Saturday, April 29, 2006
some random thoughts.....
sighss it's already 1 and im dead tired... sheesh im really turning noctural! but maybe i'll just post some little random thoughts here...
school was kinda slack today... had awards ceremony.... it was in the hall! and the whole commencement of the service was really alike in MG! (: just that the students in mg DO see the hymns.... wells, i feel that cj choir has improve ALOT! (: yayy huihui and cheryl! then was see all the award! graham is SOOO pro in lit! woowww! and xing long was no surprise...
AHH! there's the art award and kenneth won it!! recall the times in mg... when i received the art prize in both sec3 and 4. honestly, i felt that karen's art is stronger than mine.. and i guess the two of us just spur each other on to great standards!(: i miss all the fun times we had in the art room... staying in sch till way late like 630? haha. she's doing aep in nj now!!! and me? DROPPED ART! oh dammit. stupid art MUST clash with bio periods.... and i recalled the time when i haddd to reluctantly give up art...... art is probably the only subj that i can ensure an A in.. haahha. now its ONLY BIO that xing long is not taking.. maybe i'll ace that instead! haah MAD.
anyways, was rushing histerically for chem enrichment homework.. when i tell people that im in the chem preparatory prog for the supposedly potentialA students.. people just laugheddd!!! hahaha. wells, went down to photocopying room with leslie who didnt help me take a copy of the enrichment >.< and i met maurice that!!! THAT STUPID SMALL BOY! he was like teasing me abt chem lect today where mrs tan heard me laugh so loud, picked up the mic and said ELENA.. and put down her mic. SUPER SIAN! and she even thought that my name was monica or even michelle! LOL. elena does not seek attention in the lt OK! youuu are mean! then i MAD RUSHED ALL THE QUESTIONS! hahaha didnt even pay attention during chem lest *haha oops* but was busy figuring out the ans with LESLIEE! (: he's the only guy tts taking that prog! haha. during the lesson, learnt many new things abt chem.. seeing chapter in different perspectives! (:
anyways, after the draining 3hours of chem.. (lect, tut and extra lesson) went to dance studio!!! haha. STUPID SAW WEIJIE! he always SCREAMS when i bully him too much! and i scratched him cuz he pulled out my rubberband. super sorry if it hurt!! hahahaha. so than, carol came again for jazz... and her killing warmups that are actually quite effectively but PAINFUL. yupp!
elena hates auditions! cuz it exposes the fact that dances cannot accomodate every dancer... :(
to be continued...
dancin' @ 1:04 AM
Friday, April 28, 2006
so u think u can DANCE?

that show ROCKS my socks!!! its seriously better than american idol! it is the only show where u see the contestants crying when the FIRST person has to leave the top16.. and the judges crying sooo hard. yes. so much emotion!

but so u think u can dance is seriously an ultra HOT show! YES! the guy dancers are damnnnn GOOD and they're all sooo hot! *drools* and the girl dancers possess sooo much energy! their movements are just so good! and u know they are tough movements.. swinging lifting spilts kicks.. the amazing part is how they can switch genres of dance SO fast! i guess they're finding versatile dancers..
unlike american idol, EVERY single pair put on a good show on stage! and the judges also give funky comments! like.. wad dan said.. such a BAD ASS! which didnt really make much sense but the judges were funky! i think dan's kinda cute actually! HAHA. he has a really nice face? how he expresses his words is really cool hahaa. bryan's not bad actually. LOL.

dan karaty. hiphop dance choreographer n judge. cute? (:
so anyways, alr the first pair, nic and kamilah.. ultra HOT. the next pair was actually michelle and jonice. they were doing the salsa! and i actually thought that michelle was not that good but that dance proved me wrong.. she was actually quite good. yupp and jonnis looked super good with his hair tied up. haha.
next pair pair was the tap-dancer girl, sandra and artem. SHEESH! at first i thought that artem was not good and is bound to get out... but he actually look DAMMMN GOOD when he dances! i LOVE his movements... his whole body language is just SOOO hot. albs! and how he moves in all the turns and jumps and how his shirt flies as he spins... my goodness it was seriously super NICE! and i really got attracted by him! AHHH! super cooool~ and its true! judges said that the tv LOVES his face! (: and his bellroom solo at the end... AH! my goodness even thouh it was slow moments. how he poses for his moves is just super nice!! super NOT AND SEXy! rocks.......

see his body language!

if my boyfriend in the future can dance JUST like him, i'll immediately marry him!!! sheeshh it seriously took my breathe away. too bad i dont have photos of that.
wad's more, the lyrical music was really moving and you can really feel THROUGH the dancer's heart.. their passion into the piece itself.

simply beautiful.
the jive dance that ashley did with jamile was SOOO COOOL! and jamile really surprised me! he could dance it SOO WELL! (: ryan too man! yayy breakers rules! hahaa. i LOVE to watch melody and melissa dance! they're really strong dancers! and melody's so small!!! hahaha. and they make it look so easy! craig loooks SUPER happy when he dance! yayys. there was sooo much energy on stage!

this is melody (:
then it was blake and destiny's turn to do lyrical!! BLAKE WAS AWESOME! like artem, his turns and spins took my breathe away! and u can actually see the difference, blake and destiny put in so much MORE emotion.. and destiny could lift up her legs in one of the poses, unlike the tapdancing girl.... blake really feels the music! that's why i LOVED to see him dance! and his whole emotion is just SO POWERFUL!
its so EHHHHH

bbbblake mcgrath

so then artem was in the bottom 6. :( when u look at the bottom 6.. u really dont want ANY one of them to leave the competition cuz all of them are really strong individuals... in the end, sandraleft.. and everyone were crying and its true that its unfair for her, because she cant really exposed her FULL talent... the more dispressing is the guys... artem was safe!! *pwww* AH! he's such a sexy beast. haha. in the end.. jonnis had to leave and immediately, ashley broke into tears and how he expressed himself, the encouragement that the judges give.. it was an emotional moment. everyone BROKE INTO TEARS.
unlike singing or anything else, the bonds that are made on the dance floor are always very strong.. you learn moves together, dance alongside each other, spur each other on... and u share the same passion
this is dance at a higher level.
here's a site with all the cool photos and videos! of their moves and all!
dancin' @ 2:13 AM
day drainnnn.

hahaa its super super late now.. probably 1? haha sheesh im really lacking of sleep man.. slept at 3 yesterday because i was mugging for bio! and this time i DONT WANT to go unprepared for my bio paper! NO! yesss.. so anyways, i used my dirtyy hands to rub my eyes today... so in the end,
my right eye was really REALLY swollen and red in the morning and it was really affecting my mode. and will definately affect my paper later.......
super pissed.. and mum was being SOOO unreasonable.
she said that the sore eye was just another excuse like orientation for doing badly in my test.... IM SERIOUS the pain was really there and it was SOO uncomfortable. n she starts nagging abt me not wanting to go sch and finding excuses.
THE FACT IS.. i WANT to go school thinking that i working so freaking HARD for that bio paper. im NEVER good enough for u isnt it. even if i working sooo hard.
so i stormed my way to school... and everyone knew abt my sore eye.. they said that it was conjunctivatis.. yess. conjunctiva was swelling.. everyone persuaded me to go home.. because its contagious... and it might spread to others.. but i stayed in sch.. didnt know it was THAT serious.
first period was bio ca...
completely burnt thru the WHOLE paper like wad sherm said.. and i did and im gona show my mum that i can STILL do well... fired out all my ans.. hopefully i'll score better this time round.. that we had gp ca!! my goodnesss.. my fingers were alr hurting cause i wrote ALOT while preparing for bio ca. it was super disgusting to write that essayyy.. AH! then ms lee came in with her trashy attitude again.. CANT STAND HER. and she gave us math fa...
WE HAD FREAKING 3.5HOURS OF TESTS.then there were TONS of writing for gp lect too.. many arts student dont write notes for gp... but i SUCK in gp. im serious! and we had 2HOURS of bio lecture after that... info overload!!!!!! and i realised that i love to make my notes super colourful! (: n cariann was just being super funny abt the WANKER part.. Lol.
so after bio... went to canteen..
and BRENDAN CRIED WHEN HE SAW ME. OEI! lesmana too! why are u guys so sad when u see me??? super meannnn... marie was talking to jiey on the phone! miss you girl!(: retarded grape. shermannn was there too! but he was rushing for math remedial. and i went to buy drink for him...
then charles and jon ong all wanted to have 'sex on the beach'.. BUT NOT WITH YOUU! u guys are madd la.. i wont buy that for u guys man. hahahaahaha. sherm was being funny and said in front for the tv watching news....
the FUNNY thing is tt when i went towards the tv... it suddenly STOPPED functioning! and kinda like froze there.. SHIT its not meee!!! then sherm was being histerical!! then he started staring that the champeign posters... brendan said that im jinx! RUBBISH. so
chuckles + jinx = jinxkles.LOL. then i followed sherm to go put back his plate for NO RANDOM REASON! he just wants me to walk alongside him..
haha i know u look COOL with me k! haha

sherman says, thats cool.
so then jared came looking green. lol. and brendan had to go home... he obviously LOVES irriating mee.. rubbishyy.
so than jared was like AYE CHUCKLES IPOD! and i predicted that he'll think that my ipod's
GAY! and ofcus he did... and he started saying weird chinese words..
and he said it AGAIN! from last time.. WHO GUUANG LIANGGG?? but i guess the metallica song improved the standard of my ipod by a little bit? stupid guy.. ahah.
then darc came and we had SUCH a good laughter!!
crapping abt how balaji gave mr goh the batt in the lt! laughs!!! and the
NO SPECS thing! Lol. our class just rocks. and girlfren weixin was there too! but she cheat my feelings.... hahahahahahaha.

jared behind bars. lol.

darcyyyy. ha
spent rest of canteen time writing 2nd gp essay of the day.... had to wait for DEAREST SHERMAN cause he took my calculator... >.< color="#ff6600" size="5">SUCH a draining day.
dancin' @ 12:49 AM
Saturday, April 22, 2006
aching is part of dancing.

recalling the biggest and most no of bruise ive got from danceworks05. drugg addict of team SAINTsation. ahh the past.
hahaa... writing a random post using the available time that i have now.. haaa. know that i cant write for the following fews days anyways... IM ACHING LIKE CRAZY TODAY... arhhh but kinda used to it... and its amazing that ive not gotten any bruises yet!! the bruise i got from danceworks last yr was crazyyyy. yes. (see above) but the dancing still has to go on.... i was in sajc's team last yr with jeanette and kaka. and i was the damn drug addict being pushed and slamed on the floor.. so there's the bruises.. lol. oh wells.. for now, we're all part of cj dance! (: yesyes.
neck cant even move.. recalling the warmup we did and lefted our shoulders and neck for at least 3min tog... sheesh. aches on the legs n shoulders are normal.
and elena has a NEW HERO! apart from jeanette, tash and incandescance.. KENNY's my new soccer idol!! rite?! lol. and i have a big heart u agree! (: yayys. am a nice fan k. u soccer manaic. and one day, u must teach me how to dribble a ball THEN i'll teach you dance kay! haha.
mugging partner, am trying to get into doing my work. thanks k. guess i'll go complete most of my tuts.
elena's things to do:
nmr tut. halogeno compound rev last qn. hydroxy rev.
loong time bio essay on endocrine. (thx goodness completed homeo tut) mcqs on tys.
poisson distri.
check vocab ex. readings.
dancin' @ 11:25 AM
heyyy.. i kinda realised that my entries only get posted on weekends.. which is kinda logical.. because in the weekdays there's simply NO TIME for senseless blogging! yupps... anyways.. just gonna spill out all my complains and whinning....
im seriously seriously tiring out... WEARING OFF! cant really handle this for looong.
getting super super tired of sleeping in the midst of all my tutorials and waking up to realised that they are still lying on my bed UNTOUCHED and
rush through it during the time frame of 5.15am to 6.00am. then reached school to continue the same tiring cycle of completing tutorials one after another...
and for this week.. im seriously shagged. im sooo tired now.. ah shit. today was the worst... all started with yesterday's choir prac....
school was usual maddnesss... now
there's a after-sch gang! mainly comprised of keerthi, sherm, brendan, marie, jared, graham, glen, sarah, angel and some others... so we'll all just hang out after sch and still went we want to... LOL.
AHHH! without mugging partner i cant study!!! DAMMIT! so really need u to spur than thurs was highly crazy i must say.. spent most of the time playing some coin shit with keerthi hitting the table when i was TRYING TO EAT! he and his indian stuffs... and
he FORCED me to stop laughing but i just cant help it man.. keep on laughing and laughing and laughing... and i even laughed when brendan ordered
'EGG TO ORDER'! u mean that's e name???? ahaha!! and brendan's cute cuz he has a
pink stained pencilbox will pink stained stationery!!AH! stupid carrot is super mean to me!!!
STUPID CARROT.. or jared... YOU! even want a personal maid! dont bully shorties! u freaking tall freak. hahaa. and
when jared gets hold of the CAM... HE GOES CRAZY!!!! MY GOODNESSS..... (recalls the last time on monday... he ran ard canteen taking photos of random things) even worst than daryl!
darcy takes normal pics... JARED TAKES RETARDED PICS!!! ah! will upload the pics some other time... too tired
and marieeee.... STOP! dont even go there to the S or D region.. my goodneessss. and if ANYONE suspects that im having affairs with daryl or shermm.. im NOT ok! lol. crazyyy sch days. cant believe that i'll miss all this shit when i graduate.
anyways.. moving on. when to church into the choir room.... and we were learning this
NEW song... the youth choir that is... we were soo caught up with all the good fri n easter anthems then jasper totally forgotten that we are singing this sunday! AHHH! and there we were learning the song for the first time.. song's called.. GOD IS HERE. and unfortunately, its a
REALLY HARD PIECE. u cant catch the tune THAT fast cuz all the notes are in
quavers!! ahhh! so the notes were all running....
my voice seemed to be failing me!SOO IRRITATING.
i think constant shouting and screaming is really spoiling my voice. damn. now i cant even reach a clean E.. and that song we went ALL THE WAY UP TO A HIGH 'A'!!! freaking high.. sounded like killing chickens! and
descant just killed me there.... that part was all in running notes too.. and
many places with Gs... and my voice was failing me. DAMN! cant sing a proper G which i was really sad about... cant scream alr elena... but jasper was really nice i guess....
so than we struggle thru that song... reached home at about 1030.. settled down and all by 1130.. and
i was sooo tired that i slept on my tutorials.... woke up in the morning cursing... havent done any tuts.. which i tried to rush from 525 to 6am. and i didnt even practise that choir song... reached sch to rush chem tut....
had math tut which i try to stay ahead of... chem tut i also tried to stay ahead but half the time i was trying to complete that tut!!!
pe was fun! (: we played floorball! me and mummy were attacking!! cariann defended well..... and the 2 of us simply cant penetrate through their defence... freaking CORNY AND DARCY.. and WE were faced against THEM??? cant even score cuz corn will always run away with the ball.... and darcy was freaking fast that he scored 6GOALS! *elena collapsed on the floor and gives up* chee's seriously good! agile and good control of ball! (: should have joined hocky dude. but then me and mummy SCORED 2 FLUKE SHOTS~! yayys!
during break i went back to class to complete my bio tutorial....
i mean seriously man.. to each teacher, they think that they're not giving us enough work... and that we can still cope because homework is so little when they dont know that we're facing the same situation for ALL SUBJECTS. can seriously just die!
im not coping well... frankly speaking... im not scoring well...WHATS WRONG ELENAAA.i guess i must get my act together and really start focusing.... and TRY to deal with both tutorials and keeping up with my war plan. i have lost confidence in scoring in the As actually.. after facing the competition with my batch.. sighs. but i guess this kind of mindset is wrong... but i'm just being critical about it.....
dance was i must say tiring???
warm ups were KILLing me! could hear charlotte in pain beside as
we stretch and conditioned our calf and stomach muscles... we did leg raises... and SUPER tiring danceyy
muscle conditioning.... our jazz teacher for the day was carol... she's nice but her style is totally different from ryan... she's SO small! (: but really tight in her movement... killing warmups.. and
i pulled my inner tighs.. sprained my front ankle muscle and feet too... sighhs. dance injuries.... but then the jazz thing was kinda fun. only frustrating thing is that i wasnt wearing the correct shoes and i cant turn in them! cant do proper turns.. SUPER irritating....
AND SHE TAUGHT CONTEMP after that!!! AHH! have not do them for AGES! ever since sa's syf!!! and ive missed it!!! so when she choreoed... my goodness i LOVE it! me char and mich loved it! michelle was like in her own dreams and going crazyy over the music! and i could
picture us on the stage.. dim red lights... with backdrops of champgne bubbles... and the sexy blues music comes on with us dancing in! amazing... the steps were also nice.. in a way. mayb cus ive been missing contemp... i was super sad when it ended.
rushed for choir... and i was super stressed over my descant part in church.. me joyce and lydia had to individual practise our part and
i hit my As and Gs todayy!! super happy... but just scared tt i cant do it on sundayy.... hmm.. we practised till really really late like 10...
and me my dad and grandma went to attend
TP's grandad's wake. yupp... tp was smiling.. but i could see he's CRIED eyes...
hey dude, YOU takecare too ok? and have a safe journey on ya study trip to china!sighhhs. IM INJURED ALL OVER! and i actually checked out the encycleopedia for the terms.... i actually
over-strained the upper bone metatarsals.. or INJURED it.. its seriously very painful. specifically the LEFT feet. ARGHH
PAIN! its actually the part of the foot that sticks out from the big toe at the ball of ya feet. and i
strained all the muscles and tendons at the plantar arch from the ball to the heel of one's feet. yes.
IT HURTS. i guess it is due to long term wearing of heels and it was elevated due to
excessive assertion and pressure on the ball of my feet from dance... so its really injured now.
im so scared i cant walk next time.. during choir..
i realised i sprained my inner tighs while walking and joyce was super SCARED for me. so im gona heed joyce's advice and
go see a doctor for it if i have the time.... and
i overstrained my muscles infront of the tarsals (front ankle part) and there's a blueblack....
BUT ITS AMAZING WAD ONE DANCE LESSON CAN DO! i think i lose some fats... IM SERIOUS! super happy! all the pain and cries from stretching and conditioning did not go to waste! i lost some fat in the stomach and i can feel it... ofcus i can.. haa. after a few more lesson shall have a flatter tummy and firmer calves.. I HOPE.
i need to sleep or do some work alr....
TOM'S MG DANCE NIGHT! i cant goo.... cuz of
CON FUOCO! cj's band concert! yayys!! photos...! and normal ones please, jared. lol.
dancin' @ 12:51 AM
Sunday, April 16, 2006
elena's nice weekend.
HEY its me again! lol. sheesh. im still gona blogg... my goodness *throws down bio notes*
oh! HAPPY EASTER! my God saves! (:
THANKS dearest MUGGING PARTNER!!! THANKS for always being there and shoo-ing me off the comp to STUDYY and ALWAYS popping the same qn.. "not studying ah" "pls ah.. go study!" heyyy.. thx dude! thanks for bearing with me and ALL MY MARKERS AND BOTTLES-THROWING. for keeping up with violent elena.. for not psing me.. (as often as when i ps u) and STILL caring to call me chuckles!! instead of shortie! so that's nice of u!! and even if u always suan me and faslely proclaim to have switched partner and calling me SMELLY FEET... i know u'll always be my one and only mugging buddy! haha! so just suan me la.. thx for making studying more FUN! and more laughable and smile-able!(((: and thx for that nick dude! (this appreciative feeling all started with that nick)
this is his nick:
thanks for beign there mugging partner, even tho you throw things at me, noisy, short and have smelly feet, chuckles
AH! gona keep it for life! HAHAHAH
THANKS BUDDY! and we can do it! trust in yrself and in me. all the way!
elena feels being appreciative now.
anyways jared has a new blog! haaha. was about to ask him to get one.. dunno why. but he HAS one know! AH! great minds think alike!! and i can foresee his blog being really inspirational.. hahaa. random thoughts! blogging like a true lit student aye! chiam-ness! i can never write like that! so i shall continue with my ultra bimbo blogging.. hahaaha.
today was kinda meaningful yupp! wasted whole morning bumming around at home -.-" have NEVER gotten into the mood of mugging.. (sorry mugging partner dude) so went to church... and stole maltase from xinann! (: dark chocs... actually biologically, maltase is the enzyme for maltose, which is a carbo disaccharide! haha. so than we started yf! and we are gona go to GIFT OF LOVE home! its a catholic oldfolks home.. yupp! so we're gona sing a few songs for them! with actions! "give thanks" was rather heartwarming actually. haha. then me and lydia had to demo the actions and obviously.. peeps cant see us -.-" then we got super BLURRED by the actions tt me and lydia started doing strange things........
oh the bus.. we were getting the hang of all the actions... and then me and lydia decides to be narcistic! hhaha. and took tons of photos. and some sleepy peeps on the bus! yupp!
on our way down.. it started pouring and guess our singing made it worst! HAHAR. yeow.. sing properly.. u lazy PIG! haa. when we reach there.. it was raining.. and church guys are being super ungentlemen can... they wont give lydia and I the umbrella! AH! so we ran to joyce.. hahaha there was another church grp there! then we sang our songs! and talked to the old folks! it was our 5th 6th time there alr.. so we kinda are familiar with the folks there already... decided to find a new aunty to converse with! went to find the yiwei-look-alike! haha. she's a really friendly old lady.. and she speak hokkien! WHICH I CAN VERY PROUDLY SAY I CAN SPEAK! YAYY! and she was really happy i could *smiles (: my usual chatty aunty was talking to lydia! gareth and anna were talking to the really cool ex-chij aunty!
so anyways went to intro myself to this other aunty... she told me tt it was the first time she saw us and she's really touched by wad we did for them.. she was speaking really really slowly... and softly.. so i must listen really closely.. she basically told me how she ended up here.. and her family politics and her late brother.. and she was close to tears... AH! and i told her that its alrite! cause in there, she gets to sleep, to gets to make friends.. and she gets her meals.. and she doesnt have to be pressured by her family.. and by that.. she cried. or at least teared.. and she told me tt she has a useless arm tt cant move anymore.. so i told her tt she should be thankful cause as long as you can breathe and is well alive.. it's a life worth living on for... haha DAMN MY HOKKIEN's good. haha see.. elena's useful ok!! anyways half the time i was unable to hear wad she was saying.. but everytime when i say sth nice.. she's smiles very widely.. and that really touches me... and im glad tt i made her smile today (:
during the meals time.. the food looks kinda good ahh... *gareth is tempted to eat.. tsktsk* haha then this canto aunty was struggling with her spoon so i ended up feeding her.. and she could chew with just 2 remaining teeth in her mouth... the fear of ageing.. sighh. but im glad to help her.. have always wanted to do that (:
so anyways.. we walked into their dorms and sang songs to them... and seeing their smiling faces.. its just like u dont want to leave them... and i came across this other aunty who didnt want to be left in the home.. so she kept on grabbing me and didnt want to let go... im sorry aunty! was forced to pull away.. and i shall pray for her...
and i promise, i'll come back to visit them again...
THEN me tp eugene was gona take our usual photo everytime when we leave the place during yf! but photo's with tp!!! haha. and im COOL ok!back in church.. we did our sharing and everyone learnt sth new! (: which is awesome!!! and we cant wait to go there again! that's great too! (: am happy tt yf's growing!! with many many laughs.. random comments.. simple retarded that we always possess! MALCOLM! haha super funny.
then had to rush for haoren's bdae dinner! didnt have wax with me! >.< argh hair was in a MESS. so i desperately needed wax which marc irritatingly say that he left it at home -.-" then they started laughing at me...eugene says.. WHY NOT u put MUD! non-shinyyy...... AH! im gona leave all of u lammers... hahaahaha
RUSHED to meet them people at ps.. and stupidly took 143 without knowing where to stop and ended up getting lost... -.-" as usual! CHUCKLES ALWAYS GETS LOST!!!! dammit!!! FINALLY met them anyways.. and met claudio at ps entrance!!
chuckles: ahh CLAUDIO!
claud: *stunned* ahh scare me!
chuckles: wad are u doing here??
claud: tuition la... i look good rite??
chuckle: hmm not bad la.. yupp u do.
claud: YA I KNOW!~ i always do!
male ego...
so anywways was in the lift to level 6 with this super irritating guy beside me.. HE WAS TRYING TO MEASURE MY HEIGHT!! DAMN YOU! i want to punch him la.... stupid shit. anyways.. met the rest! said hi to josh, darcy, ansley, jeanette, rebecca (new found friend!), BDAE BOY HAOREN!!! and his girlfriend (: yayy. and they all said a super LOUD hi back! haha.darcy kept using his stupid handphone brouchure to HIT ME! AHHH! I KILL YOU!! so then... we waited sooo freaking loong for our table....
and haoren opened his present!! EXTREME randomness! it was a camel and a guy sitting on it.. except there was a really INTERESTING saddle. it gives a really SICK implication!! SOOOO darcy's idea! then u see darcy laughing his ass off away!!!
so then.. we sang haoren a bdae song.. and basically everyone else psed me and jeanette!!! AH! super embarressing! after singing.. everyone were like looking at us and haoren shouting..
LIKE WTH! could have just shouted rj or sth??? haha we were at manhatten market place anyway!!! super imitation of fish & co! but the food's good! yupp and we had SOOOOOOO much fun crapping!! and sharing our sch jokes and funny teachers and lecturers! it was a good laugh!! with all them peeps!! rebecca does wushu! super cool... then we had SOO much laughs.. it was really fun! yup! and we were super amused by how they flamed the sour cream on the prawn! WOOO~ haha and how it could just burn one man's hair away! lol.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GOODMAN! may u live up to your name!!!
so then we all went home! and i shared with darcyy that it seems like our class really been through such whacky times.. that when we piece all our photos and videos tog we'll all CRY!! really... yupp that's true! but maybe for now.. everyone wants to study... elena still loves her class! (: super happy to be here.... haha.
anyways its getting LATE!
before my dad shoos me off the comp, guess i'll just sign off!
will post pics nxt time. (super late now)
dancin' @ 12:29 AM
Saturday, April 15, 2006
random events. xcountry.mugging.
elena will just melt if a nice cute guy plays 'if u believe' on the piano!! hahaahahaha.
dunno why.. im downloading intrumentals now.. the only kind of music that can accompany me when i studyy...
and i was bored so i went back to my VERY FIRST blog... and i came across one of my entries on
"elena's THE ONE" and see my criteria for my prince charming LAST TIME... hmm... hahahaha. quite interesting though... HAHAHAR.
elena promises to stay single till uni. yes.
anyways i know ive not been blogging.. cant.. i have no time to do so.. yupp even though there's just so many things that i want to blog about!
YESTERDAY WAS TP'S BIRTHDAY!!! :)))) heyy.. dearest ac brother! i still have ya msg for me last time ago.. "hey sister, even though you're not in mg anymore.. must keep the mg-ac blood flowing!!" and TP, i DID cheer for acs(I) during the xcountry meet... :) yupp! and for u... i wish u all the BEST? and to continue serving God in the best way u can! and ure doing a really good job! am gona see u in like a hour anyway.. hahahaa.
anyways... i went for xcountry meet! yupp! me and darling queen and sj think this boy is really really cute! yupp from sji somemore.. sighhs. stupid XIAOAN AND JARED.. dammit! they went to tell him! and hidding behind jared was not good enough! dammit! but we still said BYE to him! then me and queen went to check out hot trackers! but cant find any... the place was super super hot!!!! my goodness.. was HOTjonny was blocking the sun for me! thanks man (: *uses paper to fan jonny* im ya biggest FAN! hahaha. sometime good abt being short is that practically everyone can block you! yayy. cept iggy.! haha no la.. he's taller than me too.
ok... then im basically stayin back in sch to do some work.. and many many whacky things do happen then... throwing pens and bottles at mugging partner!!! YOU! super unfaithful lorr! wait i dump u one day i tell you!!!!! but nvm la.. jiayouu bahh! see joce very often nowadays.. and she's really hardworking! (: then jared comes along to PRESS ON MY HAIRBAND! u stupid guy! wad's wrong with u!!!!! and still call me aunty... stupid CARROT. lol.
so anyways... during good friday service.. dunno y but it striked me quite alot this year.. thank you for the cross the mighty cross! (: there's really no greater love than THIS. during the service.. i was feeling short cuz i was in between eugene and tp! yuppp. the 3 of us were walking forward before communion service.. and it striked me... VERY long time ago.. when the 3 of us were bestest of friends and hang out everday in chuch when i cheer for them when they play table tennis in the hols! now tt im single again... i have more times for friends and this is wad im getting now. which is good! :) just me tp and eugene! hahahax.
ok! i need to rush some revision before i start on my actual sch work. hhaha
and go for yf today.
goodman... must continue to grow le... LOL.
dancin' @ 1:14 PM
Friday, April 07, 2006
Random post
I'm like listening to
"Heaven is a place on earth" now!! wahaha! everytime when u hear this song... it reminds u of
jared and mark chia and their brokeback mountain DANCE! hahaha extreme gayness man! hahaha! and this has been haunting them since then! the night when all the girls dreams are shattered knowing tt they are gay! wahaha! haha super brave k! recalled the
facil item of the CENTURY! ahh.. miss those days....
anyways! im sooo surprised that im STILL awake! yay! just finished retyping the group gp essay! ARGH! sooo irritating... couldnt find the soft copy so typed the WHOLE thing out... dammit! but at least it's done now! and AMAZINGLY im awake still! yayy! shall make my use of the time now.... hahaha. and im blogging now.. shucks.
wells... today was such a crappy day la.. first time in the morning was the sexuality talk by this really freaky yet unique and brave guy.. yupp! he was confused abt his sexual orientation and once he stepped out of it.. he started giving talks about sexual issues.. yupp. anyways.. happened to sit on the outside of my row and everyone was saying that i will get called out and all but i didnt care! LOL. and
NOW T20 ARE SITTING AT THE BACK LA!Sherman!!! must be ya big mouth the last time!!!! then they shifted ya class all the way back! WHAHA! anyways.. sorry for not calling to wake u up ytd! ps...
so then during the talk,
comes the fateful moment when mr lung was finding for a brave girl volunteer and then he walked all the way to the back... and i was like oh no oh no oh no! then he walked closer and closer...
i tried to not make any eye contact but i guess i made up this super forced cute face then LUNG SAW ME! DAMMIT! then he gave his
super cute smile and was like.. how about u??? oh darn!!!!
and then... everyone else just pushed me up!!! AH! guess many peeps were shocked! hahaha and STUPID t20 started laughing when i got approached!!! stupid guys...... then
i was standing in front of my corhort... answering a super gay qn..... and seeing everyone's smiling faces.... AHHH! its like when u go up to talk.. u cant think abt anyelse except to just SMILEEE. hahahaah. macron and bob's turns were really funny too! WAHAHA! and he had to tilt the mike lower for me -.-"
anyways... this week have been exhausting.. chem ca and math ca ytd.. today was bio spa and bio fa! dammit! the first time i flipped my homeostastic function of liver notes was the time when i stepped into the lt for the test! super super screwed I TELL U! lol. crapped my way through and left tons of blanks.......
my whole sch life was crazyyy...
now i have people coming up to me and asking me... SO HOW DO U FEEL ABOUT THE GAYS IN OUR SOCIETY?!.. AH! lemo... kevin.. jon thio... branden... AH! or ARE U GAY?
anyways.. stayed in sch for awhile after sch...
balaji was having his remedial.. and he told me sth
super super RANDOM during bio lesson!! my goodnessss.... he was like...
elena, why are u so PINK? your hairband's pink, hairclip, pencil, eraser, stampler!! just happened tt all the pink things were out on my table! AHHHH!teachers all bully anyways it was raining real hard!! then i went to canteen and sherman went to cheat my feeling by telling me that he was already there when he wasnt! ahhh! anyways...
brendan was in the canteen too.. and he was soo PRO IN ECONS that he didnt have to go for remedial!!!! are u sure??! lol. funny face guy. (: so then sherman tries to anti-social himself! and we were like arguing who ps who la!
sherman u ps yourself k!!! who ask u go sleeppp! lol. so then.. had a short-lived studing time with him!!! and he's getting super super qian da la!! haha but i know u worked hard for chem test k! hahaha dont worryy!! ya hardwork will NOT go to waste! (: then i was like super noisy as usual... *throws pens* then he told me...
elena, u know i always keep away from noisy people but ure exception la.. cuz u came to sit here... i already very tolerant already!!super qian da rite?? haha. then he was sharing with me brendan and marie about his experience with his econs test!! how
he BURN THE PAPER and chiong all the way to end up getting 1/4 of the mark!! lol. super funny le... sherman ho..
pig face! hahaa.
jared and his high pitched voice.. my goodness.... then the first thing he does is to sit with us and
this is how jared sits in... LIFTS UP the bench with ELENA SITTING ON IT.. and then moves in and then LIFTS UP again to fit his ass!! SHEESH!! i was like clinging on the bench la. i know u can do lifts k.. hahaa. he
asked abt my super disgusting experience this morning.. he told me tt when he and brendan heard tt it was me they were like oh my goodness!! lol. i was like super nervous! hahaa.
then jared RANDOMLY came up with a chuckles cheer!? C-H-U-C-K-L-E-S chuckles! yayyy! comeon cheer for me man!!! and brendan joined in too! :D ...
hen brendan was being irritating and asked
FOR MY GAY EXPERTISE HELP WITH HIS QN! *throws pens* BRANDEN looks like a j1 ah beng!!!!! hahahax then jared and sherman started being gay.. hahaa kidding la! (:
chuckles inverse took photo of his ultra huge mouth......... and then sherman told me that he and chuckles inverse cant stand noisy people!! wad the hell!!!! and chuckles inverse said with funny constipated face...
chuckles... so noisy! why do u make so much noise!ahh! sooo irritating la! anyways..
sherman ho gona ps me for his judo! haha go crash people's head la! and he said tt being 3rd best in spore a div is NOT ENOUGH LA! he wana get first!! and jared was kinda moltivating and suaning him at the same time.. maddness...
anyways.. shifting to sit with brendan and marie!! marie was listening to her ipod.. so when i talk it was like no one's listening! AHH!
brendan was being irritating! dont want to hear.. and keeps saying the work F***! heyy! hahahaz. then
i wana share abt my math lect experience and he gave me the overly-attentive eyes... my goodness! you're time, i suddenly didnt know wad to say.. and then he just
sudden burst of laughter!! madddnesss.... n
jared was like dripping his oreo shake everywhere and on his pants... HAHAHAHAHA!AH! was trying to do chem but cant do it man... with so many crappy people ard.. with brendan going stupid comments and jared randomly putting his speakers infront of me..
u guys listen to super disgusting music la!! not that disgusting but noisy! and I DONT LISTEN TO BACKSTREET BOYS OK! crazyyy....
its really funny seeing how sarah controls brendan! yayy! brendan cant bully me with sarah around! he even picked up my pens! HAHAR! ah! cant do chem there and kinda gave up in the end...
graham came and he said..
HI CHUCKLESsarah came and she said..
then jared got really excited tt everyone's calling me chuckles.. hahaha yes! nice nickname. lol.
graham's hair's too short!! brendan's hair's too looong man.. and if u cut i'll confirm say nice one.
jared needs to cut too.... sheesh as he attempts to style his back! TOO LOONG! cut la... u'll look good too.. or maybe i'm just baised!
i generally feel that guys with short hair look better.. jared's hair sticks out like a chicken's BUTT!! like mine!! wahaha
oh ya!! mana was there too! heyyy! hahaaha.
when all of them left for econs tuition in e end.. only left with me and chiang! we're EQUALS ok! and we got to know this
j1 guy called james from badminton!
woww.. he's staying back to study.. super cool!~ dont really get much of this kinda peeps in j1.. LOL. anyways he took my superman hello panda! hahahax. then chee came to join us for dinner and he knows james too!
he said..
james novena! which was actually quite cool.
elena says.. CHEE CLEMENTI! haha
weixinWEEMIN! *gets tickled by xin*
went to church for choir... and got really tired.. yawns!
going off now!
dancin' @ 1:19 AM
Thursday, April 06, 2006
mugging partners are effective.danceisHOT
elenana is sooos screwed for elena have not started on bio yet! HURH! im gona mugg later! really really...
but for now... shall update on latest happenings... wells.. on monday after sch.. me and darcy and victoria went to eat TORI-Q! yayy! guess my class wasnt really interested in going out anymore.. super boring! i guess everyone's busy mugging.... sighhhs... i guess we alr have our fair share of fun in j1.... so
i guess i can STILL go find my j1 class and have fun!! t26! loves! wells.. anyways we crapped alot at taka while eating n stuff! andwe're all short! HAHAHAR!
anyways went back to sch... darc went to meet someone special first so i went back first... and went grandstand!!! sheryl was there.. and iggy too! edwin was calling us his soccer team..
sherm, hun, jon ong dey all were playing soccer.. n mark chia came with FBTs!! is the new black~
anyways.. went to talk crap with the councillors before went with darcy to do detention!! ACCOMPANY ONLY. and mugging partner was there studying too!!! and HE BULLY ME LA! make me accompany him when i was supposed to go accompany darcy! and STOP MAKING FUN OF ME!!!! stupid guy! LOL. was studying with darc and brandon let us hear some really COOL italian music which really makes u wana DANCE! hahaha. anyways went to canteen and mugging partner was there studying!!! NEVER TELL ME! AHHHHH! anyways... brandEn, jared dey'll were there too! it was raining super super heavily man... and STUPID SHERMAN! stopping talking lor!!! even make me go buy drink for him!! and i nearly thought he got a new mugging partner! AH! branden drew for me a car! super super nice!!! dont get mistaken.. its branden from t06! yupp! super PRO vocalist and artist... LOL. and then sherman was super super super proud of his diphenyl methanone!!! crazyyy.. just a qn wad......
anways, mugging partners are effective! and its good! cuz u guys can study tog and learn new things too!!! mugging partner secretly studied on tues again la!!! really suspect tt he got new partner la! anyways was studying with kevin too (i think) i duno his name!!!! and then sherm came to define terms like flirt and desperate...... LOL.. he's getting REALLY digusting!! cuz they more he knows u the more he bullies you!! AHHHH! and he was super super funny when he shouted at glen! LOL! but its good to have mugging partner! we tried out qns.. and he gets really really proud cuz he could ans!
really really hope tt we pas chem test! YES! remember the aim! (:
anyways.. dance today was awesome! met greatest popper of all times!!! hiphop was cool too! we were exposed to a new style of hiphop! cooool~ but she was kinda fierce... JAZZ IS FUN!!! ryan's really good! and jazz makes girls confident and strong yet sensual!.. yupp! really nice.. the guys too!! STRONG STEPS! YEAAH!
to the guys tt didnt join dance, IT IS YOUR LOST!
the guys in dance get to dance with 3gorgous dancers EACH! hahaa. cuz it was partnerwork... danced with yang! j1 from my facil class!!! hahaa he's a nice guy! LOL. always ending at the wrong direction! LOL. ming was dancing with david! LOL. hopefully yang's girlfriend dont come after meeee.... HAHA. but tash was like going crazy over ryan!
RYAN SO HOT! ahh! super super fun!
and ask partner to study too.... yupp! nights~
*photos taken during awesome MUGGING times*

sherman ho and MEATBALL! lol.

elenana and muggingpartner! such a crapper... (:

sherman's secret to passing chem CA! and GUESS WAD! it came out! cool~

wad am i doing here.... (detention with darc)


mark p came too!

died while mugging...

dancin' @ 12:29 AM
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
busyyyy.d a n c e w o r k s
heyy!! forgive me if i havent been blogging often!! sighhs... getting really really busy.. yupp! can FINALLY spend time here.. actually i'm taking a risk cuz
i havent studied homeostasis (bio) yet... and im supposed to have a test on it tom.. including spa... yupp! anyways.. shall update abit i guess!!
let's start with
saturday! (: yayys! it was
danceworks finals and it was a night tt cj dance can NEVER forget! (: it was a super busyy day for me though... went to sch in e morning and spent chaotic time trying to get all the dance jackets for incandescence...
went for ptm... oh gosh! kana cornered sooo many times... sighs! luckily my parents are also on my side... they know tt im working hard! HAHAR! wells.. ms lee's expecting quite alot... sighs... dont tink i can make it.. but wells i'll do wad i can! (: then it seemed like
my parents were having this LOOONG DISCUSSION with ms lee abt teens and their hectic timetables... it was a discussion! my goodness!!
anyways... parents drove me to bugis in e end.. am gona meet saw! nicole couldnt go though and nes was gona be late.. so met SAW! haha.
and i REALLY REALLY didnt know my way ard bugis.. so i waited for him to come find me! HAHA. anyways we went to find glue in bugis junction only to find the kiddy ones where we have to buy 20sets for our banner! WAHAHA! anyways.. saw was telling me abt his talk to bro paul... oh wells!!!
dearest weijie! JUST DO YA WORK AND STOP SLEEPING! hahahax.
do it for dance k! hahax. anyways was kinda in charge of the banner thingy so wadever i want.. saw will just be in charge of finding the way there.....
so we went brasbasah! to buy glue and stuff and
WE GOT OUR WAY THERE! this shows tt not all short people dont have a sense of direction! LOOK! saw does! haha. wells... we just kept jaywalking tt i told him tt one day... his girlfriend will just die while jaywalking with him in the future! myyy gooodness! after brasbasah we called nessie and she STILL wasnt here yet.. hmmmx..... anyways we were bitching abt gp stuffs.. and weijie wanted to buy styrofoam balls.... -.-"
anyways.. we went to the busstop and found a bus to arab street... ended up at the wrong side..... and we had to follow this sikh.. tt place was filled with dry and smelly things! and
i told saw tt if u walk for 25min per day u'll slim down!! and he said tt i was full of crap!!! wad! saw is super skinny and he must eat more.. yup! we called nes and she still not here yet! and
saw was super qian bian!!!he said, I cant find arab street la!! and elena also SO STUPID! duno her way one! now we're like lost la! and elena's like super stupid la!anyways.. this lady mislead us to this shopping centre dat doesnt sell cloth at all! so we gave up and sat cab to the right side of arab street! WAHAHA! super tiring man.. running here and there.... and we got the cloth in e end! yayys! and nessie was STILL not here yet!
anyways.. she came in e end.. and we sat a bus to nicole's house! which was super LOOOONG ride. and they were sooo scared tt i'll mislead them! lol.
we went to nicole's house to do our banner and we had super much fun!!
team illuminate is gona practice their ZAI efficiency and finish this banner by today! we were halfway doing the banner and
cursing why is incandescence such a loong word! must add cloth somemore!! I N C A N D E S C E N C E... but it was really alot of fun and laughter peace and joy!! and saw can sew! soo cool! and i went madd cuz of my E.. hahaha. the funny thing is tt
me and nessie were suaning saw abt his height! and we were basically suaning each other! lol.
so we went to nus! and met hafiz, gen and gloria halfway! yayys! super exciting! and hafiz and saw ALWAYS bully me... everyone does! councillors were therer too! thanks for all ya support! kiki was wearing high heels! super tall! edwin was wearing the wrong colour man.. GREEEEN! haha.jared, graham, branden, sarah all came too! and they had fun making LOL. hahahahax.
anyways, to cut it short...
danceworks finals was awesome! yupp! a night filled with
awesome awesome dancing!! must admit tt the
kids group are strong! im serious! they can do crumping.. popping and even jacking! dammit! (they're the
GREEEN GROUP)when they went up.. me n saw.. erm.. LARGELY saw went maddd!!! and were screaming like siao! yes!!
they're really CRAZY SHITS! and the crazy shit part was the jacking part! pro-ness!!!! the other teams were good too!!
and incandescence has a BANNER! yayys!
i screamed my ASS out when they danced!
sa dance was... sighs...... they USED SYF MUSIC! as in their syf music... was in their syf first3months... and they practically used half the music and half the steps! even remembered when i entered to dance la..... my gooodness! was kinda angry down there... *shakes head* but the result shows everything right...
even junyang came to sing! and for my sis... i recorded his song.. LOL. our suspense for the results was kinda shortlived.....
results doesnt matter seriously!
all that matters is the processs of reaching our goal... and u guys really put on a good good show! really awesome! and the competitors are tough this year.. yupp!
TOP3 WERE ALL FROM MY COMPETITION DAY.. yes tough fight!!!went out to hug them! smiles guys! :)))
u guys did an AWESOME AWESOME! and the was great! cuz that night was a night filled with
laughs.. smiles.. and tears! tears of joy.. really....
ryan said tt u'll always be my winner! and that really touched them! ahh.. super heartwarming! Ahhh. :) and am really really happy tt they loved to banner! yayys!
i really appreciate tt u appreciate our banner that we've made!after danceworks.. we've became super united together! and
we'll never never forget abt this loong journey tt finally came to an end! :)*photos*

my hands were tooo short for their height!! david and mark chia! (:

zeebie and pooty! love you! (:

elena's JEANETTE's biggest fan!!!!! screams

say NO to drugs!

incandescence and their banner! yayy!~


elenana and corrine. sa dance pres.
dancin' @ 11:36 PM
Saturday, April 01, 2006
busy sat schedule!!!
this is elena's really really busy sat schedule!!!
7sth-8am: get ass off bed
9-10am: meeting ky at macs for bf! and to pass her MG concert tix.. dammit! cant go..
10.15am: be in cj.. go dance studio to settle jackets and boards
11am: PTM. am gona get scolding from ms lee >.<
12nn: be at bugis to meet saw, nicole and nessie.. go buy cloth for banner.. travel to clementi..
2pm: reach nicole's house to RUSH finals banner
515pm: HOPEFULLY finish banner and go for dinner.
530pm??: leave for nus
6pm: at nus ucc for DANCEWORKS FINALS!
such a tight day.... cant believe tt even if i had to sacrifice mg st luke's concert... and unable to lead worship for yf... and im still so busyy..
still wana say tt is its been a loooong journey.. the danceworks pracs.. the scoldings.. the sweat the tears... the da-paoing... and from these few months.. it really forged bonds amongst us and the j1s! :)
i admit it... am gona miss the dance pracs.... gona miss danceworks.. am NOT STEPPING DOWN! haaha.
elena loves cj dance.
dancin' @ 1:22 AM
excited and loving incandesence! :)
HEYY!! my goodness.... i cant sleep now.....
am really really excited for tom's finals~ equally nervous ofcus.... anyways.. more abt todayyy.. argh! today was a all lect day.... and i guess e most of the things i get today was...
"elena! cut hair!"went sch and met hafiz! then he was going scc.. so i went just to take chee's jacket!xD lect day and i dont have a jacket is crazyyy.. and jared was alr there.. my goodness! it was freaking early mann... maddness...
hafiz said tt i look younger! arghh.. i think its like in an uncomfortable length... short yet long... and
i spent quite a loong time trying to wax it.. *inexperience* and then
JARED WENT TO MESS IT UP! AHHHH! oh wells.. went to find jo for 01 shirt! and met keerthi half way.. and HE WAS SHOCKED. LOL.. so was gidman! was like crapping with them! hhaha. and
gidman got jealous cuz i kept calling keerthi CUTIE! haha.
saw ahh nehh and she shouted.. BIMBO CUT HAIR AH! i got that like 3times today la... LOL. huihui, yan and weiqin were SHOCKED TOO!
stupid class guys... said tt me mich and xin are GUYS! wad the hell... lol. leslie said tt i was ALREADY A GUY! dammit!
met tiong too!! and she was SHOCKED! daphne too man... she was like...
AH THIS IS BIMBO's class but where is she.. lol. maybe its just a change rite!! and
STUPID weiren and jonny cant see tt i cut my hair! slowww.
anyways.. pe was disugusting la! teachers are crazy.. wana see us die. after warmups went to run 7rounds.. duno le...
seemed like i was running too fast at first was super scared tt i'll run out of stamina.. BUT MIRACULOUSLY I RAN ALL 7!! my goodnessss.. guees i was distracted at cutting people again! LOL. and i moltivated ann! which is good! keep it up girl! :) i kinda lost count of e no of rounds... but just kept running..
on my 7th round i asked mrs tan but SHE WAS DEAF AND DIDNT HEAR ME.. -.-" then i just ran and ended?? my goodness... crazyyy..
we did grandstand runs.. and this girl really gave me a shock!! sheessh..
she ran up and knocked her shin on the edge of the steps... i was down there ready to run up when
it kept flowing continuously...... the blood was ALOT. and it really gave me a shock.. was super super worried for her.. like she'll faint or sth.. then
they wanted to pour water on her wound.. LIKE OH SHIT. and followed by alcohol. F***! this gona HURT! shit. ahd she was soooo brave. she didnt even cry at all.. but her pain was just
so intense tt u can just get dizzy by the blood and the sight of her wound.. mrs tan was panicking and she called off the pe..
during break... saw little keerthi was loney so i went to join hiM! and dont bluff man!! im sure u have many many friends!! like meee! n claudio came to join us! :)) cuz of both of us k! n they were laughing at me and the watermelon juice from e watermelon.. damn sick...... and
then we have to endure a break filled with claudio's singing! lol.
met ANSLEY! she came to play for ijc tennis against cj! and she's AWESOME! nicely done girl!:)
finally bought yang a drink! :) and went to meet mugging partner for awhile in e lib... ofcuz he was slacking like hell there and i was trying to talk!!! which i cant so it was really torturing! hahaha
went to the dance studio after tt... incandescence did one round of their dance.. and all in my head was GOOD. this time.. and
this time i could really feel their power... im serious.. its not tt i cant judge the goodness of a dance piece or i was abit too lenient..
ive seen them doing the dance like tons of times alr.. BUT IT WAS THIS TIME tt i can feel the power at the right places.. the kicks.. the accents were there! im serious guys... :) and went they throw their jacket and HUHH!
i could soo feel their might to win the finals... it was like in their faces was a "we're gona nail this DOWN and do it right"! was kinda appauled by it.. im serious!
the display boards also kickass now!! ahh! so proud of u guys!!! but then.. ryan maintained his straight face no doubt
he said tt it was TIGHT! which is good good! so he gave afew pointers and advice and left without a smile... sighsss.. mrs koh's son was there!!!! and
he's such good friends with luke!! and WEIJIE WAS FREAKING GAY PEDOPHILE! hahahaha. stop terrorising the child la! hahahaha! and
if he grow to be like u.. I PITY HIM! haha joking la. but he's not gona be like me and feel pitiful too la!! stupid saw..... hahahaha. then we were all crapping in e studio and i drew sth for stelli and pooty! :) then was crapping with jean.. how i'll be their no1 fan!! and
GONA MAKE SAW GO CRAZYY AND SCREAM WITH ME TOM!!! imagine la.. me and saw... screaming and going maddd for incandescence! soo gay! laughs!
come on u guys....
this is it!! after all the months and days of the training!DO IT! NAIL IT!!!!for cj dance,for ryan,for all those who all along supported u!,for illuminate,and for YOURSELVES!no stress! stay tight and give it YOUR BEST! i know u guys can do it!!!ELENA'S INCANDESCENCE's BIGGEST FAN!!!!
dancin' @ 12:37 AM