the bond btwn sji boys will remain tight even when girls start invading their lives!but knowing them, they'll stay true to sji aye! hahaa. joce and i saw some "foreign body" in our canteen when it was actually some sji foreign students! and OFCOURSE, we got jacked back about our sec schools. sigghhh. whats with you ppl and mg girls? GAHH. sherman just comes along to show off his skills at jacking me! and yes, the famous line that jared said a few months back. chuckles, why are you so noisy! LOL.
RETARD! haha.
so then, there comes the time when all the econs people go up for their exams! this time, i was the only one not taking the paper andonce again, i felt all MOTHERLY and running up to wish them all the best for the paper. joce just laughed when i said.."my kids are all grown up and going for their papers! AH! sobs!" LOL. but was glad that i was personally there wishing them (:ele, you'll do fine alright! rem to always smile (: because your smile lights up my day. with exception to some of them pointing finger at me. GAH.
the noise from the econs crowd died down as i returned to my mcqs. it wasnt long before muggingpartner came along to invite me to the lib! how nice until i realised that HE JUST WANTED MY IPOD! the same old sherman that deserves coal. haha. being nice, i DID went to the lib! (: but sherman did come along to helped me with a chem question! YAYY. like old times ah. hahahhaaha. stupid faces and all! obsessed with lips of an angel.. calling me fatty. but still, just like old times, he doesnt fail to pangseh me as he went off to slack!! but it's rather understandable.. how shag one can be after a demanding paper! so then, muggingbuddy, 2more days to chem and it'll be through for good! (:
somehow, you really want all these to be over. YET, you dont want to let them go knowing ttthere comes the time when all the crazy moments, along with the studying, will seize as well.i know i'll miss the times studying tog with friends.
nothing beats the joy you have.. knowing that friends are there to make studying more tolerable and even more enjoyable.
moving to ipod music, enduring their singing, smiling to each other before turning back to our work, rushing back for nightstudy, staying sticky and dirty at the end of the day or just encouraging each other
i'll miss the moments really.
but time flies... and know you cant study with them FOREVER.but you can always keep the friendships. (:
soon, econs people come running down REJOICING from their liberation! esp the non-chem paper. CONGRATS to iggy, edwin, hafiz, keerthi, jon ong, markchia for completing your As! keerthi was tearing his lecturenotes away and joce unleashed her violent side as she helped him! HAHA. went off the starbucks with the lit and hist people! whereas, other sciencers are off to PARTY! hun and his gang went off to dota as they smiled widely. BLEH. all so happy and celebrating! GO OKAY. go play for me. (tries to ignore them as they try to act really happy and FREE) YES EDWIN, alot of time!
after a nice dinner looking at joce gobble up food and jared stopping her, we went to starbucks! they're really a lovely pair! :))) was pretty distracted at starbucks after completing my 4th mcq paper of the day! sat ard and did some talking! I LOVE TO TALK! esp with people with interesting and engaging views abt certain things. so then, graham markyang and i were talking about relationships! ((: it was a good talk.
being youths.
a time when we're just confused about what we want. when you TRY to handle freedom. when commitment is still undefined. when we rush into things... and end them abruptly when you know it's not want you want.
you can find it cruel that someone can just stop loving when you still have the love going but this is LIFE.
through little meaningful experiences will we learn to see the fine line between commiting and being too possessive and find the limit between preserving our old self and going to the extent of changing yourself for another person.
love is subjective. love is BLIND. it is after everything is over, when you can probably sit back to think about what exactly happened..
whether you were the fool, or the jerk..
javier who looks like lin jj (a compliment you said!) came along to ask abt chem and bio! lol. chunky (how jared calls him, nicks that stay with you FOR LIFE!) takes the same combi as me. seems like things are going pretty well for sa's side! COMPETITION. he reminded me to start studying bio :S monday.... i need to get all the biological juices flowing! and assimilate all the sexual repro info into my head! we both agreed that sex for plants is freaking BORING. LOLOL. OKAY! 3 more papers. go girl. chem and bio.
Just go get on with your life
Stop Acting like you've given up
so just hang up the phone, cause youre probably better alone.
dancin' @ 10:51 PM
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
partners in crime
Follow your dreams Be yourself, an angel of kindness There's nothing that you cannot do I believe, I believe, I believe In YOU.
sorry but this entry is for MUGGINGBUDDY, 2more days and our partnership would be over :(( whether you like it or not, im actually kinda sad i think. haha. and no doubt you endlessly call me short, call me pig, call me fat, treat me like a guy. no matter how 'bad' you turn out to be, you still do encourage me to study, making me wake up my idea and STOP EMO SHIT! WHO'S THE EMO ONE? hahas. i want to relive the whacky muggingdays man. throwing pens, me distracting you, your retarded sotong face.. stupid braces that always stay on (: secret ambition!
snippets from my past entries.... remember remember,
the muggingpartners journey. HAHA
the FIRST chem makeup class with sandratan! :D
Friday, March 17, 2006 '4-people tuition' writes:
saw my other suspect!!! SHERMAN HO! t2o! haha he saw us too... then he came... AND know wad!! HES GOING!!...
THEN WE SAW MRS TAN! OH SHESSH! our prediction came true la.... its gona be me sherman and mrs tan!! we gave ahh nehh a call... and she said the people going can be counted by one hand! AH! that's like 4??? *spit blood*so its gona be a FOUR-PEOPLE TUT WITH MRS TAN! SHERMAN ELENA MOMO AHNEH! *me and sherman bangs head*
SUPER PRESSURISING, we do our work halfway.. when she can read ya words 360degrees around! "sherman! why ya formula so weird!"one time i was writing.... SLAMS TABLE! mrs tan: "what!! how can u put ETHANLOLIC NaOH!?"
first mugging times!
Saturday, March 25, 2006 'extreme funness' writes:
continued mugging with sherm as canteen gets emptier and emptier! yayys actually sherm's quite nice.. cuz he can just set wad he's doing aside and help u solve ya qn... lol. SMART GUY la.. and then we saw mark p! and he told us abt this 2 j1s tt were like gossiping abt him.. then sherman wana go confront tt peeps la!! SUPER HILARIOUS! and he took his calculator and pen alooongg cuz they will scare them abit and come into handyyy... SUPER WEIRD LA! hahaha. actually no one should study with me.. cuz i talk alot
(the nice sherman part! HOW TRUE AH. lol.)
then the start of our muggingpartner days with me being paraniod tt he has a new partner:
Thursday, April 06, 2006 "mugging partners are effective.danceisHOT" writes:
and mugging partner was there studying!!! NEVER TELL ME! AHHHHH! STUPID SHERMAN! stopping talking!!! even make me go buy drink for him! and i nearly thought he got a new mugging partner! AH! branden drew for me a car! and then sherman was super super super proud of his diphenyl methanone!!! crazyyy.. just a qn wad......LOL.anways, mugging partners are effective! and its good! cuz u guys can study tog and learn new things too! mugging partner secretly studied on tues again ! really suspect tt he got new partner la! LOL.. he's getting REALLY digusting!! cuz they more he knows u the more he bullies you!!
(sherman gets gradually meannnnnnn)
how mugging days turned violent...
Friday, April 07, 2006
sherman u ps yourself k!!! who ask u go sleeppp! lol. so then.. had a short-lived studing time with him!!! and he's getting super super qian da la!! then i was like super noisy as usual... *throws pens* then he told me... haha. then he was sharing with me brendan and marie about his experience with his econs test!! how he BURN THE PAPER and chiong all the way to end up getting 1/4 of the mark!! lol. super funny le... sherman ho.. pig face! hahaa.then...
TRUE mugging days? hahahahs
Friday, June 30, 2006
i was really really blur for vectors! then sherman decides to be a nice mugging partner.... *who says ure always nice* and taught me how vector works... then halfway, uncle had to close the canteen...so me yimin and sherman went to the BUSSTOP to continue the vectors.. so sherm was there at the busstop teaching us vectors when bus passing by.. what a scene man! super outofthisworld. after all his explaining.. i took over and taught him estimation of solutions which was stinky numerical methods... and me trying to outtalk the stupid buses... LOLs. then, we were being true mugging partners man. haahahs.
your judo competition! BLEHHHH
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
anyways, i felt weird.. because i didnt really know much of the judo teams.. for guys, its just sherm.. but since he claims that he's SO WORTH my support so i decided to not turn back and just go!!yimin told me that i still have time before the Aboys start...
found sherman in e end.. in his JUDO COSTUME! haha which they very much want me to call it a GI. LOL! not nervous ah. oh wells.. jiayouu bahh. this is the most that ya mugging partner can do man. cheer you on!! you better appreciate this. it was raining on my way there... -.-"all in all.. cj did a good job! and sherm did put up a good fight! :))
diphenyl methanone! :)
Saturday, August 19, 2006 "chuckles feel loved <3">
sherman gave me an awesome gift! haha. he called me over.. THEN TOOK OUT A REALLY REALLY CUTE PIGGY! hahahas. i called him pigface first.. but he always insisted that im a pig. but then.. i was just super taken away by the cuteness! AHHHH! then he asked me to see the top... HMMS. weird design..OMG it was a DIPHENYL METHANONE!that was the name of the pig! and then sherman said that he imported it.. or custom made it.. and finally said that he sewed it on! SHERMAN SEW IT ON!
NOT forgetting.... cutie pie. HAHAHHA bobbing to how to save a life! that smiling is a weakness to you :( my rubbish singing that puts you off your EVEN MORE rubbish singing that cant stop me from laughing. zandarkand piano piece!
theAs for CHEM! ((:
hoping to make the last 2days count alright! (: you're gonna miss the muggingtimes dude. hey partner jiayou. -shermanho 160406/1416
dancin' @ 7:56 PM
remember the magic*
Do you believe in magic In a young girl's heart How the music can free her, whenever it starts And it's magic, if the music is groovy It makes you feel happy like an old-time movie :)
OMG! the econs people are sitting for their paper in about 10minutes time!! (: i feel so nervous for them. they're writing their essays while im here typing. LOL i guess practically all of them take econs tt's why i'm home early. chuckles here wishing all of you all the best! :))))
Nervousness. yesterday was physics paper and we were all ard wishing the physics people all the best! when all of them were gone and up in the hall.. me and tocks sat down and gave a HUGH sigh. and agreed that we both felt really excited and nervous for them.i feel like im like their mothers! HAHA. sending them up to the exam hall. like "all the best okay. try your best and takecare!" hahaha. i have so many kids! :D
kids. HAHA.
so then i mugged with tocks and val and we DID do work! :D and concluded that we cant wait to go watch endless movies and go spas and yoga after the papers! :) those lazy buggers william and gabriel were sleeping their asses away! BLEH. study!! hahas
ADVERTISMENT! the movie im DYING TO WATCH. ARGHH i dont care. dancers, watch 2 times 3times! (: dance sessions, dance studio i miss.... :*(
SO, sooner or later, the physics people came down! emoboys! me and tocks tried really hard to get their attention and ask abt the paper. but all our questions were being put off as they engaged in their discussion abt the paper! lol.
me: heyy! how was the paper? (they stare and started "so what's the emf of this.... blehblehbleh" ) tocks: chuckles theyre ignoring me! me: i know! HEY!!! (they finally looked!) me: i heard there was 6marks worth of defination qns! (back to their own crowd discussing mcqs..)
me: err errr. will the reflux change the magnetic field strength ah?
tocks: forget it chuckles! we'll just go do our work.
after a while... we were smart to just give up and leave them to discuss their papers!! themarks banged their heavy butts on my studying table and gradually they got more and more agitated by the mcq discussion tt the table was shaking. very soon after that, me and tocks ran away from them as their discussion REALLY GOT OUT OF HAND. and frans ended up screaming from a mistake. THEY'RE MAD. but then we stayed in sch to study as they went to town. BYE KIDS! :D cute's small and small's cute. HA (:
wells today, chem paper2! the paper was okay. again, i dont want to think too much! me and some of us started analysing bellcurve for the national cohort.
here it is: considering there are the bottom group in the cohort filling up the Os and Fs region.. and the smartdudes taking up ALOT of the As and Bs region.. we will just fall in the B C region then! dont really want to judge cj's standards. but then there WILL be a percentage of us getting As right! :Dso excluding all chem S students... and those scarychem people... there might just be somespace left for the other elites.. maybe people like, markp hun sherm and me! :D some mindless discussions on the bellcurve JUST to boost our morale! but ultimately, make sure your best is being put into the paper itself! (:
undergoing slack period of a paper in a few days. they give you so many days to prepare for a paper that you just dont know how to plan your time for them :(
and my chance to go swim my stress away was crashed by the rain cloud! ARGH.
in the meantime, dear God, pls give the econs people the clarity of mind to settle their papers (:
Hold on little girl Show me what he's done to you Stand up little girl A broken heart can't be that bad When it's through, it's through
latest idea! everytime when i see a couple. a thin small wife and her really big-sized husband, i could only think of 2words: xing fu. i dont know! maybe it's the size that makes her smallness and his bigness portray the content and fulfillment (: it's like when she hugs his big body she feels good and happy :D yayys. elena's plan: i'll get a normal-cute-muscular guy for husband.. then after marriage, i'll stuff him with food and make him fat and xing fu! PERFECT PLAN (:
im thinking of writing a short entry! okayyy maybe not as short as me.AHH JACK! and this is my new policy.. if everyone is dying to jack you. just jack yourself! saves everyone the trouble! RARR was at island creamery withgabriel and vivek today! vivek's a middle indian btw! :D i guess we did get down to doing work! but we spend hell lots of time crapping and seeing who's acting cool and not studying.i think i further proved myself to be someone really retarded and crazy. laughing at senseless shit and trying out all the tables to see which one is the least cold to sit at :D
picture this. vivek and gabriel stares as elena runs around standing at random spots to check out the "wind" ard the table. elena runs left. elena runs right elena runs left again. vivek: elena what are you doing?! *some random girl walking pass replied vivek as she shrugged her shoulders! LOLand i didnt PS! next time k.
the rain made me feel emo but joce gave me a msg of love today (: and it really brighten up my gloomy and COLD day. and suddenly i feel like showering all my love to everyone around me! :D making them happy and smiling!:D all those who stood by meand made my days exciting and challenging (in a way) some of you may be mean.. but ILOVE YOU ALL <3i think i'll just write all your names down NOW! joce jared tocks van hun sherman darcy themarks jon bings pinks xiaoan brendan mana ele sansan tash jea youwei booboo edwin iggy queen jes deep haf aloy xin ellyne cariann ann huihui les churchpeeps! and everyone in this world! (:
this is a LONG entry. and to aloy: ya design is going into my next entry! (: and mugging partner, i shall say it again. physics may be tough, but not as tough as your determination to OWN IT.i have faith in you! (:
a song with warm fizzy feelings(:
I'm the one who wants to be with you Deep inside I hope you feel it too Waited on a line of greens and blues Just to be the next to be with you you dont have to be in love, to get love :D yesyesyes (: doesnt it make you SMILE*
dancin' @ 9:52 PM
Friday, November 10, 2006
getting immuned
how cute (:
RARRR. i just received a letter from nus abt the usp programme. just wandering whether other people received it? some scholarship thingy. OH WELL. dont want to comment too much because im just as blur abt it :( ARGH. confused abt future plans. as for now, just study :(
it just seems like the As are already over! hahas. im left with 4papers in 2weeks! BLEH. by the 2nd week.. me and the lonely bio and lit students will be left to study in sch while evil people who alr ended their exams will specially take time off TO VISIT ME IN OUTSIDE CLOTHES.rub it in dudes!thinking abt the next week and PCME people. *only shakes head* it's gona be crazy but HANG IN THERE! you end earlier :( doing chem all day was really draggy! managed to do 3 papertwos.. in a really slack and slow pace. sighs. here comes the draggy days.. i need to take my mind off work! either... swim the work off dance it off run it off eat it off x) the bad thing is that ive been eating alot again :( *stole chips from gabriel. goped hun's food which was actually MY TREAT for him. nibbled here and there* and giving people more reason to call me fatty. RARR.
lucky, i have little piggy diphenyl to accompany me through :D slept on it while i was in the lib and left a hideous ink mark on it's cheek!! DARN! it has a mole now :Dsherm was still really proud that he sewed the compound. hah. i ought to kill those people who bullied my pig and threw it near the dangerous blades of the fan! hun, youwei and libing!
what's up with youwei man! he suddenly starts calling me shortie! YOU ASS. hahahs. i helped you in chem. and you still give your lizard laugh and suaning me about my husband??? HAHAHA. rem your agreement to study for bio after chem!library sua! anyways we went to confirm the notice that said that the fmath and geog timings will be changed because of the arrival of the US PRESIDENT. everyone shocked and said: bush coming meh? LOL
nightstudied with hun. he treats me like a maid!! :(( ha. actually everyone does. even if hun chose to not do any actions while listening to tonghua.. i'll still blog this anyhow! HAHA. retarded okay. throwing crumbs everywhere. i whack you. you whack me. trying to run like me. BLEH.
chuckles is going to find a building. call all the meanies there one day. and BLOW UP THE BUILDING with a push of the button! and kill all of them!WAHAHAHAHAHA.
i realised that, all the dumping, you-left-me, i'll-let-you-go, you-wasted-my-time songs are all sang by boybands and boys. MOST of them are. and why. it just seems like they're always the victim when it comes to relationships. wells, i feel that both guys and girls equally are. whether you get over it depends on you. maybe it's true, that it is easier to have a guy falling in love first then makes the girl in love too.. compared to a girl falling in love first and making the guy in love too. but the trick is to TRY to not get too into it. love is always complicated and it's impossible to get out of it unscathed. easier said then done. as much as we tell ourselves to aviod it, we end up getting involved in one way or another.
inseparable huh.
in the words of a good friend. it takes two hands to clap! there's no point trying to make a clap when the other hand is clapping someone else's hand. im starting to get immuned to emo-ing! listening to emosongs again. talk abt being immuned man. it's a good sign. *smiles
dancin' @ 11:30 PM
Thursday, November 09, 2006
movealong movealong
yayyys. chuckles, girl in JUDO! ready to take on anyone! :D FINALLY! 3 consecutive days of exams is finally over! and im glad that ive survived it! :D for me, a chance to sleep EARLY without the company of half-read notes and half-done exam papers. to chill out for a second. to take a deep breathe. and start it all again. how i feel after all the papers... actually, no comments. i dont want to expect too much and neither do i want to start stressing myself up by saying that i might screw them up. just leave my papers in the hands of the markers. i kiss MATH goodbye today! yayyy. no more math for a long long long time :D
i promised God that i wont say any vulgarity during the exams... and guess who i told this to.. the emo boys in sch! hun jon mark kevin.. and THAT'S IT. the rest of the story is pretty predictable!it was probably the day when i received the most swears! WOOO! all of them freaking swearing in front of me, attempting to make me burst out saying f!JON! even you have turned damn vulgar! and treated me like a guy now huh! i whack you, you whack me. kiss my ass, faggots!okay maybe not. hah. i know verbally, i cant beat you guys in suaning.. I WONT WIN. so i'll just write here! haha. and it's true.. i think there will be one day when i'll be immuned to all the jacks and suans! (i need to learn from tocks! tocks is pro at withstanding their suanings! :D ) and one day when i'll start missing all this shit and swearing..
today, me and edwin spent the longest time waiting for a bus home! my goodness!!seeing two 105s, three 132s, two 57s. we waited up to the point when we start wandering whether we were at the correct busstop. and obviously we were! HAHA. and yes, 15NOV! you and all the rest of the world ends earlier than me! BLEH.
special message for muggingpartner, our days are numbered! crazy line of exams coming up for ya. before it's too late, THANKS ya. for the stressful times and retarded times. it's true that somehow we dont want the exams to come so soon! and we start wanting to relive the days when we were still studying and going for tutorials! and ofcourse, the days studying as partners. hahas. kill me if im wasting time typing this. but DONT STRESS. you know you can do it! and you know who's charming as well. HAHA. i float.
somehow, no matter how happy one appear to be.. even if there are times to laugh and to smile. there will always be times when you fall. but remember this, it will end up being your own lost, once you start feeling emo and sad. and you know that it isnt your lost. because no one can make you feel bad abt yourself. and you know tt you're better than that. so think happy thoughts! it works well, long enough before you start drowning yourself into work again!
i believe God will lead. God's my secret weapon for the As! and His wisdom is sufficient for me :)
dancin' @ 10:19 PM
Saturday, November 04, 2006
KISS - Because I'm a Girl
awws, nice video (: pretty girl.
"You didn't know that to be born as a girl and to be loved was so hard Although i will curse you i'll still miss you Because I am a girl, to whom love is everything"
girls are retarded and silly. always trying to make themselves hurt. they tell themselves never to fall in love again, yet they commit so fast once they fall in love.
dancin' @ 2:08 AM
25minutes too late.
where did I go wrong, I lost a friend somewhere along in the bitterness and I would have stayed up with you all night had I known how to save a life (sherm bobs to the music x) )
friends (:
i have bio and math up my ass this tues. BLEH. i think i have reached the point when you dont even feel like studying already and just want to go for the exam and JUST WHACK. wells, i just have to wait. and in the meantime, just studying for the sake of studying.
went to the lib today! :D and guess who i brought along.... my muggingpartner!! as in the one AT HOME! (: diphenylmethanone! yayyyys. muggingpartner was once again admiring his work of art and trying to console himself that his sewing is DAMN PRO. LOL.
muggingpartners, one in a lifetime okay (: see you in uni.
i WAS really trying to focus! just that i get distracted by hun making stupid faces and throwing paper ball at me. MILK CHOCOLATE markp was munching his hellopanda away in the lib. and sherman calling someone "fatty" haha. and tocks agreed that im a BIMBO! freaks.
the trip down to starbucks at novena was amusing. hun decided to practise cold treatment on me and tocks. he just want to be antisocial and not talk at all. guys are weird solo creatures. they're such bastards and retards :) me and tocks just followed him up any bus he flagged! the only time he opened his mouth was when we were freaking out while dashing across the road. SCARY. and then met darling JOCE (: and ofcourse jared and xiao'an. while having dinner, we were all having an exciting talk about our prom outfits! yayy, hun's wearing MAROON! ah! and tock's going to be hot in red! :D xiao'an's wearing lightpink which might just work! jared's undecided! but you're still hotstuff right LOL. so then we sidetracked to talking about how the taoist priest prays with big swords..THEN some random guy told jared that he has the look of a MINISTER! hahaha. it sounds like those predictions that might just be true. i'll vote for you, because i admire how you withstand xiao'an nonsense and desires.
starbucks was just distracting! but i still managed to finish nj's paper1 :D
some girls were just checking mr hotstuff out! WOO! it's just so laughable! haha and we concluded that he's a lousy piece of shit :DJOCE IS MINE.xiaoan was being a public nuisence and showing off his shapely legs! hahas. joce disrupts! :) and tocks was just not in the studying mood. so we ended up cuddling up at the sofa and talking :D OMG, hun looks good with the fedora tt xiao'an bought! but too much of it made him look like a cancer patient :) laughing is good. makes you happy.
ohh, and we realised how sensless LOUSY shit is. how can you determine whether shit is lousy or not. shit is just shit :)
LET GO girl.
dancin' @ 12:00 AM
Chuckles and Dances.
An mg girl 2004 (: Bimbo? NOT. Cjcian chuck chuck chuckles! Dancer! Energetic... *jumps* Fourayefour 03/04 Halfling Ignite Kickass draconian Luporian househead Muckles! NANANANA Oxygen! Part of facil body06 Rubbish mugger Small Twotee38!. tashitgang Uniquely short Village in hobbiton WIDE SMILE (: X-05S64 saint. Zeebie! (: