Tuesday, August 29, 2006
freaking pissed and tired
dont really wish to blog actually but just feel like it!
AHHHH! im soooo super pissed by this bitch who wrote a disgusting entry abt my lil angel :(( AH! she really really pissed me off and i have never been that vulgar in my life before... hoped my comment scared the shit out of her. HAHA and yes, i may not be that powerful in my english but hope she get the picture!!
for those who are sensitive toward chuckles saying vulgar words...PLEASE understand alright?that stupid blog is http://ohmycassie.blogspot.comi
may be a lil too late to find out about it... but
NOW I KNOW that there are actually such fucked up people that exist! that bitch doesnt even know who she's dealing with! SOMEONE SHE DOESNT EVEN KNOW. i read that entry and it really made my blood boil. so you hate people who are vertically challenged.. i guess it's because she's horizontally challenged. she was indirectly insulting me.
CHUCKLES SERIOUSLY HATES PEOPLE WHO INSULTS HER FRIENDS.especially when this friend is one of the sweetest girl i have ever gotten to know. my dearest darling, i love you ALOT. and dont worry for chuckles is behind you! (: be comforted because i share the same air as you! and
we're in this tog. just when the world seem to be growing up too fast, you'll still have chuckles for company! (:as for
that bitch.. she seriously needs to do a check on herself. then whatever she wants to do after tt.. i dont really care.
but pls FUCK OFF, really.okay... on a happier note,
today is gareth's birthday! ((: guess youre finally eighteen!! elena wants to say..
a HUGE BIG THANKYOU for making me a really happy girl for 7months and 24days. it was awesome being with you and the memories that i weaved with you will always be with me. and i'll never never forget those wonderful times... of
laughter, joy and tears. thanks for always being there, then.
i really hope that you'll continue to study hard and get your ass into ns and hopefully ocs? (: and to continue growing in God's love (:
since it's your birthday,
i shall say that an ac guy like gareth is hot,cute and macho! go train up after ya As alrite!
without training up, i think girls are falling headoverheels for you le! (:hope you liked the slideshow? hahaas.
shall say all the best in ya future endeavours..
i heard from ky tt you kinda got tog with ermms.. kelly?
actually i heard of it too.i feel happy for her (:----
went back to mg today! ((: those were the peaceful, no-boys days!nightstudy was HOT today. was studying with
maurice.. he got the answer to iodine3 -! (: and i solved his qn in 1minute when he spent 1h30min trying to figure out! lols.
had fun with the invisible pen too!(:
im really drained. physically and mentally..
wander why im still awake now.
muggingbuddy... you're stressed now. and i can see that you are. PLS dont get distracted and FOCUS alright.
remember remember, determination! perseverence! and the GOAL. if you're feeling stressed or anything.. can always find me to release your stress on...
you can always suan me... call me pig.. throw pens at me.. as long as it helps in destressing...*and they were all yellow
dancin' @ 12:56 AM
Monday, August 28, 2006
Nobody said it would be easy...
heyyy peeps.
just popping by to say that
ive got a blog that contains all of the pics from my birthday and you guys can grab the photos from there! (:http://fromchuckleswithlove.blogspot.comit contains ALL the photos. haha TONS of them! but ive not uploaded sat and sunday night photos though.. most of them are with jia en! ((:
yupp thats all. i need to hit the books already....
our time is running out.ya you will be the death of mebury iti wont let you bury iti wont let you smother iti wont let you MURDER itour time is running outcant stop it SCREAMING out.--MuseOKAY STUDY!
dancin' @ 2:45 AM
Sunday, August 27, 2006
BEST ive ever had
ahhh shit i shouldnt be blogging now.. but starting my burn and mugging ALL THE WAY TO MY As... but wells this is prob my last blog till when i feel like blogging again....
just want to say that...
gareth! you better thank me man. i spent the whole sat morning NOT STUDYING but doing up a video montage for you! im not a comp genius so i cant come up with a kickass video but i tried for a powerpoint? and there are freaking many slides... cause there's TONS of photos of youuuu. those act cute ones... *coughs* and i had to crop myself out for you! -.-"
youre just the best ive ever had (:wells, doing up the montage just reminds me of the past man.
those were awesome awesome memories yes? (: many ask me why im working so hard since he's already my ex... but guess we're still good friends and im just doing it cuz i do big things for people's birthdays?? HAHA.
the most WASTED thing.. 7hours of working on the comp... taking a cab to church... 1min of working on labtop and BOMB THE LABTOP DIED! so no more showing of montage :((( elena cries.
wells.. his birthday is on tues.. so there's still time i guess.. tom shall try out again?
wells here a lil preview of the CRAZY times we shared. LOL.
gareth.. if you dont like it here.. then TELL ME K! i'll delete it for you!
anyways, we had
concert of prayer today.... and it was AWESOME. WONDERFUL. i felt like i settled everything for the As.
it was then.. that moment when i really handed all my stress.. my worries all up to the Lord and just lean on His wisdom and His power. i prayed for my family, my friends and myself! it was a spiritual revival really.. and i feel like
i just started out a new relationship with God (: a stronger one!
For me...
i really need God's strength to do well.. and
I myself alone is not strong enough to handle the As.. and i trust that God is running this race with me. With Him beside, i feel like i can achieve things tt are beyond my wisdom and abilities (:
rushed to
meet mel jea nicole and saw for POOTY'S DANCE CONCERT! it was a good one ((:
guy dancers are muscular and cool (:
and pooty looked awesome on stage! im proud of you girl! the techniques of the dancers... all the kicks were WOW. a good one i must say (:
time to see whether mars came to say HI! hahas.
ciaos people
dancin' @ 12:51 AM
Thursday, August 24, 2006
our time is running out

tt's corn with present from hafiz and thad. QUITE sick.
heyyy! HAHAH
im posting this SO EARLY!because im already home! once in like a few months am i home at 3pm! WOOO~ reason being that
i left my phone at home today so i felt really insecure in sch without it :( so went home! have tuition tonight anyways! wells... have not studied at home for while...
shall study at home for a change!(: see whether it's more effective... hmmsseems like wed and thurs are the nights where most people skip night study....
ANYWAYS, elena will never forget the remaining 2wonderful days of my party!
saturday at my clubhouse with all the church peeps! 20people! my goodness.... gareth is really really bad in his math! anyways, a good attempt in trying to plan it! hahahas.
elena will never forget gareth, jia en and marc WEARING PINK on my birthday! ((: thanks you guys. haha

they wore
pink! (:
and will not
forgive yeow for smashing CAKE on my face... lols.
wad abt
malcolm.. the main coordinator in operation-throw-elena-into-pool! lol. will never forget the invitation by jiaen to the pool.. STUPID MAL was like pulling my hand.......
and i knew that i wont win.. they threw me in
TWICE. by the 2nd time i decided to stay in the pool so that they cant throw me in again! but it was awesome!! (:
photos are with lil bro JE. (: will get from him soon.
those were the mugging days man...

gareth's vampire teeth!

with 3monkeys... eugene.mal.gareth (:

church pals FOR LIFE
on sunday! i had a good bbq dinner with the family! (: and i will never forget my prayer request..
DEAR GOD,elena would like to really thank for parents for organising these 3days of celebration for her. she has come to the age of appreciating all the things that her parents has done for her. and really hopes that they will be forever in God's care.elena also lift her sister into Your hands. she has been working really hard for her Os and i pray that You'll guide her to the jc that You feel best suits her! (: pls give her wisdom tooand elena prays for her brother that in the next coming year.. he will learn to adapt to his new primary sch and continue to grow in wisdom and in spirit! and may him continue to know YOU more each dayelena also prays for all her loved ones... those that have been with her.. grandma.. grandpa.. aunties and uncles that GOd will continue to shine in their lives and give them good healthelena would also like the thanks God for all her friends that have been with her! in school and in church! that in no matter wad they do, God will always be with them, providing wisdom in times of exams.. and strength in times of need. may He continue to give them the peace of mind in the midst of stress (:and lastly, elena would like to thank God for leading her pass so many years and hope that God will continue to guide her and teach her to walk in His ways.. and to lead a more God-filled life.Amenactually felt that this time.. i have grown alot closer to God which is sort of a good thg! (:
okay i need to get back to work and go for tuition tonight
and to dearest SHIT MUGGING BUDDY!STUDY OKAY!! i know you cant be distracted when you study and you need a quiet place
so i decided not to interrupt you when you study le!
but DONT PS OKAY! lols. i'll keep up with you on chem prelim papers!! fri night! haha.
diphenyl methanone is studying with me! HAHA its my new mugging buddy! LOL.
gareth's birthday is coming soon..................
hardworking gareth!
*elena recalls last year when she was super busy with all the organising* i even had to organise his dinner with the sec sch people and SIT IN! lols. guess this yr i shall play a more minor role!
HMMS. IDEAS! MARC MAL JE! help think! ((:if we were tog... i would have mastered the guitar by now.. but wells!! guess i have set that aside alr.(:

gone were the first days....
*chuckles out!
dancin' @ 3:21 PM
Sunday, August 20, 2006
IT'S CHUCKLE"S BIRTHDAY!SMILE FOR IT'S THE DAY WORTH SMILING WIDELY FOR!(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((:it's a power n smiley!
was kinda busy reading msges... my phone nearly went crazyyyy! LOLs. its officially low batt now! (:
anyways... tot the people that greeted me..
i have never been this happy! serious and this year's birthday is such a bash!
awesome night with school friends! the meanest and nicest sch peeps on can ever have! filled with cream music and nice food! yayyyawesome night with church friends! they too treat me to the pool TWICE yet gave me an unforgettable night!and tomorrow shall be an awesome night with my family!oh yayy!CHUCKLES FEEL LOVED.jared says 2minutes before my birthday..
*the gates of hell slowly stretches open...*hahahahas.
wells at least
sherman convinced me that he's very happy! for its my birthday! dunno how true but yayyys! you ought to be! hahas.
thanks for all your love friends! (:after all the bullying i get a day of immunity..
i hope!
dancin' @ 12:24 AM
Saturday, August 19, 2006
chuckles feel loved <3

my birthday hasnt even come yet... yet
im already happy enough to let the actual day past just like that.... because YESTERDAY NIGHT was really the most amazing time of my life... and
chuckles has already tasted the sweetness of a 18th birthday! it seems like i was celebrating the bestest birthday dinner OF ALL. not seems.. IT IS! (:
i was so beat yesterday... so guess i can only blog it all now! despite a night has already pass..
but im STILL FEELING AS HAPPY AS EVER *triple smileys (((: to that!* chuckles feel so loved!! which is pretty ironic because im celebrate with a bunch of meanies who 'bullies' me in school....
but guess.. in all of them.. are really really awesome people who made my life so much brighter.so than... i'll name the wonderful darlings that made my night!
first up! the
girls who showered all their love on me! yayys.
joceyytocksvan annpinkyjessand the
guys!! who made the night crazy and HIGH yet unforgettable!from the left...
brendanjonongjaredkevinshermanmarkphuncharlesdarcyand graham who's not in that pic but still rocked my night! (:
holy charles and darcy!
let me relive the night away...
first up! i reached home by 4... but was busy rushing here and there... clothes.. drying hair.. pins.. eyeliner.. earrings. lols. then i went to meet darce! and the
whole night he was so particular abt his hair because he's trying out a new look!! DARCY STOP LOOKING AT THE MIRROR! hahas. so then the amazing early birds were pinks and brendan!! yayy!

darcy's new look!
we were outside the glasshouse looking at cars after i made arrangements to get ready all the chairs! so then
pinks gave me this splendid bouquet of roses which she put tog HERSELF! it was L-O-V lovely! (: and chuckles loves it! (: she's so talented i must say.. so then i asked brendan why is he looking at car.. and
he FREAKED OUT! WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHY I LOOK AT CAR! which is true.. he's a car addict! LOLs.

FINALLY brendan smiled!
so then.. next up are the love birds jared and joceyyy! they were carrying
this HUGH toys r us bag! which is suspected to store my present.. HMMS and a huge cake! LOVES! jocey called me to ask me where i was 2metres away from me... hahahas. all of us went up to sit first...
when i get my space.. i was trying to order people to sit where.. ahh! cuz i have the rights that night! so then.. brendan can sit with pinks. and i told jared to sit one end and joce the other! hahas.
THEN JOCE SIT SHE DOESNT WANT TO SIT WITH JARED. AH! then jared got all EMO and simple-plan-ish! hahaha.
joceyyyy.. she's so mean! but we all still love her esp jared. hahas. so then we were like playing musical chairs until we were satisfied with where to sit!

mr and mrs kong (:

love joce!
then the
whole bunch of them came!! the artsy fartsy graham.. hun was wearing a double shirt! *yay* and darlings, van and tocks, jon ong.. markp.. sherman.. kevin.. (: all greeted me! then sherman gave me a act-cute thing. lols. so then.. they gave me
a topshop gift card! oh yayyy i love tt place! hahas. then i asked sherm wheres the present.. and i actually demanded it! WOoo. haha. IN HIS BAG. hahas.
then dearest mana brother came!

mana brother! ((:

YAY! and i was busy taking photos with everybodyyyy! yay!

give me the cam HUN!
and since it was my birthday..
jared was willing to act all bimbo with me! YAY.

but only because it's my birthday.. and
jon ong even made me LOOK taller! hahahas. but
sherman refused to put eyeliner to widen his eyes! ONE DAY...

its blur..

narcicistic jon!!

kevin's natural smile!
oh wells... sherman gave me an awesome gift! haha.
he called me over.. THEN TOOK OUT A REALLY REALLY CUTE PIGGY! hahahas. i called him pigface first.. but he always insisted that im a pig. but then.. i was just super taken away by the cuteness! AHHHH! then
he asked me to see the top... HMMS. weird design.. supposed to be wings look like hexagonal rings.. and straight random lines...then he asked me to look closer.......

very first compound that sherman knows and i didnt! that proved tt he was smarter!


a face? lols.

sherman and his masterpiece!
that was the name of the pig! hahas. that the arts people were all like.. HUH. then i asked him how on it did he get the design! kevin told me that he sew it on. which i didnt believe at first.. and then sherman said that he imported it.. or custom made it.. and finally said that he sewed it on!
SHERMAN SEW IT ON! ahh! chuckles is touched. because i cant sew for peanuts. oh man.. thanks soo so much! told you dont worry alr.. i'll definately love it! (:
you're nice to me! yayyy!

mugging buddies!

pigging! (:

sherm wanted PORK for dinner

mark p and sherman!



then mana brother came!! (: oh yay! so then we all started ordering.. i was planning to treat all of them that night! then the first few peeps came up with the idea to not let them know first.. so they'll think tt they're paying.. hahahs. so then... crazy mana ordered a platter for two with me.. than ordered swordfish collar! MADNESS. anyways we randomly ordered and probably we'll share! hahas.

me love tocks

good things come in small packages! (:


loves van too! (:
so then the music came on! and
all the nice music were sang! me joce van and tocks swayed to love me! ~awwww. and all the guys sang horribly for bad day! haha nahhh. they were awesome actually! and we were the most HIGH table tt sang so loud and horribly! haha.
cause you have a bad day..you take it one down..*HEY its supposed to be a good day!*jared: chuckles its your birthday! the whole world mourns!and i guess many people comes to fishnco to celebrate their birthday.. so everytime when a birthday song is being sang.. it starts them off singing too! TO CHUCKLES. hahahas. so then.. the life performance was having birthday dedications and
graham immediately run down to dedicated to the chuckles, the little imp.
haha so then we heard...
"oh there's another one.."and when she sang.. the whole table sang along! ahhh all eyes on our table! haha
"this one's for CHUCKLES!"
*clapps*AH! i love graham! who went down to say thankyou! so then we started eating with the guys randomly wowwing at the mtv's crib. then... i was feeding lil van! and made her full! oh yayy! i need to feed her right! its my dinner! (: hahahs. with joce, jared and darcy's help... the platter was finished! WOO!

charles going strong!!
and then...
all of them suddenly sang happy birthday! and hun came out with a cake!!! here comes the tricky part.. jared and joce were like.. "aye... why is the cake so small!"
IT WAS THE WRONG CAKE. for the neighbouring table! so we apologised and celebrated with them! ahaha dont blame hun! he didnt know too!! hahas

HUN! (: double shirt!!! lol

dont you know the kampong look?

he tried! (:

tired hun!

hun and charles!
and then the real cake came! with 16candles because they were short of candles -.-" and then the waitress suddenly lightened a spark thing that made me and joce SCREAM! and for the fun of it..
they made me hold that spark thingy and STAND ON THE CHAIR!
LOOK! chuckles is tall! hahahs.
and before i cut the cake i sense sth wrong with jared and brand at the back of me.......... so joce and pinks controlled them! and i didnt get cake smashed on me THEN. AH!
then just when i was telling jared that his plan failed.. markp called me..
stupid MARK P! and then joce followed me down to the toilet! and i stood under the hairdryer... went she tried to dry my hair while waited for my ear to get roosted! AH it's still oily! :( then pinks came and wanted me to act really pissed and make him scared! PINKS SO SCHEMING. but chuckles cant be mad at people.. just too hard!

so to markp! we decided... that in order for him to be forgiven.. he needs to close his eyes for 5minutes and let me DRAW ON HIM! hahaha it was fun! beard.. heart shapes.. eyeliners.. he looks like mr pringles! haha then with much struggling.. i drew on the other culprits..
hun and kevin! (: it was really fun! with jes's MASCARA!

no mascara and eyeliner YET

oh yes!! JES CAME! (: ahhh chuckles is really ultra sad that queen couldnt come.. if not our bimbo circle will be full! oh wells. imreally touhed that jes came! she's such a babe! haaha and
we were trying to recall the bimbotic times we shared during orientation! (: hahas so fun! ((: anyways...
hun kevin and mark looked HILARIOUS! (: and the pics are all in pinks cam and i'll definately post it here! LOLs!
so then we all walked out of fish and co feeling contented and good! hopefully.. (:
then jon was not let off.. and as hun and kevin held him down..
chuckles FINALLY connected his eyebrows! (: jon's FINALLY MONOBROW! hahaa after all this time.. it was funny!!
and joce jared and brendan gave me a
DOLL THAT CHUCKLES! ahhhh my goodness ((: thanks anyways.. i'll always use it to lighten my mood when im sadd.
so then many HUGS to you guys.im just glad that i get to know all of you!all of you that turned my whole world upside down and inside out!woOps! (:
thanks for the love! <3
dancin' @ 10:58 AM