Monday, May 29, 2006
are you happy now

cuteness! at prima revolving restaurant. grandpa's bdae!
OH im soooo dead!
i have sch tom at 8 -.-" i already said that june is not a holiday... teachers even want to drag the time to 1pm! like hello! they're killing us.... anyways, im REALLY dead.. i did my fa.... but that was like long time ago when i dont want to study gp. hahas.. and let's say ive lost my transport notes so i cant do the tutorials..... this blog is just SO tempting that i must scribble something here at first! ((:
anyways, today's
church was great!always is! as in the sermons and talks... yupps! i could really understand the sermon today and it has been a really encouraging one! ((: and i took it all down! yayys notes! ((: which reminds me to drag caleb to buy notebook with me! (: okays.. so today's
sermon was about knowing our God.I learnt that to really know our God, we must read our bible and understand Him through there.. to really understand Jesus we must esp see the gospel books.
To know God, we must forge a relationship with Him.
Knowing God is about knowing that His blessing of the gospel as gratefully came to me.. and for that, we must not keep it in our pockets but spread it to others.Knowing God is about knowing about the inheritance and legacy that He left behind.. which is the gospel. and the bountiful glory of His name!
the HOPE that we have in Him! that no matter what difficulty we have, when we cant go on walking.. isnt it comforting to know that we can still lean on our Father for hope! (((:Knowing God is to know about the greatness of His power! and to really commit our plans and everything to Him that turns the tides.How Great is Our God man! ((:and when i was listening to the talk.. it reminded me of the song.. because pastor see said that He was willing to hang there on the cross for us even though He could just reject it!
hanging blameless on the crossYou Were ThereBy AvalonI wonder how it must have felt
When David stood to face Goliath on a hill
I imagine that he shook with all hismight
Until You took his hand, and held on tight'Cause You were there, You were thereIn the midst of danger's snareYou were there,
You were there.. AlwaysYou were there when the hardest fightSeemed so out of reachOh, You were there, You were always there
You were always there
So there he stood upon a hill
Abraham with knife in hand was poised to kill
But God in all his sovereignty had bigger plans
And just in time, You brought a lamb
'Cause You were there,
You were thereIn the midst of the unclearYou were there,
you were there alwaysYou were there when obedienceSeemed to not make senseYou were there, You were always there
You were always there
So haven't I learned that my ways
Aren't as high asYours are
You alone keep the universeFrom crumbling into dustYou are Godand
though we would not have understood YouThere You wereHanging blameless on a crossYou would rather die than leave us in the darkEvery moment, every planned coincidenceJust all makes sense
With Your
last breathYou were there, You were there
During history's darkest hourYou were there, You were there always
You were the Victor and the KingYou were the
power in David's swingYou were the
calm in AbrahamYou are the God who understandsYou are the strength when we have noneYou are the living,Holy oneYou were, You are
and You will always be
the Risen Lamb of God
You were,
You areand You will always beThe Risen Lamb of GodAMEN~
[cont] oh anyways... yinjia's worship was.. hmms.. she has somewhat a theme! and she called me her bestest friend! haha dearest BIMBO! love you dear! ((: ohh! joyce became my loverrrr! haha.yinjia shared about
having fellowship with the church peeps and really worshipping God as ONE body! and i do agree that the church peeps are really awesome awesome friends that you can be with! (: and that we must really treasure the ppl here...
i guess God was speaking to me then... because recently, ive not been THAT close to church peeps as last time.. and i find myself not quite the same too... if u guys know abt still feeling awkward in church and i used to have the thinking that it wldnt be so bad because we only go church twice in a week...
which is SUCH a wrong mentality come to think of it... can you believe that i ever thought abt leaving church even? man... i do agree tt church has many great ppl!! TP, serena, anna.....
i guess this period of awkwardness.. weirdness.. lost.. confusion.. ive fd ppl that i can really depend on when i need someone to confide to... and im
SO glad that through this, my friendship and trust with them has been closer! esp serena and joyce ((: seriously, friends are the best! they're simply God-given.SERENA.. thanks for your ear.. and u dont know how good it is to have someone to share to and get advice in return!and
JARED! im surprised! ure a love guru?? hha. stop listening to
cradle of filth! ure really turning satanic. *violence. jared stabs*thanks for reminding me to SMILE for im CHUCKLES. *(:oh and i gave gareth back his shirt... that is probably the last thing that i took from him. (took, notice, not the given ones) felt like i was throwing back my love for him. haha. wells... frankly speaking.. i have a weird thing for inanimate things.. and i didnt want to give back that shirt seriously.. but he also told me that we have to let go..
so i told myself.. elena, you must let go and live on! ((: so i grabbed the shirt n went to iron it... and tt's it! i hope its for the better...
ohh... and im not watching da vinci with them too... (ohh!! teck's talk today abt da vinci OWNED! he was DAMN good! and history does rock after all) hahas. so ya... i feel weird watching mov with them now... then i'll just keep comparing abt how it will change from the past.. the way we seat and all.. and i dont want to invite myself into this thinking..
so i'll rather aviod it.. so i guess it's justified with my own idea of it. hope its the right one.Actually, when teck was sharing and jess was controlling the ppt... i was just thinking abt both of them... and
i really really admire jess! she LED teck to church.. inspired him to be a christian.. jess can just be his role model of a christian.. and how he became a christian and is now fighting for his faith and empowering even more christians.. WOW. i mean
that's wad real influence we must have on others.. and this is now our faith should go! jess and teck! you guys are strong. i know God is with u guys.. (:
oh anyways, after church was with my bro.. and he's such a genius! (: then.. had lunch with family.. and
dad said that we such buy home to eat.. becuase its not everyday that elena goes home for lunch! i was equally touched and sad... i mean.. they're happy that i was there!! and i will try my very best to always go home for lunches now when chem tuition is postponed! ((:
and elena promises to visit grandma and grandpa once they move house.(:
family (:
bio was alrite! just super related to us.. we were talking
abt pregnancy and being in labour.. the biological approach.. like OUCH?OH!! elena has
2MOVIE TICKETS AT 10BUCKS! its super worth it if its in the weekend!! ((: IT'S A
ASPEN (tuition centre) PROMOTION FOR THEIR STUDENTS! dont ask me to go with bf cuz i dont have one now.. lol. leslie's interested though. LOLS!
ATTENTION:21st JUNE ZOUK 8-10pm!CHARITY FASHION SHOWfeaturing models from ac, sa, vj and rjall the hot babes and hunks will be theree! (:
and the
models are some ex-mg! ((:mambo night after tt will be free!!anyone interested?? pls tell me or to claudio!
I'M MEETING CALEB AND NIC TOM!! ((: cant wait to catch up with u guys.. da vinci? (: ian never reply...... lols.
shopping list:notebook at bordershairbandalot of stationerynecklaces!!window shopping for clothes! okay guys? ((:
loves (: am i really smiling?!
ok! i need to do my hmwk!
*tata for nowi will smile.
dancin' @ 12:34 AM
Saturday, May 27, 2006
-Stress relief-
finally!! oh finally... the hols are here... wells not for playing and slacking... just a time where i can really take a break and clear up all the mess that has accumulated from school and tie up all those loose ends....
if this hols dont come soon.. i'll soon crumble under the workload! but thank God i didnt! haha!
YAY! i can blog with a relieved mind.... not because i'm confident for gp ofcourse.. just that im temporarily relieved from school work... so i guess i shall update you guys abt all the recent things............ hmmms....
i realised that my blog has alot of news abt dance.. so guess i shall start with that first!
wed was officially the last dance lesson for all the j2s.... SADNESS. but it was one looong lesson! ryan came in and helped us stretch! and he taught us this hiphop piece! even though practically
all of us screwed up our steps halfway! but it was hell alot of fun! we had jazz too! i suck at turns man... but that dance was sizzling hot! yayys! and after all that dancing..... and when ryan left.. we hanged out at the studio when
they playing all the past music that the j2s danced too!! and we danced to all of it! from danceworks05... to syf!... to tapestry.. to openhouse.. to orientation.. to cny dance!.. to danceworks06... (had to drag nicole up to dance with me!) but it was really fun!! sheeesh cant believe i hav forgotten some of the steps!!!! i guess after today,
i'll miss the dance.. i'll miss the studio! it had been fun being in cj dance!! LOVE YOU GUYS! and i'll come visit the studio once in a while too... lol.
SHEESH gonna get really fat.. and really tight and not flexible..okies.. other matters.. hmmms... study periods? wells... claud's always there doing math! ((: math god... and joce too!
chuckles loves you for chuckles think tt ure really cute and hot. lol!! ohhh..
SHERMAN HO! he's always psing me nowadays... go night study!!!!! if not i need to find new partner!! lol. *ok.. quiet*
random happenings... include this incident on sunday when i was on the mrt reading my gp article and there was this
army guy sitting next to me... then suddenly he asked me where im from! haha
interesting anonymous guy... lol. and
he asked me some random things before letting me read my article.. he told me that he was just bored! was a looong way to his camp! seldom do you see people say that to you.... LOL. mostly are all the aunties that randomly ask you sch qns.. when secretly behind yr backs they are comparing you with their neighbour's daughter or their sister's daughter..... lol.
whacking things in class??
chee balls trying to bless the whole class??? us listening to mr brown bah chor mee man!!! and
me having an affair with gabriel?? AHH! NO SHIT! he's my bitchy friend! right bitch? lol. just because i went to study with him in his class................................. lol.
OH! and i soooo missed cheese prata! but chee balls followed me to eat! before my tuition.. that was one good meal in a really really long time! and i seldom go eat prata alr.. guess cause i spend more of the time either eating in sch or at home..
anyways! that was GOOD. good prata.. and an awesome plate of LALA! (shell/clam like thing)
at only 3bucks for hell lots of LALA! yayy! it was wonderful!
good food... good talk.. rocks. lol.
ohhh... i guess i'll just skip to today! LOL. rot at home on thurs though.. it was a study day.. and wed nite was chionging my nyaa essay till 430 in the morn!!! in the end... woke up at 11 the following day... didnt really read much of my readings..... :( at least mrs chang let me practice a vj paper!! (: but still... i didnt come prepared for the paper today. :(
this morning.. went up the bus.. was trying to study gp.. and
this cheenapiang.. all foreign chiam jargon chinese.. nerd.. fag prc girl was beside me.. and she was
mad talking chinese on the phone LOUDLY. damn! super gayyy i tell you... so i shut her off by turning onto my ipod...
reached sch and tried to cramp all the crap gp info into my head... all the things about cloning...
cloning is playing God but in the most crude way possible...cloning is evil because it tries to create a new face of village is the new bosnia..and as seemingly soulless machines tries to do the things people normally do.. it seems like we ourselves are soulless machines too...hahaa i SOOO need to work on my gp info! hhah will get to it aft mids though! lol.anyways, in sch.. cant believe
mugging partner still dont read up his gp! haha u love chem soo much!proed in soo many things... lol. anyways
JIAYOUUU! haha and dont get too stressed alrite! ((: elena's here to encourage you!! or anyone else in need of encouragment for that matter...oh NO! after the gp paper..
i foresee myself failing it again!!! AHH! its gona be a de javu! AH! i cant fail science and tech again after reading up on it! lol.... i really really hope i can pass compo man.. even a slight pass is alr alrite! compre was abit better... i guess ms ting's notes and pointers on figurative language really helped! ((: loves gp clinic!! its a privilege! ((:
im putting the results into God's hands! lead me anyways, went out with the class today! was browsing through all the photos we took during ndp last yr.. those were awesome times man!
and i soooo want to relive that with the same people.. can we? wells so i was really hyped up for today's outing!!! we went lido! which haz pronounced as ledu!!!! LOLOL. then corn was making sick boob comments... ermmmms.. i chucked my books into leslie's nearly-empty bag! and forgot to take it out in the end!!!! lol. oh thenn.. we went lido! the prob with so many food options is that you dunno which one to eat!!! but me and xin settled for ljs! ((: we had a fun awesome time bridging and talking plain crap! yayys! craps rocks! then chee balls came to share his music! it was
DAMN fun trying to sing out the bingo song!! yayys and chee has such a
nice LIME GREEN racket! AH!
im in love! lol. with the racket that is...
there were a few interference from a few individuals... like iggy, edwin, park p and jonny!
JONNY ure soo nice.. why are you hanging out with them???? all them meanies...... edwin gives me weird look and dao me... iggy also.. lol. and mark p just defends them! lol. and they always tries to stop me from talking!! allll so meannnn! haha anyways, iggy's hair is TOO short. council then...
SAW was there too!!! heyyy remember that elena wants you to pass gp! ((: its for ya own good! alrite saw! for dance!!! *AHHH* *weijie screams silently*
Then we went to watch X3!!!! yayys! before the mov.. daryl was alr making alot of random noise! lol.. there was this soccer advert for addidas! hah I LOVE IT! i think its cool! lol. and the stupid bird advert tt chee sings to...... and then leslie randomly whacks me. rubbish le! anyways... like wad tp said...
you kinda expect more from the different roles played in the mov... but you're not disappointed too! i guess.. there are some roles that needed to be played more...
im SO terribly disapppointed in cyclops!! he's super useless and died like 20min into the movie..
all he does was to laser beam the water... open his eyes for 3seconds and that's all! cuz he died while kissing jean.. -.-"
that bird boy... or arch angel also really random! he didnt do much!! i want him to like act more than just saving his dad at the end?? hahaha.
but i guess
wolverine's goooood!! love him! he's like the best already! yay super wei da!! he had to kill jean in the end though... i feel terribly sorry for mystique though.. i thought that her powers were really good! she's really prettyyy! yayys.
jean looks ugly.. mad and wild.. she's one confused chick! my goodness and the fact that she caused sooo much distruction. lol.
daryl was like
spoofing all the parts of the mov.......1. when magneto said... "you know jean.. wad was the first time i see in you when i met you..".. *BOOBS!* says darce.2. when charles died... the fire in front of his tombstone keeps burning.. then we see wolverine stepping in front.. bends over.. and LIGHTS HIS CIGAR..3. or you see the whole group of mutant rebels in the forest.... *MUTANT ORIENTATION CAMP~!*4. the part when bobby was finding rouge.. he slams open the door and SEES THE BIRDBOY combing his wings... "this is my new room!"he made the whole mov super funnyyy... its like super hilarious when they brought prof x's chair home.. *OOW.. SO FUN!* haha. then the next minute you're crying from the funeral scene!
it was a good mov in a long time....anyways, went to church early... bought xxl chicken for a light dinner..
when tp and joyce dragged me to seah im to eat dinner with them!! lol. better than rotting in church i guess... we had such a talk there! yays! niceee people.. and tp's not getting attached ((: but
they're really interesting and nice people to hang out with! ((:elena feels GOOD for she bought for her dad a worldcup chart and an epl magazine flone in from overseas! ((:
elena feels sad because she cant meet caleb tom!AHH! our retardedness must wait! cuz he has tuition tom... TUES? xDand elena needs to return gareth back his acjc shirt too!lol. need to read up some things.
dancin' @ 12:09 AM
Saturday, May 20, 2006
and we're dancin'
i overslept today!!! woke up at 10... was really tired from yesterday! and i missed yf today. :( oh wells.. wander whether darce and edd they'll are playing soccer today... anyways, now that dance is over... wad's left is just time set aside for studies....
dancers, let's get it started alrite? (: for danceanyways, this song goes out to ALL OF YOU! ((:
feel the passion inside, the inside strength..cant nobody take that away from youu...nobody can take our passion away from us. ((:
mel.jean emo.
WE'RE DANCINGp.y.tWhen the going starts to get roughAnd you feel like you've had enoughLet the music take control of your soulTake a chance and do what you feelYou're a force they cannot live without itYou gotta break the chain yeah yeahThere's a passion insideAn inner strength that drivesCan't nobody take that away from youIt's the greatest highYou set the floor on fire when you come aliveAnd we're dancin'And it feels alrightI can't control my desireAnd we're dancin'And it feels alrightYeah And we're dancin'And it feels alrightCan't hold me downGotta reach for the skyAnd we're dancin' And it feels alrightSome people don't know the love you possessThey pretend what they don't understandIt's naturalYou're in a world of your ownOhhhhh ohThere's a passion insideAn inner strength that drivesCan't nobody take that away from youIt's the greatest highYou set the floor on fire when you come alivePush it too the maxFeel the room bow at your feetDon't you dare hold backCuz it feels so good insideAnd we're dancing
dada.charly.kaka emo.
(notices mrs koh......)
dancin' @ 11:06 AM
me.. myself.. and dance.
oh my goodness..... was in such a mess today... basically,
this week was a major hectic week! it was arts week! haha. so its a week for all the performing arts and stuff... lol. and friday was the concert where dance will be dancing! ((: so then,
this week was just dance dance and MORE DANCE. 2-3hrs a day in the dance studio! burning the floor and breeding bruises!having dance everyday was
tough shit man.... hahaaha. this time... dance really really improved my flexibility! because this dance was the first contemp dance that im doing in cj... and it
involves alot of ballet techniques that i seriously lack in!! should have taken ballet when i was young!! >.<
elena's proud to say that after this week's intensive dance training..
have tougher leg muscles.. and can stretch to the floor for both left and right leg... and reduced stomach fats....oh yay! but these will prob go by the end of midyrs... LOL. come to think of it.. after being in cj dance.. they have really pushed my potential in dance... after since auditions.. to tapestry.. to being selected to dance for open day.. to danceworks... and
come to think of it, my dancing has gone quite far.. further than expected for someone that just wants to enjoy dancing. ((: ive gone a loooong way since i left mg dance.. and
im sure to say that im not the dancer i was in mg.... in fact, one that will go all out for a dance.anyways, yupp! so we did many many painful stretches and end really later everyday, feeling super tired at the end of the day.. that i always doze off aft writing one sentence on my tutorial.. so... i ended up not being able to catch up with tuts.... but i guess its inevitable! and im sure ms lee understands.. shes in the concert! still managed to struggle this week's curicullum... yay for elena!
something that im REALLY disappointed abt.... is that
none.. ZERO.. kousong t38 people are going for the concert... damn sian! wells, that's the way is it i guess.. its their lost... they just missed out a good performance!
some, if u want to put it nicely, are just lazy... if u want to put it hideous, just cant be bothered to go.. and
others, if u want to put it nicely, are occupied and have no time.. if you want to put it hideous, just wants the short time to mug.for me, i choose to use this time for the concert... i means its just ONE day.. just make up in the june hols!
i choose to have real fun in my jc days... live life here to the fullest!! and
STILL at the end of the day, strive for the best and study effective! so that, my jc life will not be a wasted one! neither will it be a boring one... one can have alot of fun, and still do well!
if one does not have fun, and still does not do well, my pity goes to you.oh wells anyways, there are still nice people going!! for eg,
my nicee t26 darlings... QUEEN! the councillors! and jasdeep!! yayyys!

thanks queen!! for coming ((: but dancing is not always abt dancing for the people, but dancing for yourself.. yupp! so anyways, after sch... went to
find my t26 class... there were only some of the guys in class for awhile, play tennis balls.. play graphic calculator.. and they told me freaky things.... *shivers*

whackyy studio hours... (:
rushed to studio.. and we did some stretching first... and took some whacky shots! and
SAW... haha. stupid weijie!!! always come bully me!!!
GO PRESS MY BRUISE! haa its true tt u should get back from the time i pressed ya super huge bruise..
but still u're mean!! and ought to get beaten!! *beat beat beat* weijie claims the im short and is really violent! i refuse to hear him say tt im short!! quarrel...
and weijie screams!! hahahaha. we quickly all get changed...
ryan came to give us some really really PAINful but effective stretches! and
he taught me that all stetching should start from the stomach down first... and i tried and it was really more effective! yayys! stomach touches left leg. but soooo painful.. esp the one when u must split and go down... AH! did a few runs and started making up!
elena thinks that she looks really FAT in white razor! :( REALLY! i have huge arms! i want to chop them off!!! pooty still told me that i have the figure to be a good jazz dancer.. and stelli said that my figure is more of a hiphop dancer.. U TWO DO! not me. haha.((: i took super long to curl my eyelashes to CURL from the "geup geup thing"
i really cant curl my short eyelashes!! this sentence goes out to stelli as well who share the same complements.. lol. nessie has nice looooong eyelashes! yayys!
we treid to help weijie draw eyeliner! hhaha! and he tears! (: he looks emo and gay! LOL. but seriously,
the guys look good with the one-button collar shirt thing! HOT like artem!! * screams*
why cj dance takes SO long to get ready... they get distracted while doing makeup.. we did both dancework dances for 05 and 06.. did chinese new yr dance.. openhse dance.. and then mrs koh got SUPER pissed at us.. *woops* our dancers have also gone crazy over oldies music and sings SO LOUD!!! *me and nicole moves away from them*
elena loves stelli! cute girl! ((: loves her reflection! hah.

when we went to the pac.. we made our unglam entrace via the main entrance to the changing rooms! and there,
we took many many emo pics.. pics of dancers in their saddest moment... super EMO! we did painful stretches and were just having fun there! the place was really dirty that one run through can collect a layer of dust on ya feet.. we then went backstage and were made to stop talking..... so at the backstage... we got into the pre-performance mode right after mel addressed us... and started stretching and practising our steps..
met gabriel! you b****! haha. awesome piano i must say. hah.
jared was looking smart in black! and u can only see his face sometimes!! haha
van looks really pretty and elegent in her yellow dress!! (: so then, we started immersing ourselves into our own self-revision of steps..... nessie too! and i was telling nessie!! let's do it!!!! (:
before that, we do our tradition of praying before our dance! we prayed that we'll be able to dance our best and successfully convey wad we want to the audience!
and it was finally our turn. cj dance club! the screwed up the music at first.. which really sucked but after that was fine! and its always elena's thing to say a "to God be the glory" before a dance! so i did.. and hand it over to God! (:
so we put our emotions into it and danced it out! ALL OUT! and i tried to make my lines nice! with EMOTION and expression.. heads up!tried my best for every kick... tried to feel the person beside you. and it went on quite ok i must say... just that i LOOK FAT! but yayys! we had thundering applause after it.. and at tt moment, it was over..
its true that we spent 23hours, days, weeks of practice for 3minutes of performance.
it was over.

it was over. bang!
i felt the dance. and its nice to pt ya emotion into dance ... and that was it.. after all the stretching and techniques.. haah and
this might probably be the last dance the j2s are doing before stepping down... after the concert, we celebrated kaka's bdae! took really really whacky photos with pooty and jacq~ and the rest!!!

pooty. zeebie! love you! (:
haha and jasdeep came! thanks for coming darling! ((: joce too! *hugs* haha and i saw queen and the councillors!! they were going to have their council dinner! but
for those who came for the concert and filled up one third of the seas in pac.. thanks so much for coming! really appreciate you for appreciating our dance! many say it was really emo!!!! hahaa but good! ((:


too short.

im a guy too k!! ((:
after leaving sch... tagged along with joce and alex.. and we went to macs to eat and talk abt the weirdest things.. (: joce said i looked like i danced ballet! hahaha no! ((: just got training from dancing in sec sch! haa. ure an awesome gymnast! u can stretch more than elena! so ure good too!! dance with me! (: and i told them many many things abt dance.. and has andrew and liz really broke up? but they were really good tog... oh wells! i was sooo underdressed compared to them! but they told me that i was a performer that's why...

love you joce!
its really late now.. and im dead tired.. but i was in deep thought today...
dance is going to end soon. :( we wont be having dance till july and aug we step down.
elena doesnt want to step down!!!
i love cj dance to bits! every single one of u guys and girls! there's no other team, dance club.. dancers that i want to be with than you guys!and you guys are the greatest, nicest! and we live so happily tog! ((:
there's alr so much emotions that ties us together.. every dance piece, every warmup session or simply just slacking and crapping in the studio! competition made us a strong club! and come to think of it..
all the time when dance was everyday and i dread them... i will miss dance practices.............

we will miss.
no longer will i perforn i think .. dont even think abt nus..
so it's probably the last one when we're dancing tog... *hugs* from the first locking lesson to the last stretching session... and
nessie! thanks for standing by me! u ARE my dance pal all way through.. (: through everything! we're not stepping down!

love you girl!
i love dance.its my emotion. my expression of and dance.
my journey in cj dance!
the sweet beginnings of cjdance.

nessie! man did we change?

*cj openhse
getting to know the rest.. ((:

miss you sonia
*danceworks! --team illuminate
we were tight! ((: efficient! love ALL of you! (:

weijie! (:
*danceworks finals! --team incandescance
the cj brand! (: we were there for each other!

*chinese newyr dance
retro!! everyone around the world comeon!
*orientation dance
ah ah ah ah ah! to the beach yo to the beach yo!
its as good as it great..
miss the singing in studio! ((:
*arts week concert. concert for the solo.
seniors and junior dance together.
dancin' @ 12:30 AM
Tuesday, May 16, 2006

t38 shagged aft sportsday. recall.
AH! i was super super super TIRED today... because elena has a bad habit of chionging ALL her work last minute.. so on sunday night, i chionged ALL my chem tut and math tut!! and
i chiong all the biochem to 420am in the morning! hahaha..
buddy was chionging with me too! ((: and he said.. that we're chionging so hard for chem, we should deserve to ace chem...wells, i should think that i slacked alot,... and
YOU are the one who deserves it more than me! hahaa. so then... miraculously, i did all my work!!! amazingggg......
so went to school feeling ULTRA tired... walked up n saw claudio and jared in front!! and
it's was SUPER wrong to wear a hairband on the day where u MIGHT be seeing jared... because,
first thing in the morning.... jared goes... CHUCKLES!!! *pressesss hairband REAL hard* CARROT KONG! super disgusting you! and come to think that my j1 girls are going gaga over you! and all the tons of girls that are crazy... they obviously have not seen the other retarded evil side of you! super disgusting!!! first time in the morning.. WASTED 10BUCKS ON RENTING TIE! -.-"
this week was
arts week! and darce and graham were playing oldies over the sound system in the morning! iggy was saying that he wanted nicer oldies.. lol. and thx for tying me tie! (: tash was happily dancing away and she pulled along to dance with her when sugar sugar came on! hahaa.
tom's gona be EMO day! haha so all the emo songs! lol... pinks drew the arts week banner! it's artsy girl! ((:
i love bio lectures! but mr goh is making me dread bio lect more and more... lol. first thing chem lect.... quite boring but fortunately could catch abit of info... and went did benny booboo do that he had to sit infront of the lt! lol.
chem tut was really interactive and sponteneous~ because mrs tan conducted it.. and she always seem super excited abt it!!!
math was the same as usual.. darce was throwing his liquid paper around... laughing like madd because we were recalling the stupid jap flick.. and the bah chor me man thing! hahaha
im so sorry that i have confused you, the bah chor mee man!and we made ms lee flare up. OOPS!
during break.. went to queue up at chinese wok with hazel wife! haha i married her on sportsday! LOL. anyways,
brendan saw me.. and he started SCREAMING!! and in freak mode... hahahaaha. and guess wad
jared did.. HE PRESSED MY HAIRBAND (2nd) and i hugged jes!! (: and the 2retards were like *eewww.. disgusting bimbos* madness... went to sit with my j1 class who i intro-ed to hazel! ((:
after school... had 2hrs of gp clinic when we had extra gp lessons... which was really really effective!! ms ting is a good teacher and i learnt ALOT from her! we learnt abt figurative language this time.. and
hazel's right, it's a blessing in disguise! hahaha. had to met ms ting again tom!! for another session when she's discussing development of argument to me, aloysius and junhong... the new peeps of gp clinic. yupp.
had DANCE after that!! it was basically a session of recapping steps... and ryan added in a few new steps.... and then while i was turning... i felt a tear of skin on my sole... AH! RAPTURE! and it was!!
the loose skin under my feet FINALLY came off or got torn off! and i peeled off that whole big piece! quite fresh... hahah.
PEELFRESH! ((: and i had skin burn from the half splits that we were doing... ryan let us do many stretches!!! so good! yayys. (:
after that.. went to meet jared, glen.. for abit of nightstudying..... and JARED SAID I STINK! HEYYYY! now
im aka stinkles.. i had to smell myself at least 4times -.-" then me and glen went to see the work of art being displayed for arts week.... some of the drawing are REALLY nice!! its good that cj's art actually has acquired a good standard! yay. jared and graham went to lib to freeze! freaks.! haha. me and glen were in the canteen..
and its real interesting conversing with glen cuz he tells you the most interesting things!!! we discussed abt his essay topic on "the poor" and argued in terms of the poor in different aspects like morally, economically, religious, materialistically? many many... read his essay! he's good! always getting 30 over!
his intro do address the issue on the poor... it is relative and subjective. only made objective when judge by a certain standard or survey.... we discussed and we did state that
one can NOT be in poverty yet is STILL poor.. yesyes.
then jared and graham came out of the freezing lib!!
JARED PRESSED MY HAIRBAND AT LEAST 5times today!!!! AHHHHHH! *freaks out* haha. and he took a super ugly photo of me..... DO NOT take photos of elena after dance... yes glen, can pinch! and
i taught him a way to amplify his triple chin! hahaha.
during night study, studied spa thoroughly and disgusting many really abstract and deep topics with glen.. his other friend and jared... basically i was just listening.. yesyes. topics like the possibilities of the big bang theories.. science and religion.. and the issue on singularity.. and the issue on the impossibilty of 'nothing'... super deep topics......

in deep thought...
buddy didnt come study today! and i brought electrochem for him -.-"
ok! need to revise abit of bio and maths!
*tata for now!
dancin' @ 1:00 AM
weekends! friday and saturday.. hols (:

this is the halfing!
On friday.. it was hols...
basically, went to darce's house at night! he specially packed to make his room and house presentable! hahaa. he has the
weirdest things in his room! his artworks.. little medals.. cigars.. and saddistic soldiers! and all his little things... haa quite interesting! and then we got to work on our bio proj! haha after finishing...
we watching a ULTRA funny video clip when we nearly laughed our balls out!! hahahas! then.. darce was talking to mei on the phone.. so i was bored and went to pose as darce on msn.. and went ard gaying with santos and jared!!!! hahhahaha..
i typed... "I LOVE YOU DARLING!" "KISS ME SUGAR" haha from darcy!! lol. we ended up snatching the keyboard.. and i could only control the mouse in the end............. crazy times..... jared and santos were super confused! lol. and jared was being mean as usual...
chuckles does not destroy homes!!!!! and unleash hell! lol.
on saturday, was supposed to call sherm up to study at 9.30...
woke up at 9.. went back to sleep
woke up at 1030 in the end...
called shermmm.. and HE WAS ALREADY AWAKE SINCE 10!! -.-"
stupid mannn.
anyways, spent day at home before rushing down for yf! this time i go STRAIGHT to yf.. yupp! so anyways we played captain's ball!! haha sweat sweat sweat! jia en was freaked out when i pulled my legs towards myself... LOL. im not flexible alrite! haha yeow's super good in captain's ball!!!! we went alexandra for dinner! then...
marc and serena invited me to sit with them.. cuz they said tt i looked lost... wells, ya... it was a good good dinner! yayys. and then.. i had to go buy my mum a present... so went to check out the buses.. and didnt know how to get to clementi mrt... gareth would have knew.. but didnt have a chance to ask.. so went with daniel and cj to queenstown and took mrt to clementi....
i walked and walked and walked... went into jewellery shop n bought pretty necklaces! ((: wanted to sit 184.. and walked home.. wanted to have some time alone again.. but then my dad went to fetch me....
i cant spend time alone again!
elena's such a loner.. lol ((:.*basically elena didnt do much work in the hols... sianx
dancin' @ 12:59 AM

us before eco-challenge!
I just realised that
i only blog ONCE a week.. hahhaha. so anyways, i still have my homework left undone! basically finished most of chem tut.. bio tut also... math tut cannot be done yet.... shall do some math revision.. after i finish revising some
j1 bio topics! that is taking AGES to finish..... IM AM NOT A MUGGER.
okies.. anyways, basically... i missed one whole week of blogging.. so then, last week was a slack week... we only had 3days of school.... thurs was sportsday!!! in my previous blog, i said beware of the orange bridget? wells.. not so hopeful anymore....
because during sportsday, not the whole class was in orange :( was kinda shocked when they told me "why do we need to bring?" oh wells.. logically enough... but there were still a few of us that brought!!! HUIHUI's SQUARE! lesliee... willieee...
and darcy was super excited abt the jersey.. that the disappointment hit him really badly....
one note to darce, its a fact that we're alr j2s and our class has changed inevitably and we cant do anything abt it... yes! at least, there's still laughs and all....
at the sportsday was sitting near the LOUD speakers... that when i say hi to people, they will rather walk away before the speakers make them deaf! :( anyways,
went to hug jes and queen!! by far, they are my super super nice girlfriends!! met DARLING girlfriend, gidman! ((: hey darling! hahaha. *cute wave*
he was 'giddyman' on that day.. so cute rite! haha. oh yes, must admit tt the
t20 shirts look really fierce-looking and intimidating... its in BLACK! it kinda make the guys look super zai...
so some of the events started...
t20 guys got 2nd for 4x400! quite cool! kevin, heinhun, ian n sherm were in the team.. and they are fast! hahaa
sherman was last runner! hahaa not only must i support him acedamically but also here.. (elena's nice) SO FAST! heinhun was fast... then i was talking to j1 trant... and tina actually thought that he was quite cool at first look. LOL. so then,
elena shall admit that sherm is zai in running too!! IM SO LOUSY partner! sherman had 'shm' on his back... meaning...
'sherman handsome man' -.-" maybe more like stupid hairless monkey? haha no la... later he dump me as buddy... u crazy organic chem PRO. hah. ohhh... and
4x100... ashley outran maurice at the last 100m... ashley's super good in 100m wad...
MAURICE, i'll always be your running fan!! even if you always press my head. haa.
so anyways, our class was not that onz this yr.. and some of us went to join the eco challenge! hahaha.
weiren was participating too! and his team was FREAKING FAST! they emerged tops in the end.. ending 1hr before my team!! haahaa... crazy odac. so the first task was to carry one team member and run round track.. and
I GOT CARRIED. cornyy and willie were taking turns!! and they were RUNNING so
i was bumping behind their backs! sorry for being heavy!! jean and christine were at the side cheering! hahas. and for that,
i had to be especially nice to them!! haha. during the whole journey, we took tons of nice photos... winning didnt matter to us! ((:
in the end of sportsday... kenny's class seemed to have done a good job! soccer idol!! (: and yimin obviously owned in longjump! benny booboo's class got 2nd for netball and they trashed my class.... BEN'S DAMN FAST! lol. and
thx sooo much momo! for making the 3738 flag! ((: t16 got the challenge trophy in the end..
SO RANDOM! NOT t18! oh man.. they must be crying already.. they worked so hard as a class!!!!
after that.. went jack'splace with my class peeps! and
we ended up pouring salt and sqeezing lemon on each other! haha we went to play pool after that!! and
me and corn is the KILLER TEAM! haha corn's STILL pro alrite? and when he left.. somehow, i got many good shots and i beat leslie twice!!
HEAVENLY! felt the adrenaline rush!! WOOO! *runs round pool table* im the new pool princess!! next to weixin! hahahahaha. such
nice balls!! madness... rushed hectically home to change and get ready for rj's choir concert with the church peeps.. nearly didnt want to go from all the rushing.... was wandering whether rj has cute guys with brains!!! lol.
(photos to be uploaded)
this is one of our POSING photos.. lol. NOT a poster for maids agency.
dancin' @ 12:21 AM
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
let the floor BOW at your feet.

red feet from dancing... this is wad you get for dancing for 3plus hours a day barefooted. lol.
okok.. i dunno why am i blogging now... should be like studying like the rest of my class... all turned to damn muggers! i shall stress that i'm a last minute chiong-er. LOL. so anyways..
today was such a HECTIC day! my goodness and im just exhuasted now.
met darling deep today on 154! haha. rugby having match today against pj! for the plate... i think! haha. anyways, i gave him all the encouragement i could!! hhahahaha. but NO STRESS K! just do ya best!! i know cj rugby is not getting much luck recently.. they lost by 1MARK. like wad the hell.
but then we must all remain smiley alrite!! all the best k darling!! ((:lol. so then, was too lazy to walk all the way to class so ended up outside scc... LOL.
spent 5minutes trying to ask hafiz abt chem THEN realised that he does not take chem....... -.-" then i was whining that my hair's super weird... then started learning french from kee kee! haha. shes so proo! lol. realised the xiao an's performing in the annual concert too! in their winning band! SEXY! yayyys. but then sheryl's not singing.... :(
then darcy comes with his non-braces teeth!! HAHAHA! PURPOSELY sia! super jealous!!! then jared muttered sth that made everyone laugh!! u stupid boy!! i'll go back on youu! LOL.
anyways, chem was just boring i guess... started new topic and ended up dozing off.. was like half listening and
half sleeping.. but my mind was like taking in all the info being said.. so i was like DREAMING of the concepts.. and if i dont record them down.. they'll just fade into my memory...
so i'll wake up once in a while.. scribble sth and go back to sleep..... hahaahas.
i have a confused soh always picks on me in class la!!! bully me. lol anyways, wed break was usual..
no one wants to go down... cuz everyone suddenly decided to diet.. or suddenly became super lazy.. or suddenly wanted to mug real hard or suddenly felt so in need of bridging.. so all ps... as usual. so then i asked darcy to follow me down! i really need to eat... having dance later!! and
for my passion, i HAVE TO eat! ((: so then we rushed down.... and had noodle king! yayys! darcy was like busy flirting with the aunty to give him more mee kia! LOL. kidding la. we went to sit with DWWAAAYYNNEE! haha the guys were busy talking abt cj soccer.. and i just listened... felt like a noob. Lol. then darcy received a call to buy something.. UNFORTUNATELY. and i unfortunately received a msg too.
we were freaking running errands for our class... cuz they do not come down to eat.. we have to buy things up for them! and sometimes it can get kinda ridiculous... cuz orders just come pouring on you. do you think its free delivery charge ah! next time we charge alreadyy!!! lol.
i got kinda irritated for awhile...
seeing the stupid class bin always filled with food plastics... package drinks... and flies just fly ard least clear out ya food in the bin outside right......
guess then i was feeling kinda pissed...
was pmsing i suppose. i just hope the
tomorrow's sports day could bring our class bit closer together...this yr's different from last yr..... we do not go out for outings le... i guess everyone's mugging everyday... oh wells!
bio is always super hilarious!! i guess its just mr balaji... guys just open up to him in class...even about penis sizes.. my goodness! and he's always asking me huihui and daryl chee to stop talking!! hahaha. i always tell huihui the most random things la!! then
one time i kinda doze off while doing my tutorial then balaji and huihui were like looking super closely at me that i just "HUH!" in front of balaji's face! super unglam!!! and
i told huihui that im such a lunatic! haha JACK!! then me corn les and darcy started reciting matrix and starwars spoof! LOL.
i love you morpheus! wad can we expect....... MACHINEEES!!!and..
padme's here! haha all the larva planet! and
"i forgot to turn off the force!" ... "you spilt barbacue sauce on my bath robe!" YOU HAVE DONE THAT YOURSELF! hahaaha ultimate maddness man.
i guess bala was just really amused by wad we do in class... hahahas. anyways, cj tennis was really awesome and went into quarterfinals! and their first match was with sajc.. was wandering whether ian was there! hahaa he told me that he missed the trials! SUPER FUNNY. lol must
meet up one day kays! tog with caleb and nic too! ((: yaysthe health survey was really really gay i tell you.
they ask the most random qns.. like do u practise mutual masturbation?? do u perform oral sex?? and things like how many day do you walk at least 10min.. my goodness... half an hour of torture..... shortman was there too!
SHORTMAN no2 AS IN WEIREN! lol. u must notice thare are a
few shortman.. darcy. weiren. gabriel. maurice! MAURICE is the MOST irritating one!! *touch head* haha anyways,
weiren has pimples! with pimples, u'll be letting the j1s, that are crazy over you, down! and he gives sian face. haha. but its better already is it?? haha drink more water bah! he went for his mad odac trainings.. lol. and RUSHED back to class to finish off the gp ca paper... HAD to hand up that day... and i was rushing like mad cause i was already late for dance......
managed to rushed to the studio by 4! and
ryan was teaching today!! yayys ryan's back! and he
totally changed the mood of the dance!! he made everything seem so exciting and worth while now!! super cool... and he gave us many more pointers abt directions and emotions.... n taught us the right way of dancing jazz.. to stretch our movements.... i still cant jump up properly.. DONT SCREW IT UP girl. LOL. wells more practise!!!! yess!
more blisters!! hell ya! and for once, we stepped out of the dance studio when the sun havent set yet! lol.
jd then told me that sherm went off already! so i dun need to find him to study le! haha anyways,
CONGRATS BUDDY! haha WHO GOT 22 FOR CHEM!! YAYY! ure improving dude!! im SOOO happy for you! finally, ya hardwork did not go to waste!! now you must
teach me organic chem!! im so confused... alrite!!
ALL THE WAY MUGGINGPARTNER! we must chiong already. haha. then rushed home and out again for gp tuition where she touched on sci and tech... which was good.. more info on that topic! ((:
anyways, peeps, dont worry abt the elena emo blogs k!! they're just sudden feelings that i feel for once in a while. ((:
yupps! tom's sportsday and my class is slacking! but just hope tt
we can spend some quality time together.. kinda sad we're not participating that much..... we MUST take photos.. we dont even have 2t38 decent photos yet..BEWARE OF THE ORANGE FORCE.tomorrow is the war of man.
my class only showing off the jersey la!!

orange bridget in mawai. (:
this yr..
we happily give the homeclass title to t18!! who desperately wants it that they're making pompoms for sportsday....
gona study now!
dancin' @ 11:41 PM
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
So u think u can dance.. technique vs entertainment

On another seesion of so u think u can dance..... CRAIG WENT HOME! WHYYYY! he was a really really strong jazz dancer! he was one that can dance super well in lyrical jazz but just that he was put into a dance where he cant perform his talent well enough.. but i still felt that his hiphop dance with melody was awesome! and melody is SUCH a strong dancer..... but then they said that the fact is that most of the audience COULD NOT appreciate the beauty of jazz and wad entertained them more is just hiphop and things that are hot.... and i feel that this is very unfair for him......
i guess this is wad im facing now! TECHNIQUE! in carol's dance piece... im struggling to keep up with the ballet steps i must say.. cuz i dont have any ballet training.. but i'll do wad i can! (: and work really hard during dance tom!!! yes! practise..... and hope carol undertstands...
he was really awesome in his 45sec jazz dance and this is the song he danced to... i deleted the song thinking that it was draggy and boring but it's the ENDING of the song where he danced to.. and its very emotional and moving... and it was great to dance to.... craig's awesome!! all the dancers there are.. sighs.
the part that he danced to is highlighted....

hiphop -- craig and melody *u have my admiration ((:
Everything --By LifehouseFind Me Here
Speak To Me
I want to feel you
I need to hear you
You are the light.. That's leading me
To the place where I find peace again.
You are the strength, that keeps me walking.
You are the hope, that keeps me trusting.
You are the light to my soul.
You are my're everything.
How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?
Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?
You calm the storms, and you give me rest.
You hold me in your hands, you won't let me fall.
You steal my heart, and you take my breath away.
Would you take me in? Take me deeper now?
Cause you're all I want, You're all I needYou're everything,everythingYou're all I want your all I needYou're everything, everything.You're all I want you're all I need.You're everything, everythingYou're all I want you're all I need, you're everything, everything.And How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?How can I stand here with you and not be moved by you?Would you tell me how could it be any better than this?this other song is danced for the lyrical jazz! and
it's AN AWESOME AWESOME SONG!!! and really really great to dance to.. which blake and artem presented and expressed the feeling of this song through dance.. and they did a perfect job... soooo touching that its really wonderful! PLEASE go hear this piece! it's really really nice.. and u can just picture two dancers dancing... and the male totally taken in by the female dancer. and create a special piece of unfailing love.
NoraBy Blessed Union of SoulsI went to see my... grandma today
I learned the difference
Between living and alive
Wall to wall roaches in a
Two by four infested room
Lying there in pain
Praying for the Lord to take her
Nora... I hope it won't be too long for you
Nora... All these years you've been so strong
Nora... I hope you don't mind if I call you Nora
'Cause I love you
After leaving her
I turned my life around
I see new life differently
Through the vision of the old and
Oh, material things don't mean that much to me
I guess I learned that I'm just
Glad to be alive and healthy
Nora... All this time that you have known me
Nora... It took your whole life just to show me
Nora... How we take some things for granted
Nora... Nora... Oh Nora
I love you
And though I know there wasn't long to goTime was something that we sharedAnd when you died...I didn't cry for long'Cause I believe I'll see you... againNora... I'll see you on the other sideNora... I'll be the one with swallowed prideNora... Are you sure you don't mind if I call you NoraOh Nora... I love youI love you I love you I love... youOh, Nora, Nora, Noraand poeple, thanks for all ya concern when im sick!!aloy, for updating me abt the things in sch...darcy, for cycling all the way to my house to pass me my math things andgiving me full update abt today's sch things.mana, for telling me to get well soon! ((:joce too! im gona go sch for YOU! ((:and sherman ho! hahaha. thanks for asking whether im alrite alr! u made and me call u at 12 and u slpt instead of studying in the end!! hahas.u guys made me feel much better! ((:sweetdreams*
dancin' @ 1:19 AM
Monday, May 08, 2006
overwhelmed with thoughts of the past.

dance chemistry! (: something that is truely amazing and wonderful.. and wad's even better, it can only exist so specially between 2dancers.....
so i didnt go to sch on mondayyy... didnt even feel like my strength was up to face today's activities..
math fa and gp ca is just too demending especially when im still recovering from the cold.. so decided to stay at home and only handle those cas when im better and back in school.....
didnt like the feeling of staying at home when i could be taking in knowledge in school at that very instance... but i stealed the chance of being exempted from sch to catch up with all my tutorials....
FINISHED the WHOLE electro chem tut!! had a quick nap.. and ALSO finished up whole of bio nervous system tut which i was really proud of!! ((:
sis came back thrilled that she answered her geog elect qn correctly!! she's seriously under too much stress...
all the way girl. (:
knowing that ive done more than expected... i
went to sleep and SLEPT alot alot.. which was good as it helps me recover better.. so spent most of the day sleeping and trying to revise some bio things... haha.
and since i was alone throughout the day...
ive been immersing myself into alot of thinking.. AND I MEAN ALOT ALOT OF THINKING... most of wad i was thinking about was the past.... and the fact that chocolate's dead..
latest updatethe really really cute hamster that me and gareth was supposed to takecare of died.. it was supposed to be our little 'baby' and i guess when i broke up with him.. our little chocolate suffered too.. and it had passed away cuz gareth screwed the water bottle too tight that it was SOO deprived of water that it dead!!! super super pathetic i must say.... poor hamster... HATE IT WHEN I KILLED AN INNOCENT ANIMAL..
are u sure u didnt murder the hamster...
so i guess after losing the only thing that is connecting the two of us.. our relationship is really dead rite?
(gareth, if ure reading this... just read on k.. doubt ure even here anyway)
officially off already. wells i guess it has already ended long time ago and
i guess gareth has already accepted the fact.. and he's beginning to live with it... i guess when we first broke up.. i admit that
i was the first to lose my feelings.. and that i was the first to accept the truth.. and
he was the one that still wanted the relationship to carry on but i turned him down... and i guess he told himself that things has to go on and it did for him...
but i just dunno why that for me.. recently, im beginning to miss the times that i shared with him... and the times when i used to forget abt him to starting to change....
i duno why but my mind just kept on filling with thoughts of him!! IM SERIOUS! its just HIM. and i just cant seem to get it away... so then i started
recalling all the pictures that we used to take and started missing the moment... in my mind was like *shit shit why am i doing all this* but i cant help it!
i guess i just missed the feeling of being loved by someone..
missed the feeling that ure important and that u matter to someone...and when ure sick.. someone really care and is constantly worrying for your health...but i guess i have to learn to live alone and be independent! independent elena that does not need anyone to live for.. then i continued to think... and
started to read the msges that he sent....those msges are
soooo encouraging.. all his msges that tells me to never give up and to always to look to God for strength to study! and msges that tells me to carry on and leave all the stress to God..
he was my messenger of love and that was his last msg to me... then then, i just cant help but cry a little bit and let my emo go abit further..
and i bet people will love to see the elena that laughs so much to suddenly collapse under her emotions...

she cries.
i admitted that then was the moment when i realised that i missed him.. and i missed all the times i shared with him...
but i guess its all over.. and like how he's handling it now.. life HAS to go on... and
alls in the past.. so dont look back.. and remeber when i told him that we might still be possible.. he told me sometime ago that it's already impossible.. and NOW i finally get it... its impossible.. i cant bear to hurt him again..
he's been hurt TOO much by elena.. and i finally knew and understood how he felt.. and im SO not worthy of having him again... sooo not worthy... and i really hoped he can find someone way much better.. he deserves someone better yes.

she regrets?
and for me, guess i'll just live with it and let it go! and continue to be hyper and continue to occupy myself with work and friends so that such things will not happen again......
elena dances alone. that's wad's best. (:
dancin' @ 11:49 PM
elena's down with COLD
i just realised that ive not been blogging... my last blog was on so u think u can dance.... and that was like 2weeks ago? LOL. wells... just popped down some pills ive got from the clinic...
CHUCKLES IS SICK! yes she is..... super sick since saturday...
i guess it
started from fri after dance... was sweating and all.. went to join joce, jared, claud, darc n graham for a little bit of studying....
sat under that fan to study till 945 before going home.. and in addition, had a couple of late nights hence body's immunity was low.. that even by blowing under the fan for a few hours can
get me a bad flu by saturday.... anyways, i guess studying in sch is getting more and more effective... NOW instead of writing just ONE sentence in 2hours... elena can do 2homeworks! ((: hopefully night study will be effective to me.. cuz i cant study at home at night yes.

photo called BUTT -- jared

another BUTT photo -- pls be more original claudio!

that's more like it... BUTT! lol.
claudio called me a digsy face! stupid guyyy xP hope i didnt mess up ya hair too much. haha. all jared kong's fault... lol.
so anyways, we
running a slight fever on saturday.. and nose was really bad then... sneezing and all... blocked too.. with sore throat.. yet, was
really really happy that God empowered me and helped me pull through a good worship session for yf! ((: yayys. thanks tp for all the encouragement. smiles! (:
was really heating up with the cold and everything after worship... nevertheless, had a smashing time in yf.. all the crapping ard the steamboat.. with richard to join us. haha. and al the LAME riddles like fuzzy wazzy, black magic.. mrt line.. babablck sheep! and selene showed us some string time!
SUPER FUNNY and all of us go high and laughed SOOOO hard even when it's the lamest lamest jokes ever told. nice one guys!
they made me forget that i was actually sick...
then had to take bus home.. since 61 came first.. i took it.. used to just solely wait for 166 do that i can take with gareth home... but guess now.... yupp
so its been quite a while before i actually sit 61 home with tp and the rest.... guess im reliving that!
on the bus... tp and sk were talking abt captain's ball... and then yeow wanted to sleep.. so he asked whether i want to sit outside and talk to them but i said that its ok....
i just felt like stoning there and just be quiet.. SUPER RARE dont u think.. and convinced myself that going home from church is different now...
so i was just lost in thought on the bus...
wanted to sit 61 and walk home after that.... maybe cuz i just wanted some time alone.. and thought walking home would be just the thing..
but then i guess
God didnt permit that and sent down this really really really heavy RAIN on me.... so then they started to tell me to better not walk home already... and THE RAIN BECAME SUPER HEAVYYYY... SIANNNN -.-" and tp lent me his umbrella...
thanks for all the concern alrite! ((: its been awhile since someone told me to make sure that im safely home.. so much for having time alone... but guess walking in this rain will only make me even more sick... dad came to fetch me in the end...
sunday was terrible!! i was feeling SO tired.. and i took super long time to even get out of bed.. and i was kinda in a bad shape in the morning... dozed off during chem tuition... and went for bio tuition but managed to stay awake then..... sheeshhh dont want to go sch on monday..
dancin' @ 11:07 PM