Saturday, July 22, 2006
cause you had a bad day
AHHHH elena feels bad.
because she saw alvan's hands!! :( it looks really really painful.. AHHHH
then saw wenxiang's new earhole at the eyebrow which he said that it bled alot....... AHHHH and i was just being hysterical and crying. ahhh alvan...

anyways, her parents have been constantly lecturing her abt studying :( i guess no matter how hard i try, sometimes its just aint enough. UNTIL i get the result that they want me to get.. if not there goes the constant nagging... ahhh.
i guess chuckles have not blogged anything sad wells... im dreading studies already which is SUCH a bad sign.. i cant hate studying.. everything will just go down the drain! and mugging partner PS me kay. hahaha BUTT. well joce have not ps me for... LOL. she's nice x) so even if mugging partner decides to go solo... then remember to study smart k. haa.
that's sth that I CANT DO. BLAH.
few days ago was our
ex-oneyr day... yesyes.. the fact is that we have started talking.. now that's a start! but she seriously still wants to thank him SO MUCH for all that he has done. for all tue hurt that he endured. it has been good....
best! cheer to you, gareth.
anyways, this is a nice song (:
queen promised to sing highsch musical with me one day. haha and markp.. this song is for YOU. hahaas.
I thought you were my fairytale
A dream when I'm not sleeping
A wish upon a star
Thats coming true
But everybody else could tell
That I confused my feelings with the truth
When there was me and youwells i guess abit of glen does brighten up my mood. thanks hicksie boy!

here's elena's appreciation of the week... or just so far in my life. haha
i guess i want to thanks some peeps that have filled in the empty spaces in my life and turned them into fun times together!
thanks to.. dwayne! ((: for the trip to harbourfront
gareth! (: for not getting lost while walking to marinasquare
to big daniel (: for all the retarded piggy times dude
to leslie loooo (: for mugging at lido?? lols.
and cheers to joce! when all seemed dull and lonely.
okay.... i so need to keep up with my studies.... chemistry.. bio.. math!
dancin' @ 1:31 AM
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
wednesday's entry....
chuckles is like a tired ball of chuck x)today was really a hectic day.. another day like that i'll just DIE.
too bad little godbro, jiaen dont have hands long enough to massage me (:
ohh wells.. current update on my midyears.... unfortunately, i found out that i could add an extra mark for ionic equilibria qn... and one mark that was WASTED: i liquid and wrote the CORRECT ans but i didnt liq properly so i didnt get the mark....
AH SICK! just not fated to get a D and be equals with sherm... so i guess i still lost to sherm in e end! that's y he has to treat me! HAHAR.
elena's the stupid one.... lols.
anyways it's a D for bio dude. super lousy.. just cant score for structured and the scary thing is that i dont know why... ahh bugger!.
so my post-midyr plan is just to go all out for all my subs! especially math and chem! ahh! yes. CHIOOOONG. and hopefully to get a decent enough grade for mockexams... had feedback from muggingpartner and i shall work on it.. hahas.
okay.. let's start out today! ((:
mornings are always ruined by 3little naughty monkeys, markp, iggy and santos... markp was banded to lt1... which was really funny cuz he didnt do that badly.. then when i talk to him.. iggy and santos will just be irritating at the side.. eddie's one of them btw.. anyways, ALL the councillors were outside the scc today..
because they cant really go in anymore :(( that's really sad least for me. they were just playing ard with the 32th councillors.
yesterday's installation at st iggy's was unforgettable for them. a de javu... just one yr ago.. when they were JUST installed.. new councillors with an exciting yr ahead and all! but i guess it ended that night..
but still, the 31th council spirit is never gone! the times they shared are priceless.. it was just SO great hanging out with them! all the retard times.. all the fun bullying me..
chuckles salute the 31th council! ((:she loves her pretty and cute girlfriends, queen and jess!!! *group hug* and 3way cute kiss(:loves <3i was soooo confused and indecisive today.
there's judo competition at 1.30 and gym at 1.30 too!! and im confused :( it's sherman vs joce. mugging partner vs girlfriend. and both of them gave me the SAME reaction:
sherman went.. so its girls.. haiz.. nvm. joce went.. *humph!!* chuckles so bad!
so best thing.. GO HOME AND SLEEP.
chem lect was DAMN boring.. other then corn's little doodles.. and willie's random FOOs! haa. it was just plain recalling of the topics.
*yawns* hun was at my lt!!! DONT GIVE ME SIAN LOOK. half way into the lesson he was already sleeping!!! lols.
hard kampong life. there was no sign of mugging partner anywhere!. then hun told me he went ban1!! THAT'S IT! HE SURPASSED ELENA.
elena is officially stupid-er then sherman....
come on elena, you must JIAYOU! spur on and score chem!! RARRR
was planning to skip math lect... but then ms lee called me up for math remedial! AH JACK! now she knows tt im in school :(
on my way to put my bag in the lib (makes rushing off easier) I MET MICHAEL TAN of all people..... i told him im going lib but he was more interest at my arm.. STUPID CORN went to write...
"i love men" and
michael tan was like oh my goodness! you love men! terrible m-e-n somemore! super super super grossed out.
so then i rushed off after math lect... then
kunal told me that he got caught! and he had to go for detention!! AHHH that's bad. nobody to accompany me le. anyways, i felt weird.. because i didnt really know much of the judo teams.. for guys, its just sherm..
but since he claims that he's SO WORTH my support so i decided to not turn back and just go!!
yimin told me that i still have time before the Aboys start... but then knowing elena..
she gets lost at least once a week!! and so..... without directions...
there's LOST ELENA as usual. i was walking ard yiochukang squash and tennis club for 2min before realising that it wasnt the right place.
it was TERRIBLE to have the feeling that time is slipping though ya fingers. wanted to give up when i found the place! ((: horray for me!!
so then.. i reached there and found the cj place that was kinda empty... hmmms. anyways... i dont really know judo peeps.. moreover kunal wasnt there. so jd wanted to acc me but he slipped away...
so anyways, i found one of my dance junior.. christie (hope i got ya name rite! (: ) she was really nice cuz she explained to me how a proper match actually goes despite being unsure. thanks sweetie! x)found sherman in e end.. in
his JUDO COSTUME! haha
which they very much want me to call it a GI. LOL! not nervous ah. oh wells.. jiayouu bahh.
this is the most that ya mugging partner can do man. cheer you on!!
you better appreciate this. it was raining on my way there... -.-"
all in all..
cj did a good job! and sherm did put up a good fight! :)) GO SHERMAN! haaas. despite the few people that we have.. we cheered loud. if it was a whole group.. like wow! haha
we even had sji to help us! my goodness... oh wells,
chuckles feel that judo is really scary :( you throw the person!! that's freakyyy! and
she'll stick to dancing (: and guess ive gotten to know something new! yayy. anyways, alvan defeated a hc guy! YAY!

SHERMANY... cuter then ballack. yes. lols.
anyways i rushed off to watch the gym competition.. unfortunately i
missed joce competing :( but still hugs to you girl... all the way! (:
at last THE KING is there! (: so then.. i went to find alvan and wenxiang. *alvan pokes cheeks* alvan has scary blisters. :(
i feel that the guy gymnast costume is SEXY! i really admire guy gymnast!so then.. i rushed off for tuition in the end on a cab with dearest jasmine!
dancin' @ 10:23 PM
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
all is NOT LOST!

elena has floped her midyears...elena has prohibited ALL SMILEYS that day :(it was devastating! there's really no one word to describe. i guess there is a first time for everything... and this time... the terrible E and O came. it's HORRIBLE :(
math was an O! oh sheesh. 42/100. jon ong, I BEAT YOU BY ABIT IN THE END.. claimed a mark. x) but still.. this is BAD. this time it really proves that if you dont continuously practise math, you wont score and it has hit me hard. i need to bang on my statistics! that costed me nearly 1/3 of the paper
chem was equally BAD. an E! and partner actually scored higher than me! he made it sound as if it's a natural thing! HELLO! you have to treat me now! lols.
BAD BAD BAD. shucks...
there is a first time for everything. and i hope that this is just a temporary setback!
the mighty elena must STILL COME BACK and top the class. oh sighs. i kind of lost my confidence and zile to score in exams already.
this midyears have destroyed me. now i'm getting lectured by parentss practically everydaythe pressure is ON.COME ON ELENA, FIGHT THE As! fight it as if it were your all ya energy! leave NONE gona muster every ounce of confidence i have.(:
impossible is NOTHING! i have no idea what's that but it's cool (:
damn im turning NUTS.
i guess the only comforting fact is that the whole sch's failing with me, says gen. but guess we must still push on yes? (: claudio! you are my math god! you must score math alrite!.. and
he told me... forget the worldcup la. it's already OVER. wells that's true..
germany has SCREWED portugal! hell ya! (: shweinsteiger! he rocks. and it seemed like the german team played better without ballack. NO!!
this year is italy's year after all... they have proved themselves worthy actually i think.zidane should not have ended his career with a headbutt and a red card! but i think
materazzi does have a part to play in that too. horrible player that insults :( controversies.. hhahas.
not much overwhelming feeling towards the winner. its gona be another 4YEARS before the nxt worldcup comes :( that's LOOONG. england and germany must buck up!

germany (: (this is not lian)
but i guess i must leave the worldcup behind and focus on wad's ahead.. AH WHY! saddddd.i tell you, EVERYONE'S MEAN TO ME! my goodness....
first thing, iggy covers his ears while saying good morning to me! brendan covers his ears before i even reached his table. gabriel nearly rammed me into the wall! moses and alvan are practically everywhere in school showing me the secret word!! AH! *screams at them* jon ong talks to me at if i was as microscopic as the bacteria under the chair. jared smashes my head! even stupid sherman is MEAN! dont bluff!in class, KAVITHA! still bully me when i was writing on the board! goodness!
i officially made the whole class laugh because i left 1/4 of the top of the board blank and darcy throws paper balls... and ms soh doesnt help me too!!!! ahhh!! leslie pokes my back.. darcy doesnt let me's a joke: why, when elena head butt guys, it will hurt real bad?ans: because that will be below the belt.FUNNY AH.

tallness but so NOT under belt.
WHERE IS ELENA RIGHTS!!!! oh sheessh! van.. come to my rescue! and joce, pls dont turn evil!
if anyone were to help me get back on the peeps... that would have to be nearly half of cj to settle. ah bugger.
alrite! i reached home early and i should study. yes.
to jared: i know i promised to cheer you on in ya swimming finals. but IM SO SORRY that i couldnt make it!!! yes..
that's one loud voice missing amidst the crowd and im sorry. i hope tt
you still did ya best and BEAT THE WAVES and kick ass! (:
to mugging partner: even though you're
so super ultra mean to me, the so-called shortie fatty and monkey, i still wish you all the best! (: you're pro in judo la admit it!!
3rd in singapore bah! seriously man, i believe you can kick butt!!! ((:
to yimin: throw all of them!! haha you;re so strong!
just dont picture the opponents as me if not you'll end up hugging them instead (: and
to franie: USE YOUR EYES! hahaas.
current emotion: elena feels like shopping for germany thingys with bimbo june (:
x ciao x
dancin' @ 4:51 PM
Saturday, July 08, 2006
boohoo,ELENA IS SOOOOOOOOO 100% broke!!!!this time im seriously seriously broke man. LOL. because of my sis and malcolm's birthdays! hahaha. i bought some chinese drama series for my sis which cost me nearly half of a hundred... but i knew that she really liked that show!
((: when i gave it to her... the surprise and delight that i got from her was enough to let me spend that amt of money!!this is
elena's policy in spending,as long as one is happy with wad i give them and is completely grateful, i dont mind spending that amount! (:i just love spending on others.. i guess it's so much more meaningful than spending on yourself... so anyways,
today's MAL'S BDAE!!!
man of the day: himbo mal mal!
happy birthday to you, dearest HIMBO! ((:may ya brains grow bigger this yr! lols.
no la... i know that the dude is smarter than me rite? (:
as everyone in church know,
mal always draws his trademark turtle like he's related to them already!!
so as to prove the resemblance... I BOUGHT MAL TERRAPINS FOR HIS BDAE! yayys. they are cute terrapins! and bought the cage and food.. and it amounted to a good sum of money man.... AH WELLS (:
bs was good today!! ((: we learnt about God's providence for us!
God's grace and providence is always enough and never less.. and He provides EVERYDAY! woww! (:wells.. gareth was our bs leader today.. and he was kinda stuck in explaining something...
basically he said that sometimes, once in a while in your life, you'll feel and think that this person is probably the person that God chose for you.. but sometimes ya guesses are wrong.. and you find yourself helpless before Him and that you might always just simply follow his will...i gues he was just talking abt him and me.. i guess it's good that he cleared his side of the story...
today i also took off my phone key chain thingy... wells, like wad sherm said..
i need to let it go and move on with life... and darce shared that sometimes,
even if you managed to get to back to how life used to be with him.. still it will already change and it'll never be the same as last time already... OH WELL.
so guess it's time, to let go too.
oh anyways! today's bs session was good.. yay!
i guess God's plans and timing is always perfect! and we need to always follow and listen to Him ((:so then, everyone was just amused at the terrapins! lols. we went to suntec to meet them... and i went, HERE MAL! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
malcolm took the terrapins and was just speechless... haha it was the first time that i see him super dumbfounded and just dont know wad to do! lolx.
"i dont know how to takecare of this man...."LOL. super funny sia! jiayou dude! i know you can!!
seeing ya gentle caring side!! it was cultivate you to be more gentle! remember, within malcolm's cuteless is gentleness. LOL. *malcolm tries to pour ALL THE FOOD into the tank* hahas.

mal and his terrapins! LOL.
SUSTAIN THEM PLEASE! it's like giving terrapins to him means sending them to death sentence! lols. animal abuse is like written all over his face!! LOL. we went to pizzahut to eat.. and it was funn! haha s
eeing mal and eugene fighting over to eat each other's drumlets! has. and malcolm trying to work how many slices should one get! (: and
tempted to feed the terrapins pineapple! haha whacky times dude!! ((:
malcolm looks funny carrying the terrapins!! ahaha if you need any help, tell me alrite? (: remember,
the girl one is called gareth and the guy one is called yeow! haha two idiots. lol. the
scene of yeow trying to suck up to me just to take my 1bucks was outrageously hilarious!
overloaded hands!! wheres the bdae boy man.

pic of terrapins! hopefully NOT the LAST PIC.
TO MALCOLM: im glad you liked the terrapins! remember, responsibility! ((:to jared: YAY! congrats! you qualified! yesss!! will be there for ya finals!!
GO WATERBOY! woo! and stop thinking that ballack's a horse!to partner: CHEER UP! you did good alrite. just move on and work harder next time! DONT STRESS! remember, SHERMAN IS DAMN PRO!
shermany!! (:now i need to go to sleep before
claudio's soccer feva!. f*** portugal! hope they eat egg tart and chock to death! *claud throws chair*) hahaa
GERMANY FOOOOO! ((:ignore wad jiaen and marc said man... germany does NOT suck and ballack is NOT ugly! haha nearly killed jiaen!


me and ballack (: who cares abt marc! lol.
alrite! till then,
dreams dreams dreams (:
dancin' @ 11:16 PM
Toni Braxton Il Divo Time of our Livesa really really great song! i guess the worldcup is seriously a soccer's player's MOST unforgettable and important time in their lives. each moment being there.... ((: Il divo is goood! (: and they're cute! but 'cause i dont really see that. hahaha.
dancin' @ 12:59 PM
Thursday, July 06, 2006

gerrard and edison chan: do they resemble each other? hmmm..

i managed to wake up at 3 for the match thanks to sis! (: HURH! she's really a soccer worldcup fanatic! she even cut evy single article on the worldcup and planned to keep all of them! lols. and mugging partner was STILL chionging his mcqs!! *stunned* SHUCKS. i sound so slack compared to you man... really hope that you'll
burn the mcqs yes? ((:anyways.. the match was kinda boring for me.. i dont really support france and portugal.. but cristiano ronaldo got BOOed. i guess he earned for himself a sizable portion of bad reputation from this worldcup! lols. i started sleeping during halftime.. nxt time when i woke up.... it was the 90th min! n same score,
france was leading.. 1-0 I ACTUALLY DREAMT THAT HENRY SCORED AT 57min.. cheat my feelings. haha. but actually i felt that france didnt really won very victoriously.. it was a penalty shot by zidane! (: at least it went in! he's last worldcup alr... at BUT IT'S STILL A WIN. at the last minute..
richardo was playing and attacking with portugal at the side of the field!france won (: and portugal is gona play germanyyyy! YES!
chuckles WANTS: germany to defeat portugal for england!overall feeling of the match: just no comments. was raining really heavily in sch today... REALLy heavy.. so cold *brrrr* i guess tuts were the same.. but i think gp's topic is kinda interesting.. we were discussing abt the arts in singapore.. and
the idea of making singapore a renaissance city?? quite impossible i agree.. the wrong attitude of singaporeans towards arts.. our pragmatic and conservative society.. and singapore being just TOO economically-minded.. all makes
our full appreciation for the arts not feasible.. sadsad.
during break...
jared came back from his swim heats or the qualifying round i think. HE CAME IN FORTH! ((: that's good wad. lols. he was swimming for 50FREE.
first was rj.. nxt two was ac.. and then it's CJ! YAYYY! he even
trashed some of the AC swimmer's ass! THAT'S THE WAY!!! YAR! i'll
definately be there to support ya on the finals!! chuckles will once again shout my heart out!! hope ya relay in the afternoon went okay? ((: YAR!
trash all the other's asses man! NO MERCY. especially those
cockyshits.CJ'S OWNING! shunxie came back victorious too! she
came in as the 2nd BEST SHOOTER! after nj! WOO! and she's
even invited to compete in the next sea games! THAT'S THE WAY!
we beat AC! AHH!
actually ac's shooter was ky! my super super good friend from mg... she came a long way too... but YAY shunxie! ((:
hahaha.. bio lect was just interesting now man.
we're learning sexual repro.. and there are just some many interesting things to learn abt.. haha
elena actually feels that the sperms in the video are all so cute! (: all charging! lol. some things tt the non-bio people are missing out!:
elephants are one of the mammals with the largest penisone breed of ducks have the longest penis as compared to their bodies.penis can contract.ERM okayy.. that's enough! LOLs. and i actually have some questions in mind which i voiced out.. shant write them here though.
me and huihui are crazy abt this song!
Iris (: it sounds like a song for shorties actually... -.-"THIS IS
THE SHORTIE VERSION by me:and i SO want the world to see mecause i dont think that they'll understandwhen everyone's meant to be talleri just want you to know HERE I AM! LOL.pixiee out*
dancin' @ 10:44 PM
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
GERMANY.. my heart is crying
GERMANY DID NOT get into the finals.... and mugging partner predicted that i will not wakeup on time and I DIDN'T! AHH! anyways, i didnt bother to even watch the re-match! dangggg! italy scored at the
last 2minutes.. 2 MINUTES?? it was THAT close! i guess the italian defences, headed by the italian captain was just too strong for the germans to penetrate!!
my heart was CRYING. but guess it was not as bad as england.. guess england was a team more personal to me. oh sheeshh. i guess italy DID prove themselves as a worthy team to beat germany...
just went it seems all clear and almost certain for germany to clinch the world cup.. it slipped from their hands for another who-knows-how-many-years... AHHHH!
NO MORE BALLACK! sobbsss. i was just in a daze in the morning..
feeling really frustrated abt the outcomes of all the matches...england's out..brazil's out..germany's out..WHAT'S THE POINT OF WATCHING THE WORLDCUP NOW? why not we just let PORTUGAL qualify and let them win?? haha portugal can just go eat shit and DIE! am i right, claudio??
i was more SCARED of the reaction i was about to get when i go school that morning... knowing that my favorite team has just been kicked out! BOTH! so i was carefully walking and near the scc.. ALL THE COUNCILORS WERE THERE.
and there you see
jared kong!!! AH! he's the last people to bang into as he awakes my arrival..
he immediately stood up and gave the sinister and victorious smile! and started running about like he just scored a goal and punching his ASS into air and shouting, GERMANY'S OUT! YESSS! NEIGH! and started gesturing horse-back riding...... -.-" not only him, there's mark p.. edwin.. iggy ALL THERE! evil meanies.. i dont care! all of you are HORSES....
*crying into queen's arms* hahaas.
it was a bad day.. even in class..
people are REJOICING that germany's out? wells i have to admit that italy DID play better but
some of them just did it OVERBOARD. and i guess im not that kind of person that will just flare up in school. to me, germany and england is STILL the teams that i admire! and
ballack is still my darling. ((:
yayy.. i'll never FAIL to support germany..

same goes to ENGLAND! no matter wad other's say..

wad abt the cutest of them all?? ((:
thinking that germany screwed up their match.. i screwed up my chem mcqs too! AHHH! FAIL! oh wells.. rest of the day, i was kinda lifeless and sleepy.. after taking the assurance from weixin to sleep during math lecture i was woken up by the lecturer to ans a qn! thanks to daryl who saved my skin last minute! AHH! I HATE MS LEE and her sinister tone.
after school.. went slacking ard and meeting joce and bren in the canteen.. when jared came, all of them went to pepperlunch!
((: joce looks really cute when she's young! AHHH! I PROMISE THAT I'LL DO THE WORLD GOOD AND KILL JARED KONG ONE DAY!he's sooooooooo EVIL!
you're a villian! super mean! AHHH! *pokes jared's vodoo doll*
so anyways, went to the
lib with mugging partner after that... and i kinda let him down for the chem mcqs.. while he's working hard on his questions, i was just slacking at the side and hating the math that i was doing! haha AHH! i'll not slack anymore alrite!!!! AHHHH. and i know you ALREADY owned me in mcqs alrite? (: so jiayouu for tom!
DO IT FOR GERMANY FOOOOO! (the hard gay thing is just SOO into my class this time.. tt it drove hazel crazy!!) sherm germany, SHERMANYYY! sherm scolds every single question that was wrong! like lol! hahas.
anyways, elena realised something today...
in adidas, the +10 thing was a team thing! aha so BALLACK +10 means that he and his team because there's 11 players in a soccer team!! im so smart!! *sherman gives stupid shocked DUH face**
anyways, mugging partner wants to be featured in my blog... before his poll between him and ballack begins let me feature him first! so i shall reveal his famous face to everybodyy!!
isnt he CUTE? so sweet rite!
he's the oh-so-much-more-handsome-than-ballack mugging partner!! lols. maybe not quite like this.. maybe like this!!
SOTONG! mugging partner looks like octopus!! *bubbles bubbles* hahas. he's so called SEHH and STYLE photo is still in progress lar... lolx. okayy, i wont let you down de! i will not let you SI WANG!
I WILL ACE CHEM! and score tog! HURH! TRY ME MAN.chuckles is heading to bed now. if not she cant wake up for the france-portugal match later! even though i dont support france.. i feel that they're a worthy team strong enough to go into the finals! GO ZIDANE GO HENRY! (:
screw portugal, HURH!
dancin' @ 10:07 PM
Monday, July 03, 2006
this is a post in response to carrot aka chuckles inverse's SPECIAL POST. hahaahas.
ok... come let's make some critical comparison..
ONCE AGAIN, we observe the OH SO GOOD mr BALLACK! screammms.
the oh so perfect front view (:

and we see the HORSE

hmm.. okay let's look at the side then!
ballack and water!

and the horseyy, sandy

okay... how about their movements??

the horse

NOW, do they look the same???
oh wells... he does look like van nisterooy actually.. even so, i love horses! they're so pretty! ((: super nice bodies, pretty hair.. and all that power and horsePRIDE! horray for horses!!

am i right, pretty eyes ballack?
hahas. alrite maybe i exaggerate at the cute and awesome part but he's STILL GOOD. let's have a clap for that!

JACK ! lols.
anyways, it's boring when there's no worldcup matches to watch now :( WEDNESDAY! hahaas.
oh man, i think my head scalp is burnt too!! :((
chuckles gonna learn how to play a guitar! yayys!
actually i feel like tired... tired and not looking forward to sch.. i mean i dont mind the fact that we're meeting friends again! and it marks a start to a whole next phrase of good times in cj.. but it's just the lectures and all the FULL-STEAMING shit. i guess we're forced to once again be reminded about the closeness of the As.. AHHH.
ok. TIRED and burnt.
x tata x
dancin' @ 11:41 PM
hello dearest BLOG. lols.
oh sheeshhh
MY FACE IS REALLY RED HOT NOW. super super heated up! AH! the tan... i need some aloe vera! but i'm lazy to take... HAHA. ok im really free now.. which is bad
updating abt saturday.. sunday.
I WENT SHOPPING WITH MUMMY AND SIS!! triple yay! it was super super SHIOK! i bought a really nice carlo rino bag! it's big!(: and it has a nice white, cream colour with nice buckles! and its handle is golden and in braites.. (:
the satisfaction and awesome feeling after making a buy! THANK GOD FOR THE SALE! then we went to bugis to further buy 2pairs of shoes. 1 denim shorts. 1 bod shorts. 2danim skirts. 2belts. 1 top. 2bags (: BIG SMILE :D
anyways i rushed down to church for yf! (: we were cleaning the church today... it's true that
we're still serving God even if it's as simple and dirty as cleaning the church! and it was hardwork! i was scrubing the first floor! and this time,
i really pushed myself!! (: i scrubed till i had skin peel! OH YA! cool! lols. everyone were asking to take over but i'm strong okay! (: hahahas. the whole first floor was like flooded with soup water! haha! TSAUNAMI!:)
tp says,if he is tall, then elena is not fat.but tp's always tall.hmmmSUNDAY WAS A DAY OF MOURNING! everyone was wearing BLACK! it's obvious because england just got out of the world cup.. SO DID BRAZIL! now that was unexpected. yesyes..
me tp xin ann june were all crying for england... AHHHHHHhhh. sadsad. but oh wells, i learnt something from worship! that
God will not always give you want you want in a prayer. but more like how he gives you in His own angle and in His own wonderful plan that know wad's best for you ((:i went out with june after church! SO EXCITING! and we walked around and have our own secret!
the june and elena secret! ((: i love you girl! and i'll remember our master plan! GO JUNE! (:
afterAs, we'll meet and just evaporate under the sun! yayy.moving on to today!
WENT SENTOSA! YAYYY! hahas. that's y my face is red and painful! *ouch* i didnt put sunblock on my face haha. anyways,
was with jocey, jared, bren, pinks, graham and darce ((: it was maddness! hahaha we had soo much fun volleyballing! with joce and her cute punches. and me screaming everytime when i had to hit the ball! yayy.
we OWN THE GAY BITCHES! aka the guys.. ha. everytime one of them join us, we're bound to own the rest! lol.
when darce, bren n graham came back from beach soccering.. we went to swim! ((: crazy jared made us swim all the way to the island! haha darce nearly died with the floating BALL. hah. then we TRIED to play waterwars! lol.
HOW ABT CHUCKLES PIGGYBACK JARED!madness! but i tried to piggyback darce! WOO! and
i pushed darce's head into the water when he piggybacked me! joce piggybacked jared! haha CUTE :D and we just tried to piggyback each other! LOLs. jared went to write LOL on the shore! hahas. then darce went to make a boat from the random stuffs on shore! haha
when graham floated LIKE MUAHQI to us.. he tried being kinky with jared!
graham is like muahqi that got thrown into the water!! even better, with SAND! MUQAH QI!!joce says, everybody say it with me, jared is HOT STUFF! (:graham was MAD today! lol.
he and darce acted like cavemen who got casted away and found the shore which they came to co-hibit together with. we named them
daga and gaga! it as like discovering channel:
now we observe cavemen trying to open a coconut with a club and a knife! many many many laughs!!! it's a pity we didnt bring a cam to the island!!! (:
me and joce decided to wash up at the open showers! haha and even took retarded pics! (: i had a rainbow in my shower! pretty! i also had a game of frisbee with bren and jared.. while joce and pinks were away, THEY'RE BULLIED ME! jared and bren started throwing frisbees over my HEAD!! AH! BUT i spliced the frisbee over bren's HAIR!! aha! and JACKED BACK jared twice! WOO! i rock.
the pics will just tell the story!
we were all shagged and reddd.(:
yay girls! (:


joce so sweet (:

cool shades!

the white trash! haa MUAH QI! okokayy. its nice graham!

bestfriend darcy (:


punky! (: jared + joce = cuteness ((:


we tried to bury jared!

nice pic rite! yay


joce and elena TWOHILL dudette!

chuckles and brendan!! FLASH

we're REDddd

bren and pinks! (:

once in a while, there's always a retarded jared pic. LOL

we dined with wayne rooney!!! LOL
dancin' @ 9:40 PM
Sunday, July 02, 2006
my respect to ENGLAND
i guess my emotions from just now is like completely different...
all that anticipation and excitment before the match..
ENGLAND VS PORTUGAL.BLAH. ahhh.. didnt expect england's failure to just effect me man... i shall say it first...
if anyone come over to tell me that england go owned in that match? i'll walk away from them. NEVER done that before.and if anyone comes over to tell me that england sucks? i'll bash them up.wells.. ultimately, i guess
they ARE the team that i really supported. germany.. ballack... kaka... all came after that... FIRST TIME that i ever knew soooo much about! probably my dad's influence (: he has been drowning me with epl matches and england players ever since EVER! ive been helping him polish his england player figurines! from neville.. to even cantona. hahas. okok. anyways... my dad was really really really ULTRA disappointed... that england really cant face off at penalty shotouts..
there were SO MANY CHANCES tt england could have scored! lampard? gerrard? they all failed.. those that you put all your hopes in... i guess the pressure's really high there! and under pressure, you dont perform... but they were THIS CLOSE TO WINNING!
they really put on a good fight and i felt that england played better! lampard missed a few good shots that could have been potential goals to bring them through... lennon's pass on time was an opportunity.. j. cole missed it! rooney SHOULD NOT have pushed cristiano ronaldo.. he would have been a potential penalty shooter.
all that knee recovery only to end with a red card. but
even down to 10men.. england was still going strong! surprisingly portugal were not dashing into their attack until the last 3minutes.. england still played well and tried to score...
*england fans are really awesomeintense.
england had the advantage! but all chose to shot low balls for ricardo to catch! a golden opportunity when portugal didnt not have deco on the field... actually england was gaining more ground!
Ultimately, i feel that england DID perform well or even better. it's stupid and cruel to just end england's effort with penalty shotouts.... poor everybody.. robinson.. TERRY.. ferdinand.. hargreaves (he was awesome).. a.cole.. j.cole.. beckham..
some articles tt i saw:
Familiar tale for England, who once again exit a major tournament on penalties following a brave display. Portugal lacked the incisiveness to profit from their numerical advantage following Rooney’s red cardIt was a pity such a game had to be decided by penalties but once the game goes to penalties, it becomes a question of which team can handle their nerve and once again England were found lacking in a shoot-out. But over the 120 minutes they were the better team and Portugal can consider themselves quite fortunate to have survived this one.
---TSG analysis by Roy HODGSON (ENG)i'll STILL support england.i'll STILL adore gerrard and lampard..THE BETTER TEAM LOST.BRAZIL.. beat france and
just SCREW PORTUGAL UPSIDE DOWN. *underline underline underline*and
cristiano ronaldo. so darn cocky!
you have no ground in england man.. still playing in the epl??? have my respect

the england squad. robinson.terry.ferdinand.gerrard.hargreaves (MAN OF THE MATCH.. spectacular.). lampard.rooney.beckham.neville.joe cole. ashley cole.
for all the sadness... tears.. pain.beckham with his knee injury.

AWW sad terry after match with portugal.. you were good. (:
for all the celebration
guess its nice to watch players from chelsea.. arsenal.. man u.. all working tog for england! (:for all the GOALS.

gerrard's wonderful GOAL against trinidad

beck's free kick agsint equador (:

joe cole's goal! during qualifying against wales
dancin' @ 2:02 AM